May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

So, this morning I was reading my Patriarchal Blessing and was looking for things that I need to focus on when I get back home and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was that it talked about being a leader. Then I looked back at my life and looked to see what leadership skills I've learned so far. I started with my family................ and got nothin'. I'm just kidding!! ;D I actually wrote down quite a bit and I wanted to share that with you. It's not just leadership skills though, it's the major things I've learned from my family. I'm going to have a list for my leaders too but right now I just have family written down. So here we go:

Dad - From my dad I learned the important skill of keeping the lawnmower straight when cutting the grass so that it doesn't look crappy, and many other handy-man skills such as there is no such thing as a left-handed screwdriver, and making sure which end of the staplegun the staples come out of so that you don't shoot your finger............ I've also learned to be firm but loving and to work hard and not sit down on the job...... unless you get your boys to take over the yard work and then go take a nap when you said you needed their help, which ends up making one of them pretty upset to the point where he goes in and scares you half to death by getting three inches from your face and yelling "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING!?!?!?", which in turn leads you to almost killing him....... But there are a lot of things I've learned from my dad that to write them down would take a while. :D

Mom - From my mom I've learned to how to bear through and stay true to the faith, to always pay my tithing because of the blessings we experienced because of that, and to never try and catch a baseball with your face even to protect your favorite roses....... hee hee......... I've also learned to teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves. I've also learned how to cook, sew, paint porcelain houses, and use a gold paint pen to decorate, even when sleep walking........ hee hee....... ;D

Jake - From my brother Jake I've learned that there's a time to be serious and a time to be goofy.......... maybe not how to differentiate the two but there are those two times somewhere in every activity. I also learn to teach things straight up and clear even if it might be uncomfortable for you because by doing that it leads to people clearly understanding the importance of things. And I've also learned how to have fun with every situation. :D

Buck - I've learned it's good to be goofy. I've learned that music is one of the best ways to make friends and help others feel loved. I've also learned that being yourself is a very important skill and talent to have because when you're yourself, you learn more about who God wants you to be. And that Craig's List is a great place to find a cheap piano....... :D

Mariah - I learned at a very young age not to make her mad. When you grow up as the only girl, right inbetween four brothers who are insane, you become pretty tough. From Mariah I've also learned to let others know you love them, even if you don't actually say the words, "I love you", you make sure to let them know through actions.

Luke - PATIENCE!!!! That's the biggest thing I've learned from him, and that your best friend can be your biggest antagonist, too. ;D Almost no companion of mine has been as difficult as he was and I wasn't with him 24/7. So I'm doing pretty well out here.... hee hee :D I've learned what a true friend, a best friend, is from him. It's someone who is there for you even if you don't get a long and who's got your back even if you are 2000 miles away.

Skyler, Zac-E, Brianne, and Alysa (I would include Makayla but I haven't met her yet) - I have learned from first hand experience the epitomy of insanity and chaos. I've learned great skills that a father needs, such as changing diapers, helping sick kids, cleaning up after them, and resisting the urge to strangle them. Also I've learned how to be "calm in the midst of a tempest" basically, which has really come in handy with some people out here.

So, there are many things you learn from your family, so always being looking for those things. These are things I've learned from my earthly family. Imagine what you can learn if you open yourself up to your heavenly family..... The possiblity for growth and learning are endless when you look at it that way.

I love you all and hope and pray you're doing well.

I'll see you next week.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I got a southern cookbook from the Carpenters so be prepared for some good southern cooking!!! :D

P.P.S. The Church is true!

P.P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God