July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

Hello everyone!!

So this past week I had my first district meeting that I was conducting. It was weird because I'm usually the one who sits and listens and doesn't lead. It was good though. We talked all about Christ like attributes and about building them. It was good. I learned a lot.

Then the zone leaders went over district meeting and evaluated it with me. They gave me a lot of advice that is really going to help me. I'm glad that I have Elder Hunsaker and Elder Carpenter as my zone leaders because they are really amazing elders. Elder Hunsaker was a district leader for 7 1/2 months so he knows how to do a district meeting. It's awesome.

This Wednesday I'm going to be going to a District Leader Counsel. The first ever. Usually they just have Zone Leader counsels, but President Perry felt inspired to have this meeting. It gonna be awesome.

We had an investigator at church yesterday! The first investigator I had at church since...... March, I think.... yeah, it was March. We were so excited. He's really prepared and has only a few more things he needs to find out for himself before he gets baptized. We are so excited for that.

Anyway, everything is going good and I'm having so much fun out here........ and trying not to focus on the fact that I have a little over 10 months left!!!

I love y'all and hope and pray you are doing good.

-Elder Ricky-dude


Oh I forgot....

I thought this would be something that might interest y'all.

We had president interviews last week and in my interview President and I talked about how I keep getting put in difficult areas. I feel that I'm destined to be stuck in difficult areas for the rest of my mission. He feels that way too, but maybe not for my whole mission. One thing that he did tell me was that he's planning on stretching me for the rest of my mission.......... I'm just nervous as to HOW he's going to do that...... I may need some more prayers later on...

Anyway, love ya

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God