March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

So, this past week has been a doozy.... again.

The beginning of this last week went well. Sadly our fishing appointment we had fell through. But we were able to do some service instead. We helped Bro. Johnson, the second counsellor in the branch presidency. We helped him load his truck and split some big logs. It was fun.

For about 7 of the past 10 days, we've done service. All day on those days. It was fun.

Thursday and Friday were days of mixed emotions though...

I finished "Jesus the Christ" that day (it took me 6 weeks to finish it) and that was amazing. There is more knowledge in that book that almost any other book, excluding the scriptures. I have learned more from that book than I thought was possible. I strongly suggest reading it. But have a dictionary handy, some of the words he uses are not one's you hear in everyday vocabulary.

But sadly, Bo, the Great Pyrenees puppy Sis. Trent had, went missing. We couldn't find him all day. On Friday we found out that he had come home late that night and was covered in mud, from nose to tail. We also found out that he died about 11:30 am on Friday. That just broke everyone's heart. He was the cutest little thing ever. Big ol' poof ball of fur and love. Sister Trent was pretty broken up because this was the kind of dog she's wanted since she was 17. I was pretty broken up about it because I love animals and I was playing with that puppy before the Trents got him. I would play with him whenever we went to the Johnson's (because that's where they got him from). Their other dog, Dixie, a miniature pincher, went missing also the same time Bo went missing. Elder Peterson and I were outside talking on the Trent's back porch and we heard a dog whine. We both stopped and listened and the sound was coming from under the Trent's trailer. We got down to see what it was and there was a door to go under the trailer. We opened it up and Dixie popped out! So we were pretty happy about that.

Also on Friday, we were able to meet with Jesse Baugh, who had a three day interbody fusion surgery on her back in February. She is healing miraculously and has a much stronger testimony that God is there. While we were talking to here, I saw the face of the Relief Society president of the Burkeville branch flash through my brain and I knew she needed to meet Jesse Baugh. The cool thing about it is, the Relief Society president, Sis. Phyllis Roark, is Jewel Queensberry's (she's Jesse's really good friend who she's known since highschool), little sister. So this is going to be awesome. Jesse Baugh wants to help other women in any way, and what better way that in the world's oldest and largest women's organization?

So this past week really has been a doozy.

I want to let you all know something about conference coming up.

President Perry, when he was an area authority, was with President Uchdorf when they went to this Stake counsel thing. That morning he had read "The Family, a Proclamation to the World". The Stake young men's president said "We're losing our youth" and talked about it. Then, with tears in his eyes asked, "what is the world going to be like in ten years?" President Uchdorf said, "that is a very good question, and Elder Perry is going to answer that." Immediately President Perry knew what to say: "If you want to know what the world will be like in ten years, listen to what the Prophet is saying now"

I'd like to give you all the same advice that President Perry gave to those Stake leaders. If you want to know what the world will be like in ten years, listen to what the Prophet is saying now.

I love you all,

-Elder Ricky-dude.

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God