September 27, 2010

September 27 2010

Hey ya'll

Yes I'm now using the word ya'll a lot more than I thought I would be. I can tell you that you literally learn a new language down here. There's a lot going on right now and I know for a fact that we are truly being blessed. We have 6 people set for baptism and 3 are really solid. I've come to learn that setting people for baptism is easy, getting them to come to church is hard; especially down here in Virginia because of how many other churches there are that people go to. Goodness, you can find at least 3 different churches in about 2-3 streets. It's truly crazy how much confusion is here. But we're helping people clear up the confusion and find the true church.
I'm excited that general conference is coming up. This is going to be neat, going to the church for all 5 sessions. I want to tell you all that if you have any questions about life, or any concerns, if you pray and about them, then go to conference, you will receive an answer. I have a lot of questions so I'm going to be paying really close attention to all the different talks that are going to be given.

Goodness, it's already October. Where did the year go? It's so crazy that I've been out for four months already. It's like it was yesterday that I came to Virginia. But it seems like forever ago that I was in the MTC. It's fun being out here. The MTC was great because of the pretty good amount of food (spiritually and physically) but out here the supply of food, spiritual food, is endless. The more you learn, the more you learn there's so much more to learn. I know this for a fact. The more more understanding I gain in the gospel, the more I realize that there's more to understand.

Some times it gets a little discouraging, but Christ is there to help us in our times of need. He seriously will be. I can promise you that. He is there for us and He will always help you understand something if we are willing to ask.

I'm so grateful for the letters and emails I receive from you. It helps me see how much the Lord is blessing our family. It helps me know that the Lord keeps promises. (I'll tell you what I mean later)

I love you all and I pray for you often (because sometimes I have other stuff on my mind, like the eternal salvation of the people I'm teaching :)

Anyway, if there's any piece of advice I'd like for you to remember it's to not eat too much hot sauce. (It hurts!)

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 20, 2010

Sept 20, 2010

Hey there everyone!!!

This week has been crazy busy. We've been doing so much work that I'm beat every night. We've found 16 new investigators this week (new investigators are people who set up a return appointment). We've set 2 people with a baptism date and have found some really solid investigators. We have been talking with everyone that we see. We just say "Hey can I give you a card really quick?", give them a pass-a-long card and the explain it. We teach a gospel principle as we talk to them and we have found so many people to teach. It's exciting!!

I love this work. Seeing all the people that need the gospel in their lives and trying to help them find it is tough. This mission thingy is tough. But it's so worth it. And there's nothing better than to see someone feel the Spirit and to have the Spirit testify to them that what you're sharing is the truth. There's nothing more beautiful that seeing someone finally find the path that leads to Christ. They seriously change in a way you can't describe. And they just become this bonfire of happiness that almost bursts at the seams! It truly is the work of the Lord. Nothing else can or will change someone's life so drastically and so beneficially than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That is my testimony. They say in the mission field "Don't let the greenie fire die". Well, let's not look at the negative. Let's say "build the fire in you until you're about to explode". I promise you that if you do, you will have blessings beyond all comprehension.

That is my testimony. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 13, 2010

Sept 13, 2010

Hello everyone!!

Things are going good out here and everything is moving forward. I have a new companion. His name is Elder Hunsaker and he likes deep doctrine. He's helping me learn that I didn't know half as much as I thought I did. It's awesome! I'm learning more now than I ever have. And it has been humbling to realize that I didn't know half as much as I thought I did. So It was basically like cleaning off the slate, and starting over. This time, I'm catching on really quick with how I need to learn the doctrine. (Just to put any concerns behind, I'm NOT comparing myself to Elder Hunsaker. I'm comparing my self to where I was and what's just a little bit down the road from where I'm at.)

So, we are doing so many new things in this ward than what we have done before. It's going to be great and the work here is going to take off. I'm so excited. Every thing is moving forward and upward. We were able to meet with our bishop (the first time since I've been here :O I know) and we were able to establish that our purposes are the same. Now that we are becoming unified, we can work even better together.

I would just like to say, this missionary thing is tough. It's not for everyone. And even though it's tough, there's no words to describe what it's like to see someone feel the Spirit for the first time. It is amazing.

So if you've are going to serve a mission, serve one!! If you already have or are not able to, continue to serve in other ways!!! If you think you can't do it, think again!!

I love ya all and I hope and pray you're not dead, or dying, or sick, or going to be sick, or have a fever, or a runny nose, or are annoyed by someone, or....... well, you get the idea.

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 8, 2010

September 8 2010-Pictures!

Pictures!! Brother Delos Santos sent lots of pictures (at 3:49 am! another night owl!) So here they are along with his notes:

Happy Labor Day! Here are some pictures I took earlier with your missionary.

Presidents’ Park in Williamsburg, VA.

In front of President Washington – all the presidents are here with a brief history during his presidency. “Talk about Big Heads!” No Obama here – yet.

Best president during my lifetime – Reagan baby!

In my kitchen after Sacrament meeting (me and Elder Lowry). Last Sunday with Elder Lowry; he’s been with us for 6 months.

Elder Mangum taking a nap while Elder Lowry builds his kingdom around him.

Good looking missionary – Elder Man-Candy.

As you know, Elder Mangum will be with us for another transfer. I really enjoy watching him grow from a “greenie” to a missionary that can preach the Gospel with conviction. He’s a bundle of joy in my home and I am glad he will be staying with us longer. His work here in Suffolk is not over. BTW, Elder Mangum will be able to take a naps without Elder Lowry’s rearranging the couch pillows.

Unfortunately, Elder Lowry will spend his last transfer in the Albemarle Branch in North Carolina. Yes, it’s in our Stake boundaries. He will be greatly miss by myself and ‘ohana. It has been my pleasure having him spend his last days with us. He is truly a missionary’s missionary and Elder Mangum has learned a lot from him.

We went to Williamsburg, VA yesterday. These are pictures of Presidents’ Park. More pictures to come….

Aloha from Virginia!
Al Delos Santos

Home away from home “the ghetto” – your missionary has many talents: take garbage out, clean toilet and bath, load and empty dishwasher, mop floors, lawn maintenance, etc.

September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010

Hello everyone!!!!!

Guess what? I'm being transferred to the Bennetts Creek area! WOOT!! Yeah I'm staying put. It's not very often that you stay in your first area for as long as I am going to. Apparently the Lord still has work for me here.

Elder Lowry is going to open an area that hasn't had missionaries in 6 years. The Albemarle branch. Yeah it's pretty cool. They've been praying for missionaries for a long time down there. On the other side of the spectrum, the Franklin area is being closed down.

Other than that, Hurricane Earl passed us by so all we got was a little rain and wind. So it's all good. I'm alive and well. In fact I'm excited, because Hurricane Gaston may come for us. Yeah, will you keep an eye on that for me? We hear about all the weather from Bro. Delos Santos so we have a heads up really early.

We had a baptism last week. John Jordan got baptized after a long and arduous wait for the go ahead. But he was baptized and is now the newest member of the Bennetts Creek ward. (It's cool, his name is Johnny 'the Baptist' Jordan).

Anyway, I'm doing good and staying alive and preaching the gospel. I have a reading suggestion for all of you. It is Titus 3:1-11. This chapter is awesome. Especially verse 10 where it talks about being careful of foolish questions. We all know the questions where people are asking about deep, technical things involving the gospel. But you know what? Those are "superfluous necessities", as I have been inspired to call them. I was thinking about those questions while I was falling asleep and that's what the Spirit told me that they are. They are things that we need to know to reach Godhood, but right now we don't really need to worry about them.

It's the basic things that are important. And the truly wise know that. As it says in Proverbs 3:35 "the wise shall inherit glory". It's wisdom to know that by the small simple things, great things come to pass.

I love you all and I know that if we follow the simple steps that the Lord has given to us, we can have eternal happiness. That is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude.