February 3, 2012

January 23, 2012

I'm staying in Midlothian!!!

So I'm not being transferred. I'm staying in Midlothian (I might even finish my mission here, I don't know). Elder Monibidor is going to downtown Richmond. My new companion is from the Philippines and I think you spell his name Elder Quiembao (pronounced key-EM-bow, I think). He's pretty awesome from what I hear. Also, we're going to have a "VISA-waiter" with us. This missionary is going to Ukraine and will be here with us until he gets his visa to go over to Ukraine. So it's gonna be fun.

So last week we had interviews with President Perry and the first thing he said was "rumor has it you're coming up on your 20 month mark." I just told him "Yep". Then I went on to explain how I came to accept that fact. We were talking with a member and she had her husband on Skype (her husband is deployed). They asked me what I wanted to do after my mission and I said I have no idea. Then the husband said "you gotta have a plan". Then for the next hour he taught us about how we need to have a plan about where do we want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years; where, when, and how do you want to retire, and things like that. I took notes on it so that I can remember what he said. It was in that moment that I finally accepted the fact that I'm going home in about four months and there's nothing I can do to change that. I better make the best of what time I have left.

President the proceeded to ask me about what I want to do after my mission and if I needed help to get into school, or if I'm looking into employment and need letters of recommendation, to let him know. I told him I'm looking at two options: 1 - going to BYU-Idaho and their Return Missionary program; or 2 - Joining the Air Force ROTC.

When I told president that he kinda raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Well, THAT'S new". Then he told me that when I get closer to going home I can start looking into it.

Anyway, life's going great. I'm having fun. We have two people set for baptism. We're teaching quite a few people right now. I'm having fun....... wait, I already said that...... oh, well.....

And the biggest things I have learned this past week:

1 - Getting frustrated, nervous, or anxious, about things you can't control is useless. It's a waste of time and energy. Focus on what you can do and the things you can effect. "You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails" as President Monson said in this months Ensign.

2 - Do not ever take anything for granted. That is one of the biggest problems some people in the Church have is taking the Gospel for granted. That only leads to you being led down a wrong path that you will have a hard time getting back from. And finally: 3 - Never, and I mean Never, think that because you slipped up and made a mistake, that's it, it's over, you can't be forgiven.

That is Satan telling you that you're nothing and God doesn't want you now because you're stained with sin. You know what, you are nothing compared to the glory of God. But to God, you're EVERYTHING. You are His work and His glory and He loves you more that anyone can ever say in the most beautiful of song or the most elegant poetry. No words can describe His love for you.

I know that is true and I know he loves you and wants you back, no matter what you've done. There is always a way back.

I bear testimony that God lives, Jesus Christ is the Savior, YOUR Savior and Redeemer, and that Joseph Smith DID see God the Father and His Son and hear them speak, and The Book of Mormon is evidence of this, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all and hope and pray you are doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude