June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Hey there my peeps!!!

I'm having an awesome time here at the MTC. There are so many awesome things happening. The number one thing is one of our "investigators" (a volunteer actor) has committed to be baptized on June 30th. He won't really be baptized, but the goal was to get them to commit to be baptized. The pilot program I talked about has you teach more "investigators," volunteers and teachers, than the other program. My companion and I are currently teaching three people by ourselves and we are teaching someone as a district.

There are ten people in my district. I don't think I gave you all their names last time, but here they are: Elder Wright is our District Leader, Elder Cook, Elder Walton (who is going to Washington Everett Mission which is sad because he's hilarious but at the same time a great teacher), Elder Carpenter, Elder Stoddard (my companion-we're getting along now because he reminds me of Luke), Sister Carter (who could be Mariah's twin), Sister Kimball (who is also going to the Washington Everett Mission), Sister Boston (who is NOT from Boston) and Sister Niemela (pronounced NEE-muh-la). We're a great district. And we really get along.

The people we are teaching are our teacher, Brother Hallam, who acts like a person married to a member and is happy with his life. He doesn't see the need for religion in his life. We had a hard time hte first two times we taught him because we didn't listen to the Spirit and to him. The third time, though, we just listened to the Spirit AND him and tried to get to know him and it worked really well.

The second person we are teaching is Patrick Lee. He committed to be baptized. He is a talker and asks lots of questions but then keeps talking so it's hard to answer him. But we did well because we prayed we could have the Spirit with us and were able to commit him to be baptized. It is amazing what this prayer can do for you.

The third person we are teaching is Darrin Johnston who is actually a teacher here. We are having a hard time because he wants to meet with the missionaries but just doesn't see the importance of religion. He's really difficult because he's always like "whatever." I think I may have offended him last time when I asked him if he knew how to pray from the heart. Note to self: DON'T OFFEND PEOPLE.

The last person we are teaching as a district. His name is Steve McCall and he's a teacher here. We are having difficulty becoming used to him but he's comfortable with us. I made a quick connection with him because he lost both pairs of grandparents three years ago. I seem to have a good connection with him.

Because I didn't mention food last time, I'll mention food this time. In the cafeteria there are four different selections, usually, and then the wrap bar. The food in the other four places is usually really good, but not all the time. On Sundays and Wednesdays we get ice cream as dessert for lunch and dinner. :) The wrap bar is amazing. You choose between a spinach, tomato basil, or wheat tortilla, spinach or lettuce, guacamole optional, and then you can stuff it with all kinds of stuff. The wraps I get usually consist of these four sauces: Southwestern, Honey Dijon, Chili mayo, and Mango HabaƱero. It is AWESOME!!

But anyway, life is good. Random thought, I've never been excited to go to bed early, but whenever I can, It's like I'm a little kid on Christmas morning! "Really? We get to go to be early?! NO WAY!!!" I actually got nine hours of sleep last night, which is amazing. When you're on the mission and you have 16 hour days, you need all the sleep you can get. The beds actually fit me which surprised the crap out of me. They're California twin mattresses. And they are the perfect firmness, in my opinion.

All in all, it's going well. I'm not dying and I'm not killing my companion. Oh, sidenote: If you would like to email me stuff, please use DearElder.com because they'll give me a printed version of the letter. Only do that while I'm in the MTC cause it's free if you do. When I'm in the field, it costs money. :P But letters, normal letters, are accepted too.

So let everyone know I'm alive and well.

I love you all