June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010-1st P-Day

It's my p-day today (Tuesday) and I get to email you. So here I am, emailing you!!

So everything is going really well. On Wednesday, when I first arrived, we had the opportunity to teach 3 different people as a large group. It was a neat experience. It turns out that Lewis Quinn, that is Lewis from Buck's ward, was one of the actors that we, my branch, taught. It was really amazing.

I'm in a pilot program for my classes. It turns out that as the apostles were assigning us to our missions they chose us to be part of this program. It focuses on the key points that are being taught in the mission field and builds a curriculum based off of that. It's really neat. I'm in class for about 10ish hours a day. :S But it's fun.
My district is really cool. We have 6 elders and 4 sisters. And seriously, if Mariah had a twin, Sister Carter would be her. She has the same manerisms, attitude, and stubbornness as Mariah.

My companion is a pretty cool guy. Elder Nathan Stoddard is his name and he plays basketball and likes to run (whereas I like basketball and then sleeping afterwards). He keeps me moving and stuff.

Everything is going well. I have to go to the gym 4 days of the week which is okay. The waking up at 6:30 part is tough, but I'm doing it. Other than that I'm doing well.

Sunday we had a fireside with Bro. Robert B. Swensen, director of Missionary Services. It was really powerful. He talked about our purpose as missionaries. After that we watched "Joseph Smith: the Prophet of the Restoration" and I still have to keep myself from bawling like a baby.

I have never know anything more certainly than when I watched that movie. This gospel is true and there is no doubt in my heart about it.

Well my email time is limited and there's so much I would like to tell you but can't. Just know that I love you and I'm looking forward to that backpack.... I mean serving the lord. ;)

Tell Buck thanks for the letter. It really helped me.

Love ya,

Elder Ricky-dude

Elder James Richard Mangum
MTC Mailbox # 283
VA-RICH 0615
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793