January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

Hello Again!! So, this past week has been awesome!

I was at leadership training for four days. Leadership training is where all the zone leaders, district leaders, and trainers go to be taught the eight fundamentals of Preach My Gospel by President Perry and the Assistants. By the way, the eight fundamentals of Preach My Gospel are: The doctrine of Christ - the missionary purpose; The role of the Holy Ghost in conversion; revelation through prayer; revelation through the Book of Mormon; revelation through church attendance; teach people, not lessons; We invite, they commit, we follow up; and How to begin teaching. Every leadership training we're taught those same things, but because of different circumstances for each missionary, we all learn something different each and everytime through the Holy Ghost. It was so totally wicked!!!

When we were not at Leadership Training, we were in someone's area helping them in the work. The first night we were there, I went with Elder Timmons, a zone leader in the Virginia Beach area, and Elder Beus, another trainer. We went tracting around the Clover Hill apartment, which we were staying at. We were on the third floor of one of the buildings and we were talking to this one lady. Mean while, the lady in the apartment next to her (we had just put a pass-a-long card in her door before talking to the other lady) came home. We finished talking to the other lady (who really didn't want to talk to us) and went to the next floor figuring that the lady who just got home got the pass-a-long card. Elder Timmons was talking on the phone and Elder Beus and I were knocking on another door when I got a VERY strong impression to go back and talk to the lady who just got home. I looked up at Elder Beus (because he's 6' 8") and told him. I said it was going to be super awkward and he quickly agreed. So we got Elder Timmons and went up to the door. Right before we knocked Elder Beus said "this is super awkward"...... and we knocked. I told her we were the ones who put the card on her door and I then proceeded to ask her if she felt God loved her. It lead to a good 15 minutes of talking about God and we got her name and number and gave her a Book of Mormon. Then she told us she was moving to Colonial Heights that weekend (last weekend). When we were done talking she said "I just started going back to church, so that's pretty cool you all came."

Then the story gets even better. At leadership training we found the elder who is in Colonial Heights, Elder Jones, and told him we had a referral for him. He said "no way!" It turns out that he had been praying for a referral for the past couple of weeks. He had had surgery so he can't go tract as much as he would like. He was so excited about this referral.

And the story keeps getting better.....

While I was being trained, Elder Peterson and Elder Pounder (the missionary from Clover Hill who switched with me for the week) found four new investigators and set someone for baptism! We had been working with this guy for a long time. He's been slowly coming around and Elder Peterson and Elder Pounder finally Spirit punched him strong enough for him to see what this will do for him.

Miracles are AMAZING!!! Everything about this gospel is just so AMAZING!!!!

I love you all because you're all so AMAZING!!! (Sorry, I like typing that word out in capital letters)

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I had to have another root canal while I was at leadership training.

Just thought to let y'all know. It was the tooth above the other one that had a root canal. This time it was easy for the dentist because the roots were not as messed up as the other one. And apparently I have really long roots on my teeth.

Anyway, there's my random note for y'all

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!

Elder James Mangum
620 S Main St. apt B-8
Blackstone, VA 23824