February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

So this past week has been a doozy. One of our investigators we are working with, who had one of the strongest testimonies I've ever seen... doesn't want anything to do with the church. They said that they've been saved through Faith alone and they don't need the church any more. We get to meet with them today, just them and us, and the Holy Bible ONLY. Then, yesterday, in Priesthood, Bro. Brown, who was teaching, was talking about how he talks to this kid he works with is looking for religion by himself. Well, I remembered I have this little card that is called "Seventeen Points of the True Church". You may have heard of it. If not, I strongly suggest you look it up. These guys in college wanted to know what the true church would be like, so they studied the Bible and found 17 points as to what the true church would have. Then they met somewhere down the road and they were both members of the church. Elder Peterson, when I brought that card out, said we need to share that with the person we're working with. By the way, did I mention that all the scriptures and points were found in the HOLY BIBLE?

So we're gonna be doing that.

(QUICK! Make a wish it's 11:11! Sorry, random...)

Anyway, it's also been a great week because another investigator we're working, Sis. Dorothy Tucker, with has decided to be baptized... after YEARS of being taught and many different sets of missionaries, and being Catholic her who life, she wants to be baptized by the proper authority of God!!!! It was amazing when she said yes to being baptized.

Here's the story, last week, at church, Bro. Wyatt, Sis. Tucker's husband, talk with our branch president saying he wants to baptize his wife. The branch president then told us and then we prayed to know what to teach her on the following Tuesday. We were prompted to teacher her about baptism and confirmation. We read 3 Nephi 27:13-22 and we got to the last verse which says something to the effect that if you do these things you will be lifted up at the last day. We then asked her "Sis. Tucker, is this what you want?" She said yes. We asked her "Then will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God?"......... "Yes." I was so excited I almost started jumping up and down saying "Hallelujah Jesus! Amen!" It was amazing!! I was so happy I almost started crying! Bro. Wyatt then told us about how HE found out. They were in Petersburg eating at a Chinese restaurant and instead of sitting across from him, Sis. Tucker sat next to him and said "I have something to tell you". That's when she told him she wanted to be baptized. He was crying and she asked "Why are you crying?" "'Cause I'm happy!"

It was amazing!

Also, this past fast Sunday (yesterday), we fasted for our own personal conversion, our district, zone, and mission as a whole, and to find more non-members to baptize.

I now have no doubt in my mind that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is part of who I am and there is no power that will convince me otherwise. That is my testimony. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder James Richard Mangum

P.S. The Church is true!