August 30, 2010

Aug 30, 2010

Hi peoples!!

I'm doing splendiferous over here in Virginia. I'm excited to tell you that I'm now on the last hole in my belt....... wait......... I told you that already didn't I? Anyway, I've lost about 5 or 6 inches and I've lost about 10 pounds since the MTC so I'm back down to about 288 instead of 298. Yeah. I'm also excited to tell you that I am having a blast. There's a lot that is happening here and the ward out here is awesome. Seriously, this ward is amazing. The members are so willing to help and are so open to everyone that any investigator that comes in is met by members who just go up and say hi without anyone asking them to. It's really fun.

We had a Zone Conference on Saturday and it was awesome. President Perry is a very inspired person and is just so amazing. He knows the doctrine and he knows the scriptures really well. We had an amazing meeting and I learned a lot. It was good.

I want to tell you all something. This work is awesome. This gospel is awesome. There's no better thing on the earth that can help in anything. Hearing from you guys is awesome and it helps me see that you all love me. It's good to hear how life is for you all and how life is changing for the better.

You all are awesome. Remember that. And always remember 1 Thessalonians 5:16. It's a good scripture.

Love you all

-Elder Ricky-dude

August 23, 2010

Aug 23 2010

Hey there everyone!

I'm doing well out here in Virginia and once again, it's hot. It's fun though as we are having a good time. We are spreading the word and doing all we can to help others come unto Christ.

Mariah, I got the letters you, Brianne, and Alysa wrote. Thank you so much. That was just the pick-me-up I needed. It's tough checking the mailbox and having nothing there (hint, hint). Anyways...

I'm doing good. I need to make another hole in my belt now. It's on the last hole but it's loose by about an inch (woot!) I'm learning lots and I'm teaching lots.

One thing I want to tell you is that I love you all so much. There's a lot happening in the world and there's really only one place to find comfort. I say that a lot but it's true. When you're living you life the right way you will realize that you really don't have to be afraid or sad or nervous about things. When you're doing all that you can to live the right way, everything will work out. You have to be careful when choosing something to do, because there are so many things that you can clearly see are not from the Lord. They are things that suck the life out of you. For instance, some members in our ward, who are moving and wanted to have dinner with us before they left, took us to Applebee's. I went to wash my hands, cause I had food on them, and when I was walking back, I walked in front of a guy who was watching the TV that was there. I looked at his eyes and I saw an emptiness, a void in his spirit. I saw his spirit decaying right then and there. I saw Satan just laughing because he caught another person in one of his many, many traps. There's no lasting joy that comes from those things, only a temporary euphoria that ends so abruptly that it will cause you to do anything to find it again. I'm not saying this to rebuke you or anything. I'm telling this so you know that that is what I saw when I looked into the eyes of someone who's life is being replaced with a void.

I love you all. I really wish you could all be here learning the things I'm learning. There's so much that I want to share with you. So every week I will share as much as I can.

I love you. Remember you're children of God, the Supreme Governor and Creator of the Universe.

-Elder Ricky-dude

August 16, 2010

Aug 16 2010

Hey everyone!!!

Everything is good in the front lines of the work. We're pretty busy and stuff. The recording I'm sending is shorter than normal because I was half asleep when I recorded it and I don't remember anything I said. So please excuse me if some random thing pops in there.

I'm learning a lot and I'm doing well. I've realized this past week that there are so many distractions that Satan uses on us. I've been thinking of you all every now and then and I've realized that there are so many better ways to find joy in this world than through video games and things like that. I've made the decision that my life is going to go how the Lord wants it to go. I strongly suggest finding out what you need to do so your life can go the way the Lord wants it to go. I've been praying about this and I can testify to all of you, that if you listen to the Spirit and remove distractions (anything that is not in harmony with the Gospel) you will see miracles in your lives.

Elder Hunsaker, a missionary who is with the Zone Leaders, told me that I will start seeing my mission as home, and my home as my mission. I feel I have reached that point. I really do see my home as my mission now. I'm going to do all that I can here so I can learn how to better help you there.

I love you all very much and I want the best in life for you. This is the only way we can find happiness. I've been praying about you guys and I'm worried for you (don't worry, I still keep focused on the people here). I've prayed and I feel strongly impressed to tell you: if you all listen to the Spirit, you will find eternal happiness.

I love you. Please hold to the rod. Focus on the Savior and you will find the joy we are all looking for.

-Elder Mangum

August 10, 2010

Aug 10 2010

Aloha All,

These pictures are from the last two “p-days.”

Last week, we went to Langley AFB – home of the 1st Fighter Wing and Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC). The 1st Fighter Wing’s 27th Fighter Squadron was the first combat operational F-22 unit in the USAF.

The other pictures are from this week’s “p-day.” I came home from the office after a long day and found Elder Mangum crashed on the family room. He looks peaceful until Elder Lowry decides to wake him. Check out Elder Lowry’s sweatshirt. Is that Weber State University?

Enjoy the pictures as we enjoy having them over here in Suffolk, VA – named by Money Magazine’s #91 best place to live in the USA!

Aloha Nui,

Al Delos Santos

August 9, 2010

Aug 9 2010

Hey everyone!

I'm excited to tell you that I'm still alive and well. I'm doing great and I'm having a great time. I'm sending two recordings this week because I wasn't able to send one last week. So you get to hear from me twice in one week.

Can I just say this gospel rocks? I've changed a lot from being here for about 2 months and you know what? I'm good with it. I really like what I'm changing into. I'll tell you why.

Recently the Lord has been blessing us with lots of work to do. We have a goal of having 5 people baptized by the end of the transfer and 6 set with a date. I'm excited because all these people are coming unto the Lord. One experience we had was really awesome.

We were driving to see a headquarter referral and we saw someone at a house that we had been to the very first day I was here. We pulled over and went to talk to them. The lady there wasn't really interested but her grandson came out and we started talking to him. He's into science and has been through a lot. We were talking to him and another guy came out of the house and said "I heard ya'll talkin' and wanted to come listen". It turns out that this guy, Michael, has been trying to find evidence of God through science. He was asking really good questions such as "will my dog go to heaven?" He had asked Jehovah's Witnesses that and they said dogs don't have spirits. We told him that before anything was created physically, God created it spiritually, therefore dogs have spirits. He also asked a really awesome question that we were very happy he asked: "If someone in China, who lived in the middle of nowhere, lived an almost perfect life before they died, helping others and doing good, but didn't know about Jesus Christ, would they have a chance to learn?"

We were able to explain the spirit world to him and he understood it really well. Saturday we were able to get him a copy of the Book of Mormon and as we were pulling away, he sat down and started reading right there!!! It was amazing!!

We are so blessed and do you know why? I really can't answer that because I don't know why. I believe it is because we are working hard. (We heard from the Zone Leaders that President Perry talks about me and Elder Lowry in training meetings. We were like "No, he doesn't." Apparently he does though.)

Anyway. I'm still waiting for my fudgies stuff. By the way mom, I need my birth certificate so I can get my license. Yes I know we sent a copy but I'm going to need the actual thing because they require it at the DMV. Please include it in the package that you will be sending (if you haven't sent it yet), or mail it by itself.

Buck, I was reading the letter you wrote to me in the MTC (the very first letter I got) and I read about you getting some music to me. I haven't received it yet. EFY songs and hymns (in any form that does not have a distracting beat or things), songs that invite the Spirit and are uplifting are accepted by the standards here. This goes for anyone who gets this email. I would be very appreciative of it.

Well, I love you all and remember, even a small little letter is helpful to someone 2300 miles from home.

Take care and remember the Lord loves you all.

-Elder Mangum

(Don't worry readers, we got the music, fudgies, envelopes, stamps, etc. to him! :) )