January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011

Hey, sorry about not emailing yesterday. We were really busy. But I am alive and I did weigh in and I'll let you all know so that you can keep on me about losing weight. When I weighed in I was at..... 303! Yes I know that's a lot of weight but I haven't had to loosen my belt at all. It's weird.

We've let everyone in our branch know we're trying to lose weight. And we started out our diet in a great way yesterday.... by going to Buffalo Wild Wings! Yeah, and I ordered twelve of their hottest hot wings to see how fast I could eat them. I got it done in three minutes and thirty seconds! It hurt pretty bad. They use ghost peppers to make their hottest hot sauce and to eat twelve wings smothered with the stuff was just pure stupidity. But I'm still alive. This morning I felt it for sure. I was so sick that I couldn't get up. It was bad. But I'm up and alive now.

You'll never believe what we found out a few days ago. My companion and I are in a magazine! Meridian Magazine is what it's called. If you look up the Miracle of Christmas at www.meridianmagazine.com you can see me and my companion in there. It says we were there to answer questions... but we were actually there waiting for the zone leaders to bring Elder Gaunt a package that came to the mission office. (article is actually at: http://www.meridianmagazine.com/people/7122/article?&ac=1)

So transfer calls are next Sunday, and both Elder Gaunt and I feel that something is going to happen but we don't know what. I'll let y'all know next week.

We just set someone for baptism today. Joey Hammonds, a really cool guy, wants to serve a mission. He's going to be baptized on the 15th of this month. We're so excited. He tells us scriptures from the Bible and Book of Mormon about things. We get texted from him about scriptures he reads. He loves the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He feels more at home at our meetings than at any other church. We sat down and asked him if he still wanted to be baptized and he said yes. We then told him he could get baptized on the 15th. He said, "let's do it". The Lord is blessing us a lot here in Burkeville, that's for sure.

I love you all and remember that the Lord is there for you.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The church is true.