June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

So this is my final email from the MTC because tomorrow I have to get up at 5am and go to the travel office because I'M FLYING TO VIRGINIA!!!!! Yeah I'm excited. It's gonna be great. I'm going to be flying for about 5 hours (yay nap time!) so it's really cool.

Yeah we all are really excited. It turns out that the Richmond Virginia group is the largest departing group going to the same place in the MTC. We have 16 people. I'm excited because I'm going to have the opportunity to teach someone while I'm on the plane and in the airport. I bought (is that how you spell it? i can't remember) two Books of Mormon and 100 pass along cards (the pack was $2). I got a haircut today. I look a lot better than I did, hair wise.

I also bought a recommend cover that is a picture of Christ coming out of the tomb dressed in white. On the back it says "And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That He lives!" D&C 76:22

I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you so much for the back pack and the letters. Luke I'm so excited for you. Always remember that when you serve a mission it will be the best thing you can do for your life. I've learned so much and my faith has grown to a new level in just the three weeks I've been here. Always pray to the Lord. Never doubt that He is there. The power of prayer is so amazing. The Lord does and will answer your prayers if you just believe He will.
I'm so excited that I have no words to describe it. This opportunity I have to teach the gospel is amazing. I'm nervous too, obviously, because I'm now going to spread the word in real situations and to real investigators. Please pray for me.

Lastly, I leave with you my testimony:

God and Jesus Christ both live and will forever. I know this and believe this with all my heart. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. This is the only true church and the only way we can live with our families and Heavenly Father forever. This gospel has a power that cannot be put into words or described by earthly means. I will never doubt that God is there and that Jesus Christ suffered and died for me. I will never doubt that Joseph Smith really did restore the true gospel of God and he went through hell and back to do it. I believe this with every fiber of my being.

I love you all and hope you will never doubt that God and Jesus Christ are there.


Elder Mangum