July 5, 2011

July 5, 2011

Howdy Peoples!!

So, I'm in the Rivanna Ward which covers a gianormous area. It's pretty crazy. What was really crazy was walking into church on Sunday and seeing about 150 people there. I'm been in branches for the past 9 months so to see this many people at church was a shock. It was crazy because I didn't know anyone and I didn't learn who everyone was while in church. In the Burkeville and Lawrenceville branches, everyone introduced themselves so you knew who they were. Here, there were too many people ...but I like it.

So our apartment is pretty cool. We live with the Mousers, this senior couple who have a giant house. He's a veterinarian who retired a while ago... got bored of retirement and decided to open another practice. It's pretty cool. They have horses, mules, llamas, dogs, ginnies, and a duck (yep just one). Brother Tom White, Sister Mousers' brother, also lives with them. What's really cool is that the movie "Roadhouse" is based off of his life. He owned a bar, knew martial arts, and did a lot of crazy stuff when he was young. He's got a lot of fun stories and a lot of good jokes. And the best part is.... he got baptized last year!!! It's pretty cool.

My new companion is Elder Van Wagoner from Riverton, Utah. He's pretty cool. Probably the most random missionary I've met so far. He's so random it's hard to read his personality, well, at least for me it is. It's awesome!!! We are having a blast up here and we're actually finding people to teach. That, for me, was the happiest part about coming here. In my last two areas, finding people was nigh impossible. And to be honest I was losing faith that we would find someone. I know there's a lot of potential in those last two areas though. We are going to have a lot of fun here in Rivanna.

So, I have two sets of sisters in my district. In the Charlottesville 1st Ward is Sister Chocherhan (I think that's how you spell it) and Sister Ferrin. In the Charlottesville 2nd Ward we have Sister Snell and Sister Brady. Then I also have the Zone Leaders in my district, Elder Carpenter (who I came out with) and Elder Hunsaker. And a Senior couple, the Dahls (pronounced like "doll"). It's pretty fun being a District Leader. It's actually not that much different from being a regular missionary, except that you now have more of a responsibility to serve other missionaries. I'm probably going to be in Rivanna for at least six months because that's usually how long they have District Leaders in a certain area.

But everything is going good. We got to see an awesome fireworks show last night at a members house. They had the big mortar fireworks that go in the air. Some of them didn't go very high up before exploding. Near the end, one actually exploded in the launcher tube. It was crazy. No one got hurt. But it was AWESOME!!!!

Anyway, I love y'all and hope and pray you're doing good.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. my new address is:

Elder James Mangum
495 Deepwood Farm Drive
Scottsville, VA 24590-4459

So now you can send letters and stuff!!!

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

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