February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

So the coolest thing that's happened this past week....
K there are two things.

First off, it snowed on Sunday. It started in the afternoon and snowed until morning. We got about five-six inches of snow!!!! I was so excited!!!! The scary part was we were still about seven miles from home when it started sticking to the ground... It took us about 50 minutes to get home. Don't worry, I used my snow driving skills that I acquired in Utah and we made it home with out sliding around the road and with out any problems. We even made it up a pretty steep hill. I threw it into the lowest gear and went really slow, probably no faster than 5 mph. I was praying so hard right then because we just saw a car back down the hill because they couldn't make it up. But we were already going and had no where to turn around so, up the hill we went. And when we made it to the top that's when I started breathing again.

So that was number 1.

Second thing, this past Thursday we had a lesson with one of our investigators who's set to get baptized in March. He is an awesome guy and he was so excited to see us so that he could tell us his fiance, who's a member, got him church clothes for Valentine's day so that he didn't have to wear his work pants anymore. And he told us that he had Sunday off again (third time in a row!!!!!) so he would make it to church. (He ended up being really sick on Sunday, and he was so bummed, but he's praying to have next Sunday off, too) During the lesson I felt like asking him why he felt the way he did about the Gospel, why he felt so strongly about it. For the next five minutes it was him telling us about how he came to know this is true, went from being interested in learning to being interesting in living the Gospel, and how he knows God wants him to do this otherwise the missionaries wouldn't have found him when they did. He then closed with "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."!!! I was about to cry because of how strong the Spirit was in the room. It was amazing!!!

It is so amazing how this gospel changes ordinary lives and ordinary people into amazing Christlike lives, and amazing disciples of Christ. This Gospel is the only way to receive the blessings God wants for you, you all know that. I know that by staying strong to it and holding to the rod, you can make it through anything.

Satan works the hardest right before something great is about to happen. Don't let him win those battles. He's already lost the war and he knows it so he's going to try and drag down with him as many as he can. That "rod" is the thing that will keep you from being dragged down. If you feel as if you've fallen, get up and grab on to it again. Keep going towards it and never stop, never give up, and always look to Christ for help. I know He will be there to help you through those times, because He is helping me through all the difficult times I'm going through. Because I only have a little bit of time left on my mission Satan is working hard to keep me down. But I'm not going to let him because I choose Christ. I choose my Heavenly Father, and I choose to be a missionary for my Lord Jesus Christ.

I know this is the only and true Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ. I know He lives. I know God the Father lives and loves us. I know that in my heart and soul, and I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God