December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

So this past week was interesting and fun

I have to be honest, I don't remember much of this past week. Everything is going by so fast that it's all running together. It's really starting to worry me because it just shows how long I've been out. It's so much fun though. Especially when you get to see someone who just came out on his mission that you used to go to school with. (Yes, I did see someone that I used to go to ALA with). He just got out here last Wednesday and I saw him at the missionary choir practice we had. We have a missionary choir singing in the Miracle of Christmas at the Richmond Metro Zoo and he is in it also. We're gonna have about 30 - 50 missionaries singing in the choir and it's gonna be great. Sister Perry is conducting us which is really exciting.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!! I have to tell you this awesome experience I had yesterday!

Okay, so we were having choir practice and it was Sister Perry's birthday yesterday. So, Elder Monibidor, the Bon Air sisters, and I came up with the idea to have everyone start singing Happy Birthday when Sister Perry starts conducting. So, in the choir practice when we were about to start singing Joy To The World and Sister Perry hit the first beat conducting, we all started singing Happy Birthday. It completely threw her off and for the first few seconds she was like "what page are they on?" Then she started laughing and she laughed so hard that she started crying. It was AWESOME!!!! The elder who was playing the piano was in on it too and he just stopped playing after he played the first chord. It was a memorable experience.

I love music. It has such an awesome effect on people. It softens hearts, builds testimonies, and brings the Spirit better than almost anything else. This is the time of year when the Spirit of God can rage like an inferno through peoples hearts and souls because of what we're celebrating. This is a time when hymns of praise are heard everyday by everyone. Take advantage of that and sing your testimony to everyone you can. That's what I'm going to do.

I promise that hearts will be touched and lives will be changed when you do that. I know that that is what happens when we bear our testimonies through song and giving. That's my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love ya,

Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God