April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011

I'm sorry about not sending a mass email last week, I had to respond to a lot of emails that people sent me but I'm writing an email to everyone this week.


Here's the story about it. Last Wednesday and Thursday, I was having a difficult time because I was trying to think of what I could do to help my companion become more obedient. I wanted to be his friend, but I want to do what's right also. I was stressed out the wahzoo and I almost had a panic attack. But I was reading my Patriarchal Blessing and I felt prompted to pray. So I did. Then the Spirit gave me the advice I usually give to everyone else: BE YOURSELF. As I was thinking about it, it hit me that I have to do what I'm supposed to do (like Buck told me to do in the very first letter I got in the MTC) and it will all work out. So, I took both of their advice. Then Saturday came.

We had interviews with President Perry last Saturday and, oh my goodness, I have been re-energized. It was amazing! I got to talk to him about a lot of stuff. Elder Flora to me afterward that President Perry knows more than we think he does about us. And that was true. He was talking to me about why I was chosen to be with Elder Flora and what I need to do. It was one of the most Spiritual meetings I've ever had on my mission.

Not only is President Perry a Spiritual giant, he's also hilarious. Elder White, a missionary in the Petersburg area, told President "Hey, I need to talk to you about marriage". Without missing a beat, President says "Mahwridge, is what brings us togeva today" (from Pricess Bride). We all about died laughing. It was AWESOME!!

But yeah, things are going great. Elder Flora is a different person after his interview. He's now more excited about being a missionary. President Perry talked to him about the need of change in culture in the Church. How (Dad, you'll understand this) standing up and saying, "Brethren get your home teaching done" every Sunday won't really change it. Something else needs to be done and Elder Flora is teaching me about it (don't worry I haven't gone off the deep end......... yet)

Anyway, I love you all and hope y'all are doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011

So I'm in Lawrenceville. It's an awesome place, really spread out and it's right at the bottom of Virginia. Our southern border is the North Carolina state line. It's pretty cool.

My new address is:

205 S Main St. bldg 1, apt 3
Lawrenceville, VA 23868

So, if you want to send a letter, package, Pizza Hut, Dominoes or whatever, send away.

I'm having a fun time down here. It's awesome. The branch is really fun and the Second counselor in the branch presidency, Brother Tetto, and the Elder's quorum president, Brother Lewis, make it even more fun. They both have a great spirit and love making fun of each other. It's really awesome and fun. We already have three dinner appointments this week and we even received a referral within 24 hours of being here. I'm loving it down here.

It's actually really funny, being about 20 minutes away from the area I was last at. We sometimes see signs that say something like "Blackstone --->". It's weird to see that, but at the same time it's pretty cool.

Everything is going good. It's a little difficult because I'm distracted by some things, but I'm trying my best to move past those things and to continue with the work. Thank you for your prayers because I really need them and they are helping.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude.

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011

So I'm being transferred to a place called Lawrenceville. It's actually only about 30 miles south of where I'm at now. It's a great area because they baptized someone even while the missionaries haven't been there for about 6 months. My companion is going to be a missionary by the name of Elder Flora. I'm pretty excited. I don't know my new address so HOLD OFF ON SENDING ANYTHING UNTIL I GET IT TO YOU.

Anyway, Conference was amazing as it always is. I received a lot of revelation about how to become a better missionary. During the first session on Saturday, about 15 minutes in, I knew I needed to be transferred. Then I received a lot of revelation about how to be a better person and missionary. I was wondering why I was getting so much more than I thought I would, then we got transfer calls and I realized why. Elder Flora is a missionary who's kind of lost sight of his purpose. I'm being put with him, and opening up Lawrenceville again, because it's a special assignment, as Elder Fairclough, an Assistant to the President, put it. So, any prayers I can get will be DEEPLY appreciated.

But this General Conference was probably the most Spiritually uplifting and directing conference that I've had in my life. General Conference, in the mission field, goes WAY TOO FAST. (Luke, you'll experience that when you get there) But there is so much power in hearing the General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's basically the Super Bowl for missionaries. Seriously, we get so pumped about General Conference that you'd think we're nuts!

I now know why General Conference is every six months. It's because it takes about 6 months for the Spiritual boost you get from conference to start fading away. Well, it's that way for me anyway.

But listen to General Conference and, when they come out, read over them and you will receive a lot of guidance in your life. I promise you that.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God