February 3, 2012

January 17, 2012

So, I first off want to tell you all that I was a bit frustrated last week when I was typing that email so some of what I said may have been a little off. Just wanted to warn y'all.


This week was interesting we were really busy and we taught quite a few people last week. A few of them new investigators and some we've been seeing for a while. We saw that Catholic guy again on Friday and after doing some research (http://mormon.org/faq/church-position-on-abortion/ and http://mormon.org/faq/plural-marriage/) we shared with him what we learned from there. We were actually only able to share about abortion and then he took over the conversation.

It was during that conversation when I finally realized something momentous....... I was mad about what he was saying. I wasn't mad or frustrated or annoyed at all because I finally realized that to cause a fight right there would be to cause a rift and let Satan win. Both me and my companion realized that. Then what made that meeting even better was that we started to talk about our potential to become like God. The guy we were talking to (I'll call him Billy-Bob from now on) was completely thrown off by it. Not by what we were teaching, but HOW we were teaching it. You could see it in his face.

Now, the doctrine of our potential to become like God is not some mysterious thing that is talked about in only very private settings. No, it's talked about all over the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. To teach this doctrine with your companion in the spirit of unity and
in the spirit of teaching and love, you can teach it so that a three-year-old could understand it. And that's what happened. It was awesome! I've never been that unified with a companion than in that moment right there. And it was because we loved the person we were talking with, we loved Billy-Bob so much that we listened to the Spirit. It was amazing.

I know without a doubt that this gospel is true and that by living it we won't ever be left without an answer to our questions and that we won't ever have to worry about whether or not we are doing the right thing because the Spirit will tell us as long as we are living worthy
of his presence.

Then on Sunday we went by one of our newer investigators we taught and talked with him about stuff. He brought up some concerns about things he read on the internet about us and he presented them to us. We just calmly said "thank you for bringing these up to us because it gives us the chance to help you understand everything". He brought up a lot of things about what the Book of Mormon talks about and every time he did, we calmly just read a scripture about those things. For example, someone wrote that Nephi built a temple equal to that of Solomon's
temple, but with only 19 people. We read 2 Nephi 5:16 (I think that's the scripture, if it's not 16 it's around there) where it says he built it after the manner of Solomon's temple but without the precious materials that Solomon's temple had.

Basically any concern he brought up we just calmly answered it with scripture. It was AWESOME!!!!

Anyway, so I've written an epistle to y'all and now I'll give you time to read it. But by the time you get to this part you'll have read it and depending on how fast you read you'll probably finish reading this in about 10-15 minutes. (Jake I know you'll have it read in like 5 minutes because you're a really fast reader).

I love you all and hope a pray y'all are doing well.

Peace, love, and happiness (maybe some chocolate) to all of you.

-Elder Ricky-dude

Pre-P.S. I haven't taken any pictures for the past little while, but
I will have some for you next week. I promise!