April 4, 2012

April 2, 2012

You probably won't believe this but I actually have only eight weeks and one day left. I'm trying not to be trunky I promise. My companion and I have actually talked about how to help me not be trunky. So everything is going great.

I loved General Conference! It was really powerful and really inspiring. I received a lot of revelation for the questions I had.

One of the questions I had was about college because I'm applying for BYU-Idaho. The answer to that was: put the Lord first and everything will work out. That answer came multiple times in multiple ways.

Quick question, is Robbert Haggard on a mission? Because I swear I saw him in the missionary choir. (Also, did any of you catch Elder Archuletta? ;) He was the last missionary they showed in that session. The last close up view of missionaries was with him in it)

Anyway, General Conference is one of the greatest times for missionaries. It's really the Super Bowl for missionaries. We get so excited about it because we get to hear the living prophet of God speak to us. I really loved what he said about eternal truths. That was the talk that I gained an even stronger testimony that he is the only man on earth who holds and is authorized to use all the priesthood keys God has given to us. It was definitely the spiritual reboot that I needed. I feel so much better having been spiritually fed for two days. I think part of it was being at the church for most of the day too. Being in a dedicated building is a very peaceful experience.

So here is the spiritual thought for the week: God speaks simply to us because any other way we would be confused. 2 Nephi 31:3 is my favorite verse about that. You should look it up. What better way to hear the word of God that by hearing his prophet and apostles speak to us today! They teach so simply and so clearly that you can't misunderstand them. Now the next part is always remembering what they taught. There was an Ensign article about that. This man was talking to his neighbor about how we have a prophet today. The neighbor said "Really? What is he saying?" The man went blank. He couldn't remember what the prophet had said in the last General Conference.

DON'T EVER BE LIKE THAT. This is THE prophet of GOD. It is one of the commandments to follow the prophet. How can we do that when we don't remember what he says?

So now here's what we can do to help ourselves follow the prophet better: read Jacob 4:4 and 6, and 2 Nephi 32:3 and apply them by reading the General Conference talks when they come out in the Ensign. Study them like Jacob teaches us and we will never be lead astray. I promise you that in the name of Jesus Christ. If you read the scriptures and the words of the living prophet, everything will be made clear. Then when you live them, you will be blessed. I promise you that, as a representative of Jesus Christ and by the authority given to me.

I love you all and hope and pray you will follow the counsel of the living prophet, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


-Elder Ricky-dude