March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

So this past week was sweet!!! We had a lot of fun this week. We did tons of service and had lots of fun.

Saturday, we had a Boy Scout dinner and cake auction and it was so much fun! There were cakes that went for about $40-$50, one or two that went for $90, one that went for $100, and another that went for $105! It was crazy to see these people bidding on this stuff!! Someone got brownies for us. They bid on it, won it, and gave half of them to us. It's crazy that members do that. We left with TWO things of brownies, some of the left over dinner stuff, and a huge Costco apple pie. And someone even tried to give us half of a giant chocolate cake (the thing was about 10" across and 6" or 7" tall!) We said we had way to much already because we had just gotten a cake like two days before that. This ward is amazing!!! They seriously love the missionaries and love taking care of them.

So. We are just having a great time out here. Elder Orr and I are super unified and we're doing all we can to make sure it stays that way. He's an awesome missionary and we both have the strange sense of humor that our family does so we never get bored talking to eachother! (:-D We are having fun and working hard and everyday the Spirit is helping us be more unified and better missionaries.

I love this work! There is really nothing I would choose over this. My life has been changed for good in almost everyway possible. I know that this Gospel is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and that there is no other way to be happy than to live by it's teachings and to follow Jesus Christ. Some may say that it's impossible to be like Christ in every way. That's true. Because..... He's Christ and you're you. He's perfect and right now we're not. But, because of how much God loves us, He's made a way for us to become like him. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we've done or are doing, we can become clean from sin, have all of our weaknesses become strengths, and have help through our problems and difficulties. It does not matter who you are or what you've done. I'm going to say that again in capital letters: IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU'VE DONE, GOD LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO COME BACK TO HIM. He is ready and waiting to open the windows of heaven and send His angels to help you. You must first reach out to Him. Read the Book of Mormon. Pray for help.

These are the ways we reach out to Him. I promise you, as a representative of Jesus Christ and by the authority given to me, I promise that if you will read the Book of Mormon and pray to Heavenly Father every morning and night, He will show you His hand in your life by strengthening your weaknesses and opening the windows of Heaven to send his angels to help you. The promise is made. It's up to you to live it and reach out and grasp the blessing.

I love you all so much. You all are amazing and have helped me through every rough time on my mission. I know God loves you. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God