November 29, 2010

November 29, 2010

Hello there family!!!

How was your turkey day for ya? Mine was great! We ate at the Alvis' home (they just had a baptism in their family, the mom and daughter were baptized by the dad) and we stuffed ourselves. Then we raked leaves into a pile and burned them at their house. It was a big pile and everytime I used the rake to move the ashes around I swear I lost part of my eyebrows from the heat. But it was fun. Then, 4 hours later, we had to stuff ourselves again at the Roark's. Now the Roark family and the children of the Roark family make up half of the branch. So needless to say, there was a lot of food! And it was great food. Sis. Phyllis Roark (the one of the eldest Roarks) is a well known cook in the branch and her cheesecake is legendary. Yeah, we ate really well! It was so much fun and I haven't laughed that hard since our Thanksgiving. The Roark's are just full of stories and jokes and humor to last for hours. So it was great.

By the way, I'm staying here for another six weeks. Transfer calls were last night and we got a call from our district leader asking us if we got a call. We told him no and he said "yeah, you're staying." So we called the Trents, and being the punks we are , we told Bro. Trent we had some bad news. They are gonna have to put up with us for another six weeks. He said "What's your mission presidents phone number! Give me his number!" and we just laughed. We then texted (yes we now have texting and it makes things so much easier), a bunch of people in the branch that we're staying and they all said "Good." This branch was really praying hard that Elder Gaunt and I could stay. Sis. Warner was glad because she's incharge of the branch Christmas party and she drafted us into the "choir". There are about 5-7 people in the choir and Elder Gaunt and I are the only men. And we have two duets that we are going to sing. Yeah, Sis. Warner didn't give us an option, she just told us "you're in the choir and you're singing some songs by yourselves."

So I'm sending some pictures of the baptism we had last Saturday. It was an amazing experience with a fun twist in the story. So the baptism was scheduled at 6pm and we get a call from our branch president at 4:37pm asking if everything was ready. We told him the font is filling and we're all set. He then proceeded to tell us that Makayla (the daughter) is actually not a child of record and is therefore under the juristiction of the mission president. She isn't on Bro. Alvis' record as his daughter (he wasn't active when she was born). We then said "Crud, we'll make some phone calls to see if we can get a missionary down here to interview her before her baptism." We call our zone leaders (our district leader was on exchanges with them) and told them the situation. Our district leader said "Oh dear..." and told us they were going to make some phone calls. About five minutes later he tells us they are on their way down to do the interview... from Richmond (it's an hour away and it was 4:45). We then called the Alvis family and asked them to come a little earlier. Everything worked out well because we needed someone to play the piano and Elder Abbott, the zone leader Elder Shelly our district leader was with can play the piano. It was a miracle that worked out well because we only started five minutes late! And because of that, we hit our goal of two convert baptisms for the month of November! Then yesterday they were both confirmed into the Church. Elder Gaunt confirmed Robin, the mom, and I got to confirm Makayla, the daughter. They are a solid family and are so devoted to the gospel.

Miracles can and DO happen in the strangest ways.

I love you all and I hope you all are doing well. And if any of you are thinking about sending me a cowboy hat for christmas, don't worry about it...the Trent's have that covered

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. the attached song is a song that our district leader, Elder Shelley, gave to us. It's pretty cool! At first you'll think, "what the heck" and then you'll be like, "this is cool". At least, that's what I thought. If it doesn't come through, let me know.

November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

'Allo there.
Hey everyone!!!

How's it going? Everyone alive and well?

That's good. I'm doing well also. I'm having a great time out here. We have a baptism this upcoming Saturday and we are so excited! It's a part member family, the Alvis family, and the Bro. Alvis is baptizing his wife and daughter. They are so awesome and are so ready to be baptized. It's gonna be great. This will be the first baptism this branch has had since September 2009 so the branch is really supportive. They're seriously excited about having a new member. Their last recent convert was ordained an Elder two Sundays ago. So things are moving forward. We're hoping and praying and doing all we can to have at least two baptisms in December (maybe baptize someone on Christmas). IIIIIII'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiite Christmas! Where everyone will be baptiiiiiiiiized!! Anyway, it's going well.

So, it's almost Turkey day and we have 2 dinner appointments on that day. One with the Alvis family, and one with the Roarks (the eldest Roarks because there are so many of them) So we're gonna have a lot of food. It's gonna be cool. And guess what? A month (exactly!) from Thanksgiving I'll be calling y'all. Yay!!! And I'll be sending a package for y'all for Christmas. I made some stuff for you all that I'm going to send. One for each family. So I'll send one to dad, one to mom, and one to grandpa. You'll love it.

Um, is it alright if I send my wish list to you so you guys can send it to Santa?

This goes to the tune of All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth:
(clears throat)
All I want for Christmas are my working boots
My working boots
They're in my closet down stairs
If I could just have my working boots
Then I'd be so very happy!
(We do a lot of service out here and my tennis shoes aren't cutting it.)
-Maybe some ties
-My Jordon Bluth Christmas CD.
-And some other music (a cappella stuff, other uplifting stuff too)
-And anything else you think Santa should send me
-And the recipe for No-bake cookies (look at the P.S. for the reason why)

I love you all and I keep praying for you.

Stay safe!!!

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. So these pictures are of Elder Gaunts no-bake cookies that he made (WITHOUT peanut butter and WITH Chow Mein noodles and Coconut and which did not set up hard enough, they were always mushy), us and Jacob Alvis (who is two and crazy) and other cool pictures. And a picture of the Final Fantasy V Florists (I don't know what the FFV in this case stands for but I thought is was funny). The bright red thing is dogwood and it's right near out apartment. Then this is Pickett Reservoir on a calm day.
Elder Gaunts no-bake cookies that he made (WITHOUT peanut butter and WITH Chow Mein noodles and Coconut and which did not set up hard enough, they were always mushy)
Elder Gaunt, Jacob Alvis (who is two and crazy)and Elder Mangum
Final Fantasy V Florists (I don't know what the FFV in this case stands for but I thought is was funny)
Dogwood bushes near our apartment
Pickett Reservoir on a calm day

November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

11:14 am
Hello everyone!!!

Everything is going good out here in Virginia. I'm having a great time helping people and doing service. We do more service out here than tracting. Which is a good thing, because tracting isn't effective out here. The houses are so far apart that it takes a minute to go from house to house. We've done service two days this week. We helped a less-active member put insulation and sheet rock up in his garage on Wednesday. Then we helped the Trents, an active family (well the parents are active), with raking up leaves and acorns and burning them. I'll send some pictures of the service that we did for the Trents. The Trents are amazing. They've been feeding missionaries every week since 1991!!! We were talking about how the Church gives out free videos and stuff, and Sister Trent said "It's not free. Twenty something years ago I ordered one of those 'free' things and I've been feeding missionaries at my house every week since then."

Anyway... It's going great and I'm having fun. This branch isn't really a branch, it's a huge family (it actually really is, most of them are related to each other). It's a family because everyone knows how everyone is doing and everyone helps each other out. I love it out here.

We had a lesson yesterday with the Johnsons, he's the second counselor in the branch presidency, and we got a lot of goats milk from them. They have a lot of land and a lot of animals. They raise ducks, chickens, the have one turkey left (they ate the others), dairy goats, two calves, and some horses. Not to mention four dogs and I don't know how many cats. They're awesome and they love to help us out.

We're so excited to be here. We have a baptism on the 27th. It's a part member family and the father, who's a member, is just barely coming back into activity and can feel a difference in his life when he comes to church. The mom, who's getting baptized, is so ready for it. We went over the baptismal interview questions with her and she said she could do the interview now. Problem is we haven't gone over some things she needs to know yet.

This work is amazing. I encourage all of you to do missionary work in some form or another. It truly makes your life so much better.

I love you all and hope and pray you're all doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

11:35 am

I forgot to mention...

We were the judges of the chili cook off this past Saturday. There were some really good ones there and some really spicy ones. That's what the picture of the table was. We had to wear the hats because that's a tradition here apparently...

The pictures of the dogs are the Trents dogs. The tan one is Lucky, and the white and black one is Whisky.

When we burned the leaves and acorns... we used a leaf blower to give it a little more air so it would burn faster. It burned REALLY fast with that thing. :D

Love y'all

-Elder Ricky-dude

11:36 am
Oops, once again I forgot

The first picture is of me and the Trents. They're awesome!!

Elder Mallow and Elder Gaunt

Burkesville Branch Chili Cook Off

November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010


How are ya'll doing today?

I'm doing splediferous. My companion and I have already set two people here for baptism and we're hoping to set more for baptism in the upcoming week. It's been fun out here in the middle of nowhere. We get eggs from the members at least once a week and they're awesome brown eggs. We get them from a few different families but we mostly get them from Bro. Berryman, our branch mission leader. So that's a great thing about being in the country. We can also get milk from some members, and we can even get goat milk. So it's pretty cool.

Oh, I'm sending a recording home to ya'll. I know it's been a while since I've sent one, but I'm sending one now. I'm also sending some pictures home so you can see what It's like out here. It's so beautiful. The open sky, the changing leaves, the rolling hills. It's awesome. I wish you could all see what I see everyday. There's a lot of stuff out here that's pretty amazing.

So, it's coming to that time of year where every missionary gets trunky. But never fear, all I have to do is remember that it's only about 2000 miles (HOLY CRAP!!!!!) that separate us. ;) I'm just being funny. I swear I've never laughed as much on my mission as I have here in the Burkeville branch. The members here are so real and love life so much that you just can't keep yourself from having fun with them. I love it out here!!

I love ya'll lots and I'll email you next week.


The big fluffy missionary,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I can't send that many pictures home because of the limitations on the email. I'll have to print them off and send them in the mail.

NOTE: Rick's new companion is Elder Gaunt (sp?)

New Address: Elder James Mangum
620 S Main St. apt B-8

Blackstone, VA 23824