September 8, 2010

September 8 2010-Pictures!

Pictures!! Brother Delos Santos sent lots of pictures (at 3:49 am! another night owl!) So here they are along with his notes:

Happy Labor Day! Here are some pictures I took earlier with your missionary.

Presidents’ Park in Williamsburg, VA.

In front of President Washington – all the presidents are here with a brief history during his presidency. “Talk about Big Heads!” No Obama here – yet.

Best president during my lifetime – Reagan baby!

In my kitchen after Sacrament meeting (me and Elder Lowry). Last Sunday with Elder Lowry; he’s been with us for 6 months.

Elder Mangum taking a nap while Elder Lowry builds his kingdom around him.

Good looking missionary – Elder Man-Candy.

As you know, Elder Mangum will be with us for another transfer. I really enjoy watching him grow from a “greenie” to a missionary that can preach the Gospel with conviction. He’s a bundle of joy in my home and I am glad he will be staying with us longer. His work here in Suffolk is not over. BTW, Elder Mangum will be able to take a naps without Elder Lowry’s rearranging the couch pillows.

Unfortunately, Elder Lowry will spend his last transfer in the Albemarle Branch in North Carolina. Yes, it’s in our Stake boundaries. He will be greatly miss by myself and ‘ohana. It has been my pleasure having him spend his last days with us. He is truly a missionary’s missionary and Elder Mangum has learned a lot from him.

We went to Williamsburg, VA yesterday. These are pictures of Presidents’ Park. More pictures to come….

Aloha from Virginia!
Al Delos Santos

Home away from home “the ghetto” – your missionary has many talents: take garbage out, clean toilet and bath, load and empty dishwasher, mop floors, lawn maintenance, etc.