June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

So this week has been exciting. So exciting, in fact, that I can't remember a lot of it. Don't worry though, I'm keeping a journal. I'm actually going to be looking to find a voice recorder so that I can record each day and send home a copy of the recording to you. But yeah, it's been exciting. We've been out finding people a lot more and stuff like that. Last Thursday it was about 105 degrees, but the heat index (heat plus barometric pressure and humidity) was up to about 118. That was the day almost all of our appointments canceled so we went "finding." Let's just say I'm now used to heat and humidity :P

We had a district meeting last Friday and they do this thing called accountability. It's where each companionship chooses two investigators they are teaching so that the entire district can pray for them. We pray for them almost everyday at the start of our companionship study. It works. One investigator for the Mount Pleasant sisters was confusing his own feelings with the Spirit and wasn't sure which was which. 4 days later, he recognized it was the Spirit. Another investigator for the Franklin elders is excited to learn about the gospel. We prayed for her to keep that excitement and keep moving forward. A few days ago that person started progressing faster. Yesterday, they set up her baptism date. The point I'm trying to get across is: PRAY! CAUSE IT WORKS!

Last Saturday we were able to meet with President and Sister Millburn before they went home. We were able to hear them bear their testimony one last time to just the missionaries in the stake. We were then able to shake their hands one last time. President Millburn asked me how I'm doing and I said I'm so excited to be in the Bennetts Creek ward because the members here love helping the missionaries. This area has a great spirit to it. He said he got my letter that I wrote, (it was a testimony letter we wrote the day we arrived) and he said I'm going to be a great missionary. He said that my companion, Elder Lowry, and I are a powerful companionship.

President and Sister Millburn then spoke in the adult session of Stake Conference. I learned from Sister Millburn that we can say that this is the only true church, and we can say that with boldness, because it's TRUE. This really is the only completely true church in the world.

I learned from President Millburn that small sparks, meaning missionary work or acts of service, can ignite and entire forest of conversion. He told a story about how he was fishing in the mountains with his brothers and the trees were all still dead. He then told us about how he thought he heard and explosion but it was a tree catching fire because of 1 spark and then continued to ignite the trees around it until the forest was burning. We can be that spark in a chain of great events that help people come to the gospel.

The stake president got up after that and talked about happiness. He asked if people in the congregation would like to share something they are happy for. I got up and told them about how happy I am to be here in Bennetts Creek and to be able to serve these great people. I told them how happy I am to be able to meet President and Sister Millburn before they went home (they went home yesterday by the way). I then bore testimony about how this gospel is the only way to have true happiness. Sister Millburn thanked me for representing the missionaries.

Since Monday we've been contacting potential investigators (people other missionaries have contacted before who seemed interested) and less active people. We found possibly two new investigators, one is for sure the other is iffy. We've been out finding a lot more this week than we thought we would be.

By the way, my bike did arrive and I have yet to completely assemble it. So I'm doing good.

Mom, I'm up to 420 crunches now and we even have a wheel at my apartment which surprised me. So I do 420 crunches and about 4 reps on the wheel (I'm working my way up on the reps) every morning. I think I've lost about 2 maybe three inches off my waist already.

I'm doing good and I love you all. Please give everyone you know, that I know also, my address because a few more letters wouldn't hurt. And food packages and ties are always welcome. SEND FUDGIES! Just make sure you double the food when you send it so I can share. ;)

Also, please put down on my blog the address I gave you:

Elder James Mangum
601 Hillpoint Blvd #618
Suffolk, VA 23434


Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I challenge you ALL to read the Book of Mormon and finish it before I call at Christmas.