December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011

I get to stay in the Midlothian Ward through Christmas and New Years!!!!!

It's gonna be fun! I'm so excited to be here for another six weeks. We've been having a lot of fun here in the Midlothian area. Last Saturday we had our ward Christmas party and it was AWESOME!! We had a talent show and the elders quorum president got up and sang a song about a missionary and his girlfriend (sung to the tune of "Hey there, Delilah"). I was laughing so hard I was crying! It was so funny because I've had companions who have talked about their girlfriends everyday (and I was with them for three months). It was awesome. There were some other performers too and it was so cool. I was bummed though because I didn't know how to sign up for it before that night. But the sister in the ward who was in charge of it asked me if I wanted to still do something when I told her about my predicament. So I got to sing "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." I was pretty scared but the ward enjoyed it, so it must not have been that bad.

Other than that, we've been doing missionary work and having fun times, like my companion getting a flat tire on his bike when we're like a mile from our car. But we were able to find this pretty neat potential investigator before that happened.

We were biking and knocking on doors but we weren't having any success. My companion asked me "is this the most productive thing we could be doing?" Then we both thought about it. As we were thinking about it, we were wanderingly riding our bikes and we ended up in a driveway. We went and were about to knock when the door opened. We talked to this guy and told him we wanted to share a message with him. He asked how long it was and my companion said 45 minutes instead of a few mintues (because you can share the message of the Restoration in about 5 mintues or less). The man said he didn't have that much time but we could talk to him as he walked to his mail box. So we talked about what we share and when we got back to his house, he said "come on in and keep talking". We ended up talking for about 45 minutes about the Book of Mormon. He showed some interest and said to call him next month because he's busy with the holidays. But we got his phone number and address and gave him a Book of Mormon.

I love this work!!!!!! You have no idea how much fun it is to share the gospel with people and to see how it affects everyone differently. We had an awesome lesson yesterday with one of our investigators who is really close to being baptized. We had the lesson in the church right near the baptismal font. We found out that she'll get baptized once she understands how everything fits together (like the Book of Mormon, the Priesthood, the Prophet, etc.) Once she understands that she said she'll be baptized. You have no idea what joy that brings to a missionaries ears when people say they'll be baptized. IT'S SO AMAZING!!!

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing well.


-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

They're both a picture of a squirrell sitting on top of a mailbox. I just thought that was funny and wanted to share my insanity with y'all.