April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

So, this past week was pretty neat.

So, how's it goin'?

I'm doing good. I've been busy this past week. I know I've been busy because I can't remember most of what went on. If I didn't have my planner I would be lost. It's kind of become my journal because I'm really behind on recording in my voice recorder. So, I'm going to try and remember what the biggest things were this week.

So on Monday we played Ultimate Nerfball. We have a little nerf basketball hoop in our place and we put it up on Mondays to play. In ultimate nerfball you have one step/jump then you have to pass it or shoot it, you can't kill anyone, but other than that there are no rules. It's fun. I'm the biggest person playing so it gets intense!

Also, one of our investigators took us to dinner on Monday at this really nice resteraunt called Croaker's Spot. Great food and huge portions. We had her fellowshippers come with us. They are an awesome couple and are basically our grandparents out here ('cause we can never leave their house without taking at least two days worth of food from dinner!!!) They are awesome. It was great to have them there with us.

Wednesday we did service (yard work for these two older ladies) for about five hours. Yeah, I was tired after that.

Thursday we had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators and his fiance who's a member. We brought another member with us and it was amazing. The member we brought is one of those guys who studies the gospel like crazy but he can teach it so that almost anyone can understand. He's really funny too because he's very spaztastic. It was a great lesson we had. (Also on Thursday I saw this new fountain drink machine they have where you can get different flavors of your drink, such as Peach Sprite, or Raspberry Sprite, or Lime Fanta. It was cool!!)

Friday we had a great zone meeting talking about the needs of our investigators and what resources we can use to help them. It was a really powerful meeting. We also had a few lessons that day too. Later that day the same member couple who came with us on Monday took us to Cheeburger Cheeburger where they have a one pound burger that you can eat. If you finish it they announce your name and that you just finished the pounder, take your picture and put it on the wall. I finished the pounder in... I want to say less that five minutes. One of the members who was with us finished it too. I have a picture I'm going to send home of both of us. I wanted to die after eating that AND a huge malt. (I don't know why I did that to myself).

Saturday was fun.... I think..... I don't remember most of it. I do remember the dinner appointment we had and the lesson we shared. Have y'all ever heard of ripping a paper one time and being able to make a cross and the word LOVE? It's a great object lesson especially for Easter. We did that with the family we ate dinner with and the next day in Primary, one of the kids in that family showed the whole Primary that trick. I was surprised when I found that out. It felt so good to know that people listen (and the kid was 6 years old!)

Then Sunday was a beautiful Easter Sabbath. The Easter program in church was beautiful. The youth speaker talked about remembering Christ always, not just on Christmas or Easter, but on days like July 3rd, or June 30th, or August 24th. Everyday we should remember Christ and what He's done for us and is doing for us.

I wish I could transplant what I've learned about the Atonement into your minds. To really get the most of what I've learned, read the article in the April 2012 Ensign entitled The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality" by Elder Bednar. That is the most amazing article I've read in a long time. It opened my eyes to the Atonement even more and I am so grateful for it. If I had to sum up what I've learned in the last two years, I would tell you two things:
  1. You can never understand how much God and Jesus Christ truly love you. There's no possible way to understand all that He and Christ have done all because of Love; and
  2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a one time thing. Everyday we face new situations which allow a new way to apply the Gospel in our lives.
The principles are eternal and the same everywhere, what we learn from them is for us personally. New days and new challenges allow for continued conversion to the Gospel and a stronger testimony. I know that God loves each and everyone of us so much. I know that Jesus Christ loves us more that we know. I know that because I know God created us and gave us an opportunity to learn and grow, He sent His Son to die for us, and Christ WILLINGLY CHOSE to die for us to be able to bring us all back to Heavenly Father, as long as we follow him. I know that is true because I've felt Their love in my life so many times that I can't count them all. I know They love us. I know it. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Photos from Cheeburger Cheeburger in Midlothian VA: