February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011

Hello again!

So, are you ready to hear the Sudan miracle?

Okay, so, these two missionaries up in Richmond were teaching English to a guy from Sudan, while teaching him the gospel. He introduced his brother, I think it is, Sunday, to the missionaries. The both got baptized and Sunday told his wife about it. His wife is still in Sudan with their kids. Well, she now wants to be baptized because of that. She then taught all the women that she works with and they want to be baptized. There are about 2000 of them.

Well, the missionaries over here were in Goodwill one day and this lady came up and told them that her husband in the Branch President in Sudan. They then told her about what was going on and she told her husband. Her husband has since been in contact with President Perry about getting these 2000 or so women baptized. If a quarter of their husbands were to be baptized, they would instantly have a stake.

Meanwhile, South Sudan has left the rest of Sudan and is going to become it's own country. The leaders want to have a religious base for the country so they have strong morals and stuff. Those 2000 women make up 51% of the vote...

And all that happened, the part with the women wanting to be baptized, because two missionaries, in the Virginia Richmond Mission, decided to help someone learn English. This is definitely proof that there has to be a God. This is definitely NOT coincidence.

Anyway, I'm doing good. Everything over here is going alright.
Sadly, we found out that Bro. Raymond Dalton, of our branch, passed away last Friday. He was such an amazing man. He served two missions with his wife and held many leadership positions in the church. Not only that, he used to give us rides to district meetings and he had some of the coolest stories ever. He was 83 years old and could out drive a lot of people I know.

We have a baptism coming up this next Saturday and so we're excited about that. Sister Tucker is so ready to be baptized. She has grown and opened up a lot since I've been here. She is going to be a great addition to the branch.

Anyway, I love you all and hope you're doing good.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I know what kind of dog I want now when I get one. A great pyranese (I think that's how it's spelled). You should look them up. And also a rhodigian ridgeback. Sorry, just some random stuff.... Well, Sis. Trent got a pyranese puppy and it's eight weeks old, and it's already almost as big as Bro. Trents dog Whiskey. Whiskey is a two year old pure bred Australian Shepherd.

Sorry, randomness again.