October 12, 2010

October 12 2010

Here I am again saying howdy!!

Everything is going well. I actually got to speak in church last Sunday about member missionary work. I used the story of Abish and then went on to ask: 1) How can we follow this example; 2) How can we take it even further; 3) What would keep us from doing this' and 4) How do we overcome those things that would hold us back?. So I want to ask you the same questions. Any ideas?

To answer number 1, just generally, we can look for opportunities to share the gospel. To answer number two, we can CREATE opportunities to share the gospel. To answer number 3, FEAR. It's fear for 95% of the time (the other 5% is work regulations or stuff like that). To answer number 4, Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest. There are many scriptures that can be used and all of them basically say, Trust God and let HIm guide you.

So that was a fun experience I had this past week. Another one is that one of our investigators fell of the face of the earth for about a week and a half. But don't worry, we found him. It was a pretty amazing experience which I would like to share with you. We were eating dinner at Bro. Delos Santos house Sunday night. He was leaving to take his boys somewhere, and as they were leaving I saw Edward's face (that's the investigator) and saw his name above his head. I saw that in my head and also saw the picture of a phone. So I said to Elder Hunsaker "I feel like we should call Edward" (note that we have tried to call him many times in the past week but his phone was off) and he handed me the phone. I called, it rang...... and he answered!!! We were able to find out where he went and we went and saw him. He's doing great and still wants to learn and come to church.

Spiritual experiences are awesome. I love you all and I hope and pray that you're with the group who is moving towards the Living Christ.

He truly does live. I have never seen Him myself, but I have seen His hand work in so many lives. I cannot doubt that He lives and loves us. I know He does. This is my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude