December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010

Hey everyone!!

This past week was awesome! We were fed so much food that we didn't have to cook this entire week. That's pretty amazing. Everything went well and I'm actually not that home sick. Which is surprising because most of the time missionaries are pretty trunky when they call home for the first time. But I guess I realize that I'm not gonna be gone forever and I feel as if I'm already at home here.

We have another person set for baptism. We set her on Wednesday and so we now have a total of four people set with a date. We're really excited and the branch is helping us too.

So I'm sending some pictures of what we did on Christmas with the Webb family and me in my Cowboy hat. My cowboy hat is pretty spiffy. And it fits perfectly. It's AWESOME!!! Now all I need are some awesome cowboy boots and I'm good.

Anyway, everything is going well and I'm still alive. I hope everyone is doing well also.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I'm also including pictures of the only footlong Subway sandwich that I couldn't finish.
And mine and Elder Gaunt's reaction to it.

Below is a photo of the stocking that Elder Mallow made and sent to us for Christmas!

ELDER GAUNT TAUGHT RICK TO CROCHET. This is the stocking that Rick made and sent to us for Christmas

December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

How's it going?

Guess what? I got a root canal today and I bet you've probably never heard of someone who was happy to get a root canal. I WAS!!! I had an abscess tooth and had had it for about 4 days. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone. It felt like someone was driving a stake into my jaw, then shooting metal wires from my tooth to my temple, eye, top tooth, and in my ear. Then to finish it off, electrify it. Yeah....... and all from a stupid jawbreaker........ Don't chew on those. That's not a good idea. It cracked my top, back left molar so that hurts a little too. It knocked the roots of my bottom, back left molar all crooked so that the dentist broke two files in my tooth. He said that he got close enough to the bottom of the root that I should be okay, but if it causes problems I'll probably need the tooth removed. The joys of being a missionary! Opposition in any and every form! But that's a good thing. That means you know you're doing something good...(well most of the time)

So yesterday we had a return missionary talk in sacrament. He had a really great mission and it changed his life. Then in sunday school he came and sat next to me and said, "so who's that?" (looking at one of the members daughters who's about 21). I told him who she was and he kept asking questions about her. He then said "Sorry if I'm making you trunky" I just told him, "don't worry about it, it's not making me trunky. I know you're just filling out your potentials list". Then we were helping the Trents take stuff out to their car and we look..... and there he is flirting with the girl. We were laughing and joking about that for almost the rest of the day.

But we are going to the Roark's on Christmas Eve and from what we've heard... that's probably gonna be one of the most memorable days of my mission. Don't worry......... they video tape it. You'll get a copy, I promise. And I'll try to remember who I am (that's what the name tag is for....) It's gonna be fun. We're going to the Trent's Christmas morning, the Webb's in the afternoon, and the Roark's again for Christmas dinner. It's gonna be fun!

So, this Saturday..... yeah.... I get to call y'all. I'm excited. Once again I'll be calling buck's phone (because mom told me to) at 11am your time (1pm my time) and dad, I'll call you at 12pm your time (2pm my time). And NONE of you are going to cry. If you cry I will rebuke you over the phone (I'm just kidding, mom you can cry all you want).

Hopefully you all have received a package from me (mom, dad, and grandpa).
If not....... I have no idea what to do. I'll pray that they'll get there.

I love you all and I will talk to ya later!

-Elder Ricky-dude

December 13, 2010

December 13, 2010

Hello everyone!!!

I am alive and well and I'm pretty happy too. Which is good, because being sad is depressing. And any way, it's in my blood to be happy (B+)

This past week has been fun and last saturday was AWESOME because........... I got to kill, pluck, and clean chickens! Yeah, it was cool, gross, and smelled bad too. We went over to Bro. Johnson's house (the second counselor in the Branch Presidency) and helped him out. I'm including pictures and a recording too. Not a recording of us slaughtering chickens, but a recording saying hi. I'm also including a picture of Bro. Johnson's ferocious attack turkey that pecked my hand! (It was actually really laid back but apparently didn't like me petting it, but it would stand right next to you and just hang out)

We got snow last night!!!!!!! About three inches !!!!!! I'm so happy. I was missing snow so bad, but now it's here and I'm happy again!!!

So, before I continue I want to get the times for my Christmas call all worked out. Mom, I'm calling you at 11am your time (1pm for me). Make sure Jake, Buck, Mariah, Luke, and Dustin and the kids are all there. Dad, I'm calling you at 12pm (2pm for me). And also, if you would like to get anyone else involved in the phone calls, there is a website called where you can set up a free conference call. So like, dad, you could set up a conference call with you, me, and Grandpa, and whoever else you wanted to call. But let me know by next p-day if there's a certain number I need to call for it.

By now, you should have received packages from me (dad, mom, and Grandpa). Dad and mom, those packages are for the family, and Grandpa that package is for you. Don't you dare open them before Christmas though! (If you have already, I'll forgive you, but don't open it if you haven't!)

Anyway, You all rock and I love you all.

-Elder Ricky-dude


The Church is true
The book is blue
If your life's getting rusty
Your Book of Mormon's getting dusty

Cute little chickens!
Cute DEAD little chicken-ugh!

Brother Johnson showing us how it's done

Our almost plucked chicken


December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010

Hey y'all!

I don't have much time to talk this week. I'm pretty busy today taking some wood to some people who need it. We cut wood last Saturday and spent the whole day with the Trents. It was fun.

We've been doing great and we're having a blast. Elder Gaunt and I have done almost an entire week worth of service since we've been here in the Burkeville area. We have so many people who give us food. After every branch get together they always say "Missionaries, did you get a plate to take home?" and then we get enough food for about 4 people (which is good cause I eat as much as 2 or 3 anyway).

But, I wanted to let you all know... Christmas day... I'll be calling you, Mom and Dad. I will confirm the times and get back to you.

I love you all. Be safe. Don't die in the snow and ice (by the way, it snowed for the first time on Saturday!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!)

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The church is true.