February 22, 2011

February 22, 2011

Hello everyone!!!

Sorry I didn't email yesterday, the libraries were closed because of President's Day.

So, Sunday was transfer calls and I'm being transferred to this place called Burkeville. Have you ever heard of it? Well, I heard it's really country and.... yeah I'm not going anywhere. :) It's gonna be really fun. Elder Peterson is also going to be staying with me here in the boonies.

So, have any of you ever hit a Spiritual Plateau? It's a place in your spiritual progress where you feel you're stuck and you can't progress. The thing is, this may just be for me, you don't know you're on a spiritual plateau until you've been on it for a while. Then you realize "what is up with this? Why can't I move forward?" How do you get over it? How do you get yourself moving up again? And you need to get yourself to move up soon because if you stay there for too long you'll start to go down. And that's bad.
I asked President Perry about this and he told me that fasting and prayer and more dilligence will get you to move up. And I have a very strong testimony about fasting and moving forward and I'll tell you how I gained that testimony. (If I told y'all this before, just bear with me because sometimes it helps to hear things twice)

This past fast sunday we were asked to fast for three things: for our own conversion, for our fellow missionaries in the mission, and to find non-members to baptize. There's doctrine behind why and it's found in Enos 1:4,9, and 11. So we, as a mission, did this. That night, I was laying down on my bed holding a Book of Mormon and I was just looking at it. Then the Spirit, as soft as it usually is, pierced me to the very soul with the realization that the Book of Mormon is part of who I am. There is no denying it and there is now no other option than to make that true by showing that in my actions.

Prayer and fasting work. PERIOD. The question you need to ask yourself before you pray and fast is "Do I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and really is there for me?" I promise you, that if you fast and pray in faith and with all the energy of your heart, the Lord will pour out the blessings of heaven. Also, read Isaiah 58 because that's the true law of the fast.

Love y'all

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!