January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

Hello Again!! So, this past week has been awesome!

I was at leadership training for four days. Leadership training is where all the zone leaders, district leaders, and trainers go to be taught the eight fundamentals of Preach My Gospel by President Perry and the Assistants. By the way, the eight fundamentals of Preach My Gospel are: The doctrine of Christ - the missionary purpose; The role of the Holy Ghost in conversion; revelation through prayer; revelation through the Book of Mormon; revelation through church attendance; teach people, not lessons; We invite, they commit, we follow up; and How to begin teaching. Every leadership training we're taught those same things, but because of different circumstances for each missionary, we all learn something different each and everytime through the Holy Ghost. It was so totally wicked!!!

When we were not at Leadership Training, we were in someone's area helping them in the work. The first night we were there, I went with Elder Timmons, a zone leader in the Virginia Beach area, and Elder Beus, another trainer. We went tracting around the Clover Hill apartment, which we were staying at. We were on the third floor of one of the buildings and we were talking to this one lady. Mean while, the lady in the apartment next to her (we had just put a pass-a-long card in her door before talking to the other lady) came home. We finished talking to the other lady (who really didn't want to talk to us) and went to the next floor figuring that the lady who just got home got the pass-a-long card. Elder Timmons was talking on the phone and Elder Beus and I were knocking on another door when I got a VERY strong impression to go back and talk to the lady who just got home. I looked up at Elder Beus (because he's 6' 8") and told him. I said it was going to be super awkward and he quickly agreed. So we got Elder Timmons and went up to the door. Right before we knocked Elder Beus said "this is super awkward"...... and we knocked. I told her we were the ones who put the card on her door and I then proceeded to ask her if she felt God loved her. It lead to a good 15 minutes of talking about God and we got her name and number and gave her a Book of Mormon. Then she told us she was moving to Colonial Heights that weekend (last weekend). When we were done talking she said "I just started going back to church, so that's pretty cool you all came."

Then the story gets even better. At leadership training we found the elder who is in Colonial Heights, Elder Jones, and told him we had a referral for him. He said "no way!" It turns out that he had been praying for a referral for the past couple of weeks. He had had surgery so he can't go tract as much as he would like. He was so excited about this referral.

And the story keeps getting better.....

While I was being trained, Elder Peterson and Elder Pounder (the missionary from Clover Hill who switched with me for the week) found four new investigators and set someone for baptism! We had been working with this guy for a long time. He's been slowly coming around and Elder Peterson and Elder Pounder finally Spirit punched him strong enough for him to see what this will do for him.

Miracles are AMAZING!!! Everything about this gospel is just so AMAZING!!!!

I love you all because you're all so AMAZING!!! (Sorry, I like typing that word out in capital letters)

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I had to have another root canal while I was at leadership training.

Just thought to let y'all know. It was the tooth above the other one that had a root canal. This time it was easy for the dentist because the roots were not as messed up as the other one. And apparently I have really long roots on my teeth.

Anyway, there's my random note for y'all

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!

Elder James Mangum
620 S Main St. apt B-8
Blackstone, VA 23824

January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

How are ya'll doing?

I'm doing good. This past week has been a big service week. We were cutting wood 4 days out of the week. We got to use a fourteen pound splitting maul and man that thing was heavy! If you were able to get it over your head and drop it, the thing would split a log. Then if you put so force into it, the log would explode into two pieces. It was AWESOME! I love doing service!

This week is going to be fun. I get to go to a leadership training thing that goes from Tuesday until Friday from 10 to 5 everyday. I'm excited because this is going to be an awesome experience for me and for Elder Peterson. We're both gonna learn and grow a lot. Elder Pounder, from the Clover Hill ward (that's where George Hill, my distant cousin, lives) will be coming and staying with Elder Peterson for those 4 days. It's gonna be great!

I'm excited, this week is going to be full of awesome stuff.

So, Elder Peterson, is a Spiritual giant. He is awesome and loves to learn and wants to grow. It's so cool to be with him. We sit down sometimes and just talk about the scriptures and it's nonstop Spirit that comes from him. He's is awesome. He is a great missionary and is gonna be known through out the mission. It's so cool to be with him.

I love y'all so much!

Take care, be safe, and remember you're children of God.

-Elder Ricky-dude

Oh, by the way...

We had our president interviews last Wednesday and we showed up in service clothes, with gas and bar oil on us cause we were using chainsaws and getting wood to one of our investigators, and all he said about it was "you getting a little chainsaw action there? Aww, I miss it." He loved the fact that we showed up in service clothes!

President Perry is the coolest mission president EVER!!!

P.S. The Church is true!

January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

Hello everyone!!

Everything is going well and it's so much fun training. Sadly, no one got baptized. The adversary knows how to throw rocks into the machine.... or giant monkey wrenches. It's pretty sad, but it will all work out.

It's really fun being a trainer. My companion is Elder Peterson and he's from Star Valley, Wyoming. He knows how to work and he loves it here. Friday, I made "yok" for him and that didn't sit too well, I guess. He threw up... But he's doing better and he's having fun. The first day he was here we went to Bro. McCadam's house and we got stuck on a hill. It was iced over and I took the turn to sharp. Then this guy came and helped us get out. It was a pretty great experience. We were really blessed. Then we went to the Trent's and had a "great" gospel discussion with their daughter. She is really hard-headed and wants the answer NOW. So all-in-all, it was a great first day for Elder Peterson. Elder Peterson is about 4 days old. He's BRAND NEW. And yok is the best thing EVER!!! It's too hard to explain, but I'll make it for you though.

We had fun Saturday and today. We cut wood both days and split it too. We were really tired and sore on Saturday. Elder Peterson fell asleep standing up in Gospel Principles. It was kind of funny and sad too. But he's still here and loves being here.

It's pretty awesome out here. We're having a lot of fun and we're getting really tired out.

Love you all,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!

January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

So great news!!!

I get to stay in Burkeville another transfer. And more great news.... I'm gonna be a father!!!! (which means I get to train a greenie!)

Yeah, last night we were at the Trent's and one of the assistants, Elder Rickson, called us and asked for Elder Gaunt. Elder Gaunt is going to Scotchtown, which is North of Richmond and Elder Rickson told Elder Gaunt that President Perry would be calling me. He called me not even a minute later. And he asked me to "step up and train a new missionary". President Monson, and President Perry, both tell us that the only time you step up in your mission is NOT when you become a district, or zone leader, or assistant, but when you train.

I have to admit, I was a little nervous and scared, but I know the Lord will help me to be a good trainer. It actually pretty weird, about half way through the transfer I started having dreams of me training. I said to myself, "If it's what the Lord wants then I'll do it". So the dreams came true and now I have to step up and become an even better missionary.

So last Saturday we got to cut down two gum trees at the Trents and we made two big brush piles that we are burning today. :) So it's gonna be fun and pretty cool.

We have two baptisms this Saturday and we are so excited about it. The kid, Joey Hammonds, who is going to be baptized is excited and wants to serve a mission. He's so cool! He's so pumped to become a member. And Beula Berryman, who is also being baptized, is an awesome old lady. This weekend is going to be fun, stressful, and probably one of the greatest weekends of my mission!

Love you all and take care

-Elder Ricky-dude

--P.S. The Church is true!

REMINDER - His address is:

Elder James Mangum
620 S Main St. apt B-8
Blackstone, VA 23824

January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011

Hey, sorry about not emailing yesterday. We were really busy. But I am alive and I did weigh in and I'll let you all know so that you can keep on me about losing weight. When I weighed in I was at..... 303! Yes I know that's a lot of weight but I haven't had to loosen my belt at all. It's weird.

We've let everyone in our branch know we're trying to lose weight. And we started out our diet in a great way yesterday.... by going to Buffalo Wild Wings! Yeah, and I ordered twelve of their hottest hot wings to see how fast I could eat them. I got it done in three minutes and thirty seconds! It hurt pretty bad. They use ghost peppers to make their hottest hot sauce and to eat twelve wings smothered with the stuff was just pure stupidity. But I'm still alive. This morning I felt it for sure. I was so sick that I couldn't get up. It was bad. But I'm up and alive now.

You'll never believe what we found out a few days ago. My companion and I are in a magazine! Meridian Magazine is what it's called. If you look up the Miracle of Christmas at www.meridianmagazine.com you can see me and my companion in there. It says we were there to answer questions... but we were actually there waiting for the zone leaders to bring Elder Gaunt a package that came to the mission office. (article is actually at: http://www.meridianmagazine.com/people/7122/article?&ac=1)

So transfer calls are next Sunday, and both Elder Gaunt and I feel that something is going to happen but we don't know what. I'll let y'all know next week.

We just set someone for baptism today. Joey Hammonds, a really cool guy, wants to serve a mission. He's going to be baptized on the 15th of this month. We're so excited. He tells us scriptures from the Bible and Book of Mormon about things. We get texted from him about scriptures he reads. He loves the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He feels more at home at our meetings than at any other church. We sat down and asked him if he still wanted to be baptized and he said yes. We then told him he could get baptized on the 15th. He said, "let's do it". The Lord is blessing us a lot here in Burkeville, that's for sure.

I love you all and remember that the Lord is there for you.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The church is true.