June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

So this week has been exciting. So exciting, in fact, that I can't remember a lot of it. Don't worry though, I'm keeping a journal. I'm actually going to be looking to find a voice recorder so that I can record each day and send home a copy of the recording to you. But yeah, it's been exciting. We've been out finding people a lot more and stuff like that. Last Thursday it was about 105 degrees, but the heat index (heat plus barometric pressure and humidity) was up to about 118. That was the day almost all of our appointments canceled so we went "finding." Let's just say I'm now used to heat and humidity :P

We had a district meeting last Friday and they do this thing called accountability. It's where each companionship chooses two investigators they are teaching so that the entire district can pray for them. We pray for them almost everyday at the start of our companionship study. It works. One investigator for the Mount Pleasant sisters was confusing his own feelings with the Spirit and wasn't sure which was which. 4 days later, he recognized it was the Spirit. Another investigator for the Franklin elders is excited to learn about the gospel. We prayed for her to keep that excitement and keep moving forward. A few days ago that person started progressing faster. Yesterday, they set up her baptism date. The point I'm trying to get across is: PRAY! CAUSE IT WORKS!

Last Saturday we were able to meet with President and Sister Millburn before they went home. We were able to hear them bear their testimony one last time to just the missionaries in the stake. We were then able to shake their hands one last time. President Millburn asked me how I'm doing and I said I'm so excited to be in the Bennetts Creek ward because the members here love helping the missionaries. This area has a great spirit to it. He said he got my letter that I wrote, (it was a testimony letter we wrote the day we arrived) and he said I'm going to be a great missionary. He said that my companion, Elder Lowry, and I are a powerful companionship.

President and Sister Millburn then spoke in the adult session of Stake Conference. I learned from Sister Millburn that we can say that this is the only true church, and we can say that with boldness, because it's TRUE. This really is the only completely true church in the world.

I learned from President Millburn that small sparks, meaning missionary work or acts of service, can ignite and entire forest of conversion. He told a story about how he was fishing in the mountains with his brothers and the trees were all still dead. He then told us about how he thought he heard and explosion but it was a tree catching fire because of 1 spark and then continued to ignite the trees around it until the forest was burning. We can be that spark in a chain of great events that help people come to the gospel.

The stake president got up after that and talked about happiness. He asked if people in the congregation would like to share something they are happy for. I got up and told them about how happy I am to be here in Bennetts Creek and to be able to serve these great people. I told them how happy I am to be able to meet President and Sister Millburn before they went home (they went home yesterday by the way). I then bore testimony about how this gospel is the only way to have true happiness. Sister Millburn thanked me for representing the missionaries.

Since Monday we've been contacting potential investigators (people other missionaries have contacted before who seemed interested) and less active people. We found possibly two new investigators, one is for sure the other is iffy. We've been out finding a lot more this week than we thought we would be.

By the way, my bike did arrive and I have yet to completely assemble it. So I'm doing good.

Mom, I'm up to 420 crunches now and we even have a wheel at my apartment which surprised me. So I do 420 crunches and about 4 reps on the wheel (I'm working my way up on the reps) every morning. I think I've lost about 2 maybe three inches off my waist already.

I'm doing good and I love you all. Please give everyone you know, that I know also, my address because a few more letters wouldn't hurt. And food packages and ties are always welcome. SEND FUDGIES! Just make sure you double the food when you send it so I can share. ;)

Also, please put down on my blog the address I gave you:

Elder James Mangum
601 Hillpoint Blvd #618
Suffolk, VA 23434


Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I challenge you ALL to read the Book of Mormon and finish it before I call at Christmas.

June 24, 2010

June 23 2010

So, Hey Everyone!

I'm in Virginia right now and it's really humid. It's crazy how muggy it is here. When I got out of the plane I said to the other missionaries "Is it normal to be swimming while you're just standing here?" Yeah it's pretty hot. I met president Millburn after we got off the plane and he is an amazing person. He’s just a really awe-inspiring person. He is really kind and loving and at the same time he doesn't like people to slack off or goof off. Sister Millburn is really amazing. She's the more loving side of President Millburn.

So at the airport coming out here we met another missionary who was actually going back to Virginia with us. His name is Elder Savaiinaea (pronounced suh VYE i NYE uh). He had to go home for back surgery a few months ago and he came back out with us. In just the little amount of time we got to spend with him he became one of my best friends here. He says he likes me and Elder Wheelock the best out of the group we came with. Elder Wheelock actually placed a Book of Mormon at the Salt Lake Airport; the only one of the 16 of us who did.

So Wednesday we had dinner with the Millburns and it was really good. Half of us sat around one table and introduced ourselves to Sister Millburn and the other half sat with President Millburn. I sat at the table with Sister Millburn. She's awesome. After dinner and desert we had individual interviews with President Millburn and Sister Michener who is the medical adviser person. The rest of us who were not in interviews were sitting with the Assistants, Elder Fraga and Elder Doxey, and were learning about the area and role playing some questions that we might face with them. They're awesome and they are the perfect examples of what missionaries should be.

Our new mission president is going to be here June 29th. It's exciting and sad because President Millburn is a fun guy. But this is what the Lord wants.

Thursday was the day we met our trainers. We had a meeting with the Mission office missionaries who are in charge of medical stuff and things like that. I got a bloody nose just sitting there. My nose itched a little and I just rubbed the outside of my nose and I started bleeding IN THE MEETING. It was embarrassing. But I got it to stop. Then we had the trainer assignments and it was cool. Elder Savaiinaea calls it the "auction" cause it was like an auction. President Millburn called a trainer up to tell some stuff about the area they were serving and then would assign them a companion right after they were done. I learned that Kyle Valgardson is in this mission; which surprised me. Luke knows who that is so ask him about it. My trainer is Elder Lowry (almost like the seasoning salt). He's awesome. He's about 5'6" but he's awesome. His companion that he had before me, Elder Bues, was 6'8". I met Elder Bues and it was actually really funny to see him stand next to Elder Lowry. Elder Lowry is also the District leader for the area I'm in. He calls every night to see if the other 3 sets of missionaries (two sets of sisters and another set of elders) are in and safe.

So I'm serving in the Bennett’s Creek ward in Suffolk. We stay at our apartment half the time and with a member the other half because our area is so big and we have limited miles we can drive (yes I'm in a car 2010 Chevy Malibu named Buck Paterson) that it would have been hard if we didn't have a second place to stay. Brother Delos Santos is a Hawaiian and retired Air Force. He's an awesome guy. About two years ago he wasn't very active but some missionaries helped him get back to church and he was willing to help them out because they lived in an apartment complex that would have gun shots every night. Then the mission apartment was transferred to south Suffolk. He's awesome because he's like a dad to the missionaries here (which is only me and Elder Lowry). There actually used to be three missionaries here. They were shot-gunned in, meaning the missionaries here were all transferred out and Elder Lowry, Elder Bues, and Elder DiMaggio (I think that's how you spell it) were all transferred in.

The ward is awesome. They really help the missionaries a lot with dinners and stuff. We go on elders quorum exchanges on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The ward mission leader, Jason Taylor, is an awesome supportive guy. The bishop is a retired Marine Colonel and is a really fun guy. Our ward is pretty cool.

This past week we've had about, on average, 2 lessons a day. We have 5 progressing investigators with a baptismal date and we're teaching a lot of less-active people and recent converts. A big part of the ward roster is less-active people. We are teaching a less-active/part member family named the Angelellis. Brother Angelelli is a psychiatrist who believes the messages our church has but just doesn't really believe that the Book Of Mormon actually happened, historically speaking. He also doesn't believe Joseph Smith really did what he did.

So it's been tough because we've had some appointments fall through. One appointment we made the lady came to the door and said just a second and 10 minutes later we were still standing on the porch. It was annoying.

Anyway. It's been fun and exciting. I've never been so tired in my life. The heat and humidity just suck the energy right out of you. Elder Lowry got heat exhaustion and a little dehydrated on Saturday so we had to go in early. You really need to be careful out here in the heat.

Anyway, my addresses are:
Elder Mangum
601 Hillpoint Blvd #618
Suffolk, VA 23434 (that's our apartment);

and Bro. Delos Santos' house is
Elder Mangum
5003 Topsail Ct.
Suffolk, VA 23434

I love you all and I hope you'll send me emails and stuff. Remember, if you send me something that might be shared, send double so I can share. :)

Love you all,

Elder Rick "Mallow" Mangum

NOTE: I got a message from a cousin in Midlothian Virginia today who said it's 104 there today! Yikes! -Mindy-

June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

The Mission- I'm here!

I made it to Virginia. It's amazing here. It's so green here and there are so many trees and it's so humid. It's like breathing water. I'm always wet when I go outside and it's starting to get hotter, I found out. So I'm never going to be dry.

I'm so excited. My mission President is awesome. He's an amazing guy. At the airport we met an elder who is returning to Richmond after he had back surgery, Elder Savaiinaea (good luck pronouncing that). It's pronounced suh-vie-ih-nye-uh. He's like an uncle cause he knows what we're going to be doing. He's really cool.

Anyway, I love you and hope you're doing well.

Love Elder Ricky-dude

June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

So this is my final email from the MTC because tomorrow I have to get up at 5am and go to the travel office because I'M FLYING TO VIRGINIA!!!!! Yeah I'm excited. It's gonna be great. I'm going to be flying for about 5 hours (yay nap time!) so it's really cool.

Yeah we all are really excited. It turns out that the Richmond Virginia group is the largest departing group going to the same place in the MTC. We have 16 people. I'm excited because I'm going to have the opportunity to teach someone while I'm on the plane and in the airport. I bought (is that how you spell it? i can't remember) two Books of Mormon and 100 pass along cards (the pack was $2). I got a haircut today. I look a lot better than I did, hair wise.

I also bought a recommend cover that is a picture of Christ coming out of the tomb dressed in white. On the back it says "And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That He lives!" D&C 76:22

I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you so much for the back pack and the letters. Luke I'm so excited for you. Always remember that when you serve a mission it will be the best thing you can do for your life. I've learned so much and my faith has grown to a new level in just the three weeks I've been here. Always pray to the Lord. Never doubt that He is there. The power of prayer is so amazing. The Lord does and will answer your prayers if you just believe He will.
I'm so excited that I have no words to describe it. This opportunity I have to teach the gospel is amazing. I'm nervous too, obviously, because I'm now going to spread the word in real situations and to real investigators. Please pray for me.

Lastly, I leave with you my testimony:

God and Jesus Christ both live and will forever. I know this and believe this with all my heart. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. This is the only true church and the only way we can live with our families and Heavenly Father forever. This gospel has a power that cannot be put into words or described by earthly means. I will never doubt that God is there and that Jesus Christ suffered and died for me. I will never doubt that Joseph Smith really did restore the true gospel of God and he went through hell and back to do it. I believe this with every fiber of my being.

I love you all and hope you will never doubt that God and Jesus Christ are there.


Elder Mangum

June 15, 2010

Elder Mangum flies out to Virginia today!! Send mail to the mission home at:

Elder James Mangum
Virginia Richmond Mission
9327 Midlothian Turnpike
Suite 1-B
Richmond, VA 23235

June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Hey there my peeps!!!

I'm having an awesome time here at the MTC. There are so many awesome things happening. The number one thing is one of our "investigators" (a volunteer actor) has committed to be baptized on June 30th. He won't really be baptized, but the goal was to get them to commit to be baptized. The pilot program I talked about has you teach more "investigators," volunteers and teachers, than the other program. My companion and I are currently teaching three people by ourselves and we are teaching someone as a district.

There are ten people in my district. I don't think I gave you all their names last time, but here they are: Elder Wright is our District Leader, Elder Cook, Elder Walton (who is going to Washington Everett Mission which is sad because he's hilarious but at the same time a great teacher), Elder Carpenter, Elder Stoddard (my companion-we're getting along now because he reminds me of Luke), Sister Carter (who could be Mariah's twin), Sister Kimball (who is also going to the Washington Everett Mission), Sister Boston (who is NOT from Boston) and Sister Niemela (pronounced NEE-muh-la). We're a great district. And we really get along.

The people we are teaching are our teacher, Brother Hallam, who acts like a person married to a member and is happy with his life. He doesn't see the need for religion in his life. We had a hard time hte first two times we taught him because we didn't listen to the Spirit and to him. The third time, though, we just listened to the Spirit AND him and tried to get to know him and it worked really well.

The second person we are teaching is Patrick Lee. He committed to be baptized. He is a talker and asks lots of questions but then keeps talking so it's hard to answer him. But we did well because we prayed we could have the Spirit with us and were able to commit him to be baptized. It is amazing what this prayer can do for you.

The third person we are teaching is Darrin Johnston who is actually a teacher here. We are having a hard time because he wants to meet with the missionaries but just doesn't see the importance of religion. He's really difficult because he's always like "whatever." I think I may have offended him last time when I asked him if he knew how to pray from the heart. Note to self: DON'T OFFEND PEOPLE.

The last person we are teaching as a district. His name is Steve McCall and he's a teacher here. We are having difficulty becoming used to him but he's comfortable with us. I made a quick connection with him because he lost both pairs of grandparents three years ago. I seem to have a good connection with him.

Because I didn't mention food last time, I'll mention food this time. In the cafeteria there are four different selections, usually, and then the wrap bar. The food in the other four places is usually really good, but not all the time. On Sundays and Wednesdays we get ice cream as dessert for lunch and dinner. :) The wrap bar is amazing. You choose between a spinach, tomato basil, or wheat tortilla, spinach or lettuce, guacamole optional, and then you can stuff it with all kinds of stuff. The wraps I get usually consist of these four sauces: Southwestern, Honey Dijon, Chili mayo, and Mango HabaƱero. It is AWESOME!!

But anyway, life is good. Random thought, I've never been excited to go to bed early, but whenever I can, It's like I'm a little kid on Christmas morning! "Really? We get to go to be early?! NO WAY!!!" I actually got nine hours of sleep last night, which is amazing. When you're on the mission and you have 16 hour days, you need all the sleep you can get. The beds actually fit me which surprised the crap out of me. They're California twin mattresses. And they are the perfect firmness, in my opinion.

All in all, it's going well. I'm not dying and I'm not killing my companion. Oh, sidenote: If you would like to email me stuff, please use DearElder.com because they'll give me a printed version of the letter. Only do that while I'm in the MTC cause it's free if you do. When I'm in the field, it costs money. :P But letters, normal letters, are accepted too.

So let everyone know I'm alive and well.

I love you all

June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010-1st P-Day

It's my p-day today (Tuesday) and I get to email you. So here I am, emailing you!!

So everything is going really well. On Wednesday, when I first arrived, we had the opportunity to teach 3 different people as a large group. It was a neat experience. It turns out that Lewis Quinn, that is Lewis from Buck's ward, was one of the actors that we, my branch, taught. It was really amazing.

I'm in a pilot program for my classes. It turns out that as the apostles were assigning us to our missions they chose us to be part of this program. It focuses on the key points that are being taught in the mission field and builds a curriculum based off of that. It's really neat. I'm in class for about 10ish hours a day. :S But it's fun.
My district is really cool. We have 6 elders and 4 sisters. And seriously, if Mariah had a twin, Sister Carter would be her. She has the same manerisms, attitude, and stubbornness as Mariah.

My companion is a pretty cool guy. Elder Nathan Stoddard is his name and he plays basketball and likes to run (whereas I like basketball and then sleeping afterwards). He keeps me moving and stuff.

Everything is going well. I have to go to the gym 4 days of the week which is okay. The waking up at 6:30 part is tough, but I'm doing it. Other than that I'm doing well.

Sunday we had a fireside with Bro. Robert B. Swensen, director of Missionary Services. It was really powerful. He talked about our purpose as missionaries. After that we watched "Joseph Smith: the Prophet of the Restoration" and I still have to keep myself from bawling like a baby.

I have never know anything more certainly than when I watched that movie. This gospel is true and there is no doubt in my heart about it.

Well my email time is limited and there's so much I would like to tell you but can't. Just know that I love you and I'm looking forward to that backpack.... I mean serving the lord. ;)

Tell Buck thanks for the letter. It really helped me.

Love ya,

Elder Ricky-dude

Elder James Richard Mangum
MTC Mailbox # 283
VA-RICH 0615
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793