September 20, 2010

Sept 20, 2010

Hey there everyone!!!

This week has been crazy busy. We've been doing so much work that I'm beat every night. We've found 16 new investigators this week (new investigators are people who set up a return appointment). We've set 2 people with a baptism date and have found some really solid investigators. We have been talking with everyone that we see. We just say "Hey can I give you a card really quick?", give them a pass-a-long card and the explain it. We teach a gospel principle as we talk to them and we have found so many people to teach. It's exciting!!

I love this work. Seeing all the people that need the gospel in their lives and trying to help them find it is tough. This mission thingy is tough. But it's so worth it. And there's nothing better than to see someone feel the Spirit and to have the Spirit testify to them that what you're sharing is the truth. There's nothing more beautiful that seeing someone finally find the path that leads to Christ. They seriously change in a way you can't describe. And they just become this bonfire of happiness that almost bursts at the seams! It truly is the work of the Lord. Nothing else can or will change someone's life so drastically and so beneficially than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That is my testimony. They say in the mission field "Don't let the greenie fire die". Well, let's not look at the negative. Let's say "build the fire in you until you're about to explode". I promise you that if you do, you will have blessings beyond all comprehension.

That is my testimony. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude