July 12, 2010

July 12th 2010

Hey ya'll!

I got myself a voice recorder so i can send you things like that. Yeah it's cool. I got it for $60 (yes I know that's a little much) but it's a good one and it will be worth it. I'm sending you a file that has a recording on it. It's me saying hi and other stuff. I'm doing good and the work is going well. I talked about a lot of stuff on the recording but not all of it.

We have an investigator who is going to be a fellowshipper for all of downtown Suffolk (she is going to share the gospel with everyone). She's got a personality that is just crazy. She knows this gospel is true and she knows what she wants to do and that is share it with EVERYONE, literally, EVERYONE. She moved from South Carolina (have I told you this already? I think I have but...) and she lived right next to the missionaries down there. She had studies with them but they never actually taught her the lessons. She told us that the missionaries down there didn't teach her like we are teaching her. Elder Lowry and I were stunned. We couldn't believe it. Bro. Delos Santos tells us there must be something else that was causing them to not teach her, but I don't know. Anyway, she's gonna be baptized the 24th of this month. A few days ago we taught her the word of wisdom (which the elders down in S.C. didn't teach her the tons of times they met with her) and she commited right then and there to live it. She threw away all her alcohol bottles and cigarettes right then. We had to help her because there were a lot. We just picked them up and put them in the trash. We were so excited.

Yesterday we found a family of 8 that are willing to listen to us. We're going back today to teach them a lesson about families and how the gospel blesses the family. Yeah it was pretty cool how we found them. We said a prayer for Heavenly Father to guide us to those who need the gospel and then the first house we knocked at, there they were. He was busy putting his kids to sleep so we set up a return appointment.

This past 3 weeks we have received 5 referrals from the Referral Center or Headquarters. It's been really exciting. We've had so much work to do and so much stuff left to do. I'm learning so much that I can't believe I've learned some of the things I have. In the recording I talk more about it. The thing is, when I'm teaching, the Spirit teaches through me so I learn new things as I'm teaching. An example is, when I was in the MTC we were teaching an "investigator" and we were talking about why God let's bad things happen to good people. I had a thought come to my mind about this and I told the "investigator" this, I said "God let's bad things happen to good people because He knows they can handle it. He knows that they will ask for His help and He will give it to them".

All-in-all, the work is going well.

Random note, did you know that the Virginia Richmond mission is one of the very few missions over here on the east coast that is actually growing in missionaries? The missions all around us are only getting enough missionaries to fill the spots for the ones going home. We are getting more than are going home. Yep, this mission is an amazing mission.

I love you all and hope you all write to me.

Love ya'll and I want you to look something up for me. It's in (Buck you'll know this one) 1 Thessolonians 5:16 (and read 14-28 also).

Elder Ricky-dude