March 5, 2012

February 27, 2012

So, the Lord really does help us

So last week we had the opportunity to have Elder and Sister Gardner come over. They are a senior couple who started off teaching institute but are now doing a pilot program where they go to different companionships and teach them what they've learned from other missionaries and help them in whatever they need help with.

So, they came and took us to breakfast and then studied with us for a good long time. It was amazing. I learned so much from them and was able to talk with them about so many different things. It was amazing. When they had called to plan when to come over they asked if there was anything in particular that we (my companion and I) wanted to go over with them. I couldn't think of anything right then so I didn't know what to say. After I got off the phone I felt very strong to call back and ask them if we could talk about being motivated.

So, Wednesday they came, and when they talked to us one of the first things they shared with us was D&C 1:1-6. They specifically pointed out verse four where the Lord talks about his disciples. They helped me realize that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and that He, Himself, has chosen me to be His representative out here. It was an amazing experience.

The next day when we called them up to tell them how we're doing, I told them that I realized something after they had left. I realized that I had motivation, I just needed someone else to tell me that. Sister Gardner said "Isn't it strange how that happens?"

All-in-all, I'm doing a lot better. The only thing now is that we had two days in a row that we 70 and 80 degrees (don't ask me how that works in February, but, apparently it does) and I think the flowers started to bloom and my face wants to explode now because of allergies. Don't worry, I'm getting some antihistamines today. I should be better in a few days.

So, Saturday, (I want to share this really quickly), we had the adult session of stake conference. Our stake president got up and spoke to us and the first thing he said, after saying that the things he was about to share he felt were really important, was "Don't try to explain the unexplainable." That was one of the most amazing experiences I've had listening to a stake president. He then went on to explain that members of the church sometimes try to answer questions we don't have answers to. He talked about how someone asked him about polygamy, and his response was "the church stopped that over a hundred years ago..... but I still joined anyway." That helped me a lot because I'm the kind of person who loves questions and loves answering questions. So right now, I apologize to everyone, for trying to explain the unexplainable, and trying to answer things we
don't have answers for (such as why polygamy stopped). I ask y'all to forgive me for that. I am determined now to answer the questions I know we have answers to and to keep myself from explaining the unexplainable.

Then yesterday (sorry this is a longer email, I know, but so much has happened), we had a regional broadcast for stake conference. Elder Richard G. Scott spoke to us, as well as Paul B. Peiper of the Seventy, Silvia H. Allred from the general Relief Society Presidency, and Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop. It was great! The two things that stuck out to me were Elder Scott's talk about womanhood and how we need to defend it, and Bishop Burton's talk on listening to the living prophet. They were awesome!!!

I am so excited about this gospel, you wouldn't believe it! I know that Jesus Christ lives, that He is our saviour and redeemer, and that He is the Son of God. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom once again established on the earth to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Of this I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God