December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

So this past week was interesting....

This past week was Leadership Training so we had four other missionaries stay at our apartment with us. It was pretty fun....... and crazy. Because my companion and those four missionaries were going to the Leadership Training, I went with the Manchester elders for the day until the training was over. After the training I would go and get back with my companion. It was fun. We did a lot of service during that time.

The most interesting part of the week was yesterday morning. We went to see this one investigator who is a practicing Catholic. He's really smart and knows his bible very well. It was an interesting conversation we had with him. We started talking about the Book of Mormon......... and I don't remember where we ended at because we talked about so many different things. I was just sitting there listening to what the guy was talking about and what my companion was saying. I didn't say anything because I didn't feel the need to. I would think about what I could say and the Spirit just told me to let it go. So I did. But this guy is a really nice guy and he's a computer programmer and he's already told me about a lot of different things I need to look into when I get off my mission. He's even gonna keep in contact with me when I'm home so that he can help me. He's pretty good at what he does so I'm excited.

We also have an investigator who committed to be baptized!!!! Woohoohoo!!! (As Brigham would say) The only thing is she's really busy this next little while and she's going to be out of town until January. So we're gonna set a baptismal date for sometime in January. But she is so prepared. She's only read the introduction and the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses, and the Testimony of Joseph Smith and she already believes it's true!

Man, I love this work!!!!!! There is no where else I would rather be that right here, in Virginia, serving the Lord my God. This work is so COOL!!!

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing good.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

1 - This is a street in the Manchester Area. I got a picture of it when I was with the missionaries down there.

2 - This is an electric plug coming out of a Holly tree that I saw in the Manchester area (lots of weird stuff down there)

3 - This is me learning how to flip steaks that are cooked over a wood grill and the member who's teaching me

4 - This is me eating the steak, baked potato, and jumbo shrimp. It was good!!!