June 15, 2011

June 13, 2011

Well, I don't have much time today because we're running behind and we are going to Petersburg today to spend time up there and then go to Mission Conference tomorrow. So really quickly.... ADHD + caffine = I'm going crazy! We got some soda from a member and I didn't know there was caffine in it. Well, in short, I went nuts. I was so hyper it made Elder Zollinger not stop laughing.

Anyway, that was saturday night. Later that night, we were driving back home at about 8:30pm and I looked over at the big dark clouds coming our way and saw some of the clouds, which had light coming through behind them, start swirling pretty fast......... and I felt the pit of my stomach drop because that's usually how tornadoes start...... well, a tornado DIDN'T start so don't worry, but it sure did scare the caffeine right out of me. I slept better that night than any other night.

This past week I've been up to Petersburg 3 times and it will be 4 today. We went up there to switch for exchanges on Thursday to have Elder Wardenburg, a missionary who served here a while ago, come down and help with one of the recent converts he taught and helped baptize. Then we had district meeting on Friday, then went back to Lawrenceville for our dinner appointment and came up Friday night to spend the night at Petersburg so we could go to this big zone service project on Saturday.

Friday night I tried to do yoga....... I am definitely NOT built for yoga. It hurt SO bad. But it was funny to watch 3 big guys (me, Elder Zollinger, and Elder White) try and do what Elder Richards (the smaller one) was doing.

But all in all this past week has been a week of not stop going somewhere basically. I'm pretty tired but I've gotta keep going.

One last thing, this is the Spiritual thought that I've had this past week: Why is there music in the world? Why do we need it? I know D&C 25:12 says "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and is shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads", but what I'm trying to figure out is, why does music have such an influence on life and things? Maybe y'all could help me with this. I know that music has such a powerful effect on the Spirit and I know that listening to Spiritually uplifting music we can come closer to Christ.

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing good.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God