July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010

New Mission President
Hey everyone!

I'm doing good. Everything is going well and I've actually lost about 4 inches off my waist. My jeans are now loose on me and I'm on the second smallest hole in my belt. I'm going to have to make new holes soon. I'm up to 600 crunches and about 7 reps on the wheel. Yeah it's awesome!

It's hot and humid as ever. It actually wasn't that bad for the few days before today but today it's crazy. I'm sweating up a storm which is probably why I'm losing inches. Not weight for some reason because every few days I check myself on the scale again and It doesn't change. I'm still at 290 but I'm turning the fat to muscle. (WOOT!)

We met President Perry on Saturday. He's an awesome guy. He teaches doctrine and he says he digresses on what he said and then digresses on that. He's a really loving, funny guy but I see that he's going to be the type of president who will be amazing to work with. He introduced himself and told us he is a convert to the church who knew everything is true but had a hard time converting because his father, on his death bed, said he wanted his kids to remain faithful to the Catholic church. Sister Perry is so loving and is so excited to be here. They have three kids with them: Joshua, who is 18 and getting ready to put in his papers; Alise (I think, I'm not exactly sure I'll let you know next time), who is 14; and Emma who is 11. Oh yeah, President Perry is going to come by our apartment to interview us next week to get to know us. Yeah it's gonna be cool.

He told us that somethings are changing such as: P-day will now be Monday, president interviews will be quarterly (which gives him 60 extra hours to go proselyting with missionaries and working with them), they are going to be giving leadership training meetings, for three days, with the zone leaders where they are going to learn the things I did in the pilot program in the MTC, the weekly planning sessions will be on Friday instead of Thursday, and that's all I can remember. All these things are what the Lord told the Brethren to tell the mission presidents.

So I'm teaching a lot of less-active people and it's tough because sometimes they are going to a different church even though they are members of the true church. I don't understand that and sometimes I just want to say "What do you not get?" because they are so...... ugh, I don't know. I guess they either don't believe this is the true church, or they don't want to.

I got my bike put together. It's pretty spiffy looking. It came with a U-lock, water bottle, light, fenders, and a helmet (which may not fit I don't know yet). I'm excited to try it out. I have a feeling though that I may stay in Bennett's Creek for a while. Probably until Elder Lowry goes home and I'll have to take over the area.

I love you all and hope you're doing well. Remember, it's not that hard to write a letter with pen and paper. If you think you're hand writing is bad (DAD) think again. Mine is horrible and I have to work on it. I'm getting better though. OR.... you can email me.

Love you all and please keep praying for me to be able to find those people who need me.

Elder Ricky-dude

The picture of Rick sleeping was sent by Brother Delos Santos in their ward. :) Rick in his natural habitat! LOL He's always had knack of being able to fall asleep wherever he is and it's serving him well.

This second picture is, I think, Elder Lowry, Brother Delos Santos, ?? and Rick. Love those USAF shirts! whoo hoo hoo!

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