August 14, 2011

August 1, 2011

Hey everyone!

This past week has been a better week. We were able to talk to more people and see more people. It was good.

The coolest thing that happened this week happened on Thursday and Friday. Thursday we received a referral from the Referral Center and we called the guy and set up a time to meet with him Friday. Friday came and we had an awesome district meeting because we had it at the senior missionaries home. The senior missionaries are AMAZING! They are so much fun to be with. Then later that day we met with the referral. Turns out he's a less-active member who's going through a really rough time. Basically he's hit rock bottom and needs help. Well, we got to be his friend and talked to him for a good while. The greatest thing about him is that he has never doubted that this is the true church, and he wants his kids to know the truth. It's going to be an amazing opportunity to help him. Elder Van Wagoner and I felt the Spirit so strong when we were there (it was over 9000!! Sorry, that's something Jake will understand :D) but we are so excited to work with him.

So, I'm so excited to be out here in Rivanna! And in Virginia! I've never had as much fun in my life as I have out here. Where else do you get people slamming the door in your face or telling you you're not Christian or bashing on the Book of Mormon. I love it! Most people would think I'm crazy for saying that (well, I am, but that's beside the point). When you look at all the persecution that this church has gone through, there has to be something about it. This is the only true church in the world. Jesus Christ himself has told us that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.

There is no other way to get to the Celestial kingdom than through this gospel. So we gotta get with it. We've gotta get on the band-wagon because we don't have much time left here.

I love you all. If you think I was being a little to blunt with y'all, well, if you look at all the Prophets and the scriptures, they tell you the exact same thing and sometimes they do it more straight forward than I have.

I love you all and I don't want you to go through life being lost in the dark.

I love you all so much

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

I thought you guys would get a kick out of the name of this store