May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

So, three weeks to go and I'm finishing strong!

Okay, so you know how crazy it is to wake up and realize that in three weeks I'll be home? It's pretty crazy!

But you know what? I really don't care because I'm finishing strong. I have a goal to find someone who will be ready to be baptized before I go home. I'm going to work hard and find someone who is ready to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and follow Him. I have never felt so much determination flowing through me in my entire life. I know that if I work hard that the Lord will bless me and I'll be able to do what He wants me to.

This is all I care about right now. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because I declare, like Paul did to the Romans (Rom 1:16): "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." And the Virginian! I really don't care that I met an Apostle on Saturday. Yes, I know what a great privilege that was and I know how rare an experience that is. Right now I'm focused on teaching and baptizing. No, I'm focused on HELPING and baptizing. If you want someone to know how much you love them, don't preach to them, help them. That's what Christ did and that's what I'm going to do.

I know that I am not finished as a missionary, nor will I ever be finished as a missionary because I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I have chosen to carry His name upon me and I will hold that name until the end of my life and beyond. I am His and I will follow His will. I know that and I will continue to strengthen the foundation of faith that I have built for myself out here. There is absolutely no substitute for what I've gained out here. No amount of theological training, philosophical training, and degrees in Greek and Hebrew will ever compare to what I've learned out here. And to try and share all I've learned in an email or all at once is like trying to fit Lake Powell into a swimming pool. It's not going to happen. Just like the gospel, you cannot learn it all at once.

Can you tell I'm a little excited right now? :D Well, you're right. There is nothing else in my life that brings me as much joy as this gospel does. And do you know what is the hardest thing for a missionary is? Realizing how much better someone's life could be if they would just accept the Gospel, and then having that person continuously turning away from everything you offer. That's the hardest thing I've had to deal with. Not the schedule, not the getting yelled at, not the trials beyond all belief. It's the realization that someone has rejected the greatest blessing God can give them.

I know that God is waiting for all who will turn to Him and ask for His help. His arms are extended towards everyone. EVERYONE has the chance to come back to Him. Don't turn it down. The only way to get out of the mud is to grab the nearest SOLID hold and pull yourself up. That is what Christ is. He is the Rock that we can grab and hold on to so that we can lift ourselves and be lifted out of the world.

The question is: will you grab it and hold on for dear life?

I testify that God is there and that he loves us more than we know. There are no words to describe His love for us. He wants us to come back to Him. Just turn, and grab the Rock. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

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