December 26, 2011

December 26, 2011

Hello!!! How's everyone doing?

I'm doing great. I'm so tired but it's a good tired. It's the kind of tired you get when you have just finished a huge school project and you got a awesome grade on it. But it's a constant. Everyday I get out of bed and try to get going (I'll be honest, I do struggle exercising but I do get up on time, that I do). And all the while Satan is trying to pull me down by drying to discourage me by putting thoughts into my head that I don't want to do something, or I'm too tired. But I've become better at pushing those thoughts down and away and move past them. It's such a life changing experience being out here.

Looking at where I am now, spiritually, compared to where I was before my mission, it's like night and day. Before my mission I knew what the Gospel was, I didn't understand why we had it or really how it fits all together. Now, I know why we need to have the Gospel and it's not just "a nice thing to have". I understand more clearly, what the Gospel is, and I understand how to apply it in my life and how it all works together. It's the most amazing thing in the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes bad men good, good men better, and brings more joy to your life than any, literally, ANY other thing.

This past little while I've come to see everything in a different light. I'm beginning to look at the little things and seeing how amazing they really are. For instance, take.............. a nut. Inside that tiny little thing, whatever kind it may be, is the ability to become a mighty tree. Just take a nut and stare at it at think about what it holds and how many life lessons we can learn from it. This is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ helps you understand. It helps you understand EVERYTHING (or almost everything 'cause we're never gonna fully understand how everything works but we can understand the basics).

This gospel is the only way to have true happiness. I know you hear people say it again and again, but you know what, it's said over and over again by the Leaders of the Church because it is from the Lord.

I know that to be true with every particle inside of me. This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love Elder Ricky-Dude
P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God