October 4, 2010

October 4 2010

Hey everyone!!

How are you all doing? I'm doing good. It's been a pretty tough week. With General Conference this past weekend Satan was working hard to make sure none of the nine investigators who said they would be at conference got there. Sadly only 1 watched conference. But I'm glad that conference was this past weekend. It helped me a lot. I was Spiritually fed until I almost burst. But not to fear, I have not exploded yet!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this upcoming month. There are many, many, baptisms that are going to happen this month. Many children of God will come back into the fold. I'm so excited to see what happens this upcoming month (especially since transfer calls are in TWO WEEKS!)

I've been learning a lot and opening up more. I was almost a closed book again for the first little while of this transfer. Then I realized I was thinking too much and was blocking the Spirit with my own thoughts. But now that I've realized that I can move forward. I can start realizing that the Spirit really does know what's best for investigators and for me. I learned that when you receive a prompting, even though you may not think it is one, act on it. Show that you trust the Lord more than yourself.

I learned a great thing about conference. Conference is a missionaries Super Bowl. You won't believe how many missionaries get pumped up thinking about conference. It is so cool. I found out why that is too. It's because, number one, it's not often you hear the apostles and the prophet speak to us; and number two, because you desperately need some Spiritual uplifting while on the mission, because this mission thingy is tough. It tests you, stretches you, and pushes you harder and further than you've ever been up to that time. It tests you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually all day everyday. But I love it!!! You can't find the kind of joy you have on the mission anywhere else. I testify that we are all missionaries and we can all have the joy that comes from teaching the Gospel by looking for those hands that hang down, and those who are wandering in the mist of darkness, and bringing them back to the path.

I promise you that you can have eternal joy by reaching out and helping others to come back to Christ.

That is my testimony and that is a promise to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. So what's the news with ya'll?

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