March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

So, I'm very tired. I'm not as bad as I was yesterday or any day last week, but I'm still tired. (I'm a missionary, and we're always tired)

Last week was leadership training so we had four extra missionaries at our house. That comes to a total of eight missionaries in one house. Not only that, because Elder Orr was going to leadership and Elder Coburn's companion, Elder Newman (they're the other missionaries who live with us) went to leadership also, Elder Coburn and I had to switch off where we were going to work each day, since we had to cover two areas during the day. So Elder Coburn had to plan for his area and I had to plan for my area, and then make a double set of plans for every night. Not only that, we got up at 5:30am (yes I did get up then, I know it's amazing) and went and played basket ball with some other missionaries. I was so tired that on Sunday, when we were finishing up some planning for the up coming week, I fell asleep while I was writing. I would be writing and then my brain would shut off. But I made it through the day. (And good thing Elder Orr was driving).

So, all in all it was a great week because we had many miracles happen and I learned a lot of great things from the missionaries I got to work with over this past week. The biggest thing I learned this past week was about being converted to something, in particular, the Gospel. Before my mission I knew the gospel was true. I knew it in my mind and I never really had any doubts about it. Yesterday I was talking about this with my companion and I realized something: your brain may know it's true, but does your heart know it? You can know everything about the Gospel and know everything that proves it true, but can you feel that in your heart? Sometimes you are converted in your heart, but you have to let your heart know that your heart is converted. That's what I've learned on my mission: you can know every single little detail about the Gospel, but doesn't amount to anything unless you know it's true. Even just a little spark of belief that it's true is a great starting point. In fact, that's how it always starts. It's never an instant burning, raging, fire of belief. It's always a small little candle flame, or even a spark, that, when built upon with the right teachings and principles, becomes a flame that fills your soul and soon spreads to others.

I know that is true because I've seen it happen in so many peoples' lives out here and in my own life. I know better than I know I'm alive, (and I know that pretty well because of all the physical injuries I have) that this gospel is true. I do not have a perfect knowledge of the gospel, but I am working on it to where, someday, it will be a perfect knowledge of the gospel. I know Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father and that He is my savior and redeemer, and the savior and redeemer of mankind. I know he loves each and everyone of you and will do anything for you to know He is there. The only things that stops Him is yourself. Don't let Him stay outside. You only hurt yourself.

Something I learned a little while ago was: When you get to heaven, and you haven't repented because you felt like you couldn't and you weren't worthy or worth it, will you be able to tell Jesus Christ that His atonement was good enough for everyone else, but not for you? That all the pain and suffering He went through doesn't make a difference because of how awful you think you are?

Accept the Saviors atonement and show that you have by reading the Book of Mormon and praying to your Heavenly Father. And go, with your family, to the only and true church of Jesus Christ on earth, where you can fully partake of the gift of the Atonement. That's how important everything is that I've talked about, that the prophets and apostles have talked about; that Jesus Christ Himself has talked about. That's how important this Gospel is. Because you cannot, and will not be able, to do it on your own. So pray for humility and do something about it.

I love you all so much. You have no idea how much I love you all. There are no words to describe it. I know this is true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God