February 3, 2012

January 9, 2012

So this past week was interesting, very interesting. This past week has been a blur, to put it simply. It's all mushed together into one big thought. If I think about it for a minute, I can separate it........ so bear with me here.........

The biggest and strangest thing that happened was when I went on an exchange with a fairly new missionary. We went to see this staunch catholic guy. Basically what ends up happening when we see him is that he ends up trying to convert us to Catholicism. Yeah, it's interesting. He's very smart and know the history of the Catholic church very well. So well, in fact, that it's kind of creepy. Everything that we say somehow gets twisted around by him to throw it back against us. It's fun going over there because I get to see how twisted things have become in today's world.

Whenever I do go over there and it starts becoming a little contentious, I just shut down and listen. Whenever I think to add something that I can see could possibly help him understand but would most likely end up being twisted around on me, the Spirit just stops me. I end up bearing testimony about the truthfulness of the Gospel. It's crazy because most of the things that he brings up are about church history or something else that we as missionaries don't really study about or about an issue that's done and over with, such as Blacks and the Priesthood, polygamy, and abortion. (This guy believes our church condones abortion) His biggest argument about why things changed with this is because the Church succumbed to social pressure. IN NO WAY IS THAT TRUE. I put that in bold letters because I really want you all to know that that is not true. The reason why polygamy stopped was to keep the temples open.

The Church does not succumb to social pressure. God does not succumb to social pressure. No matter what.

No matter what anyone tells you, this is the true Church of Jesus Christ because it fulfills prophecy, is lead by a living and true prophet, and holds the Priesthood of God. This true church is what's going to save all mankind from itself. Everything depends upon us who know the truth. I will be honest with you, it is not an easy task, nor will it be an easy thing. God didn't make this life and our responsibilities easy. He made it hard. But He also made it possible to work through the challenges and reach higher levels. I know that our loving Father in Heaven made it possible for every, I repeat that, EVERY soul to come back to him no matter what that person has done, if they will but follow His son, Jesus Christ and be willing to humble themselves and submit to Heavenly Father's will. He knows what's best for us and He will make it possible for us to achieve true happiness and lasting joy, not just a temporary euphoria that ends when something throws it off course. I know that that is true with all my heart and nothing is going to separate me from that knowledge because I have received that witness from the Holy Ghost that tells me this is Jesus Christ's true church and that I am following him. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all so much.

-Elder Ricky-dude