August 29, 2011

August 29, 2011

Let me tell you....

Earthquakes, lightning storms, and hurricanes. Yeah, it's pretty fun.

So to start off the week, on Tuesday we were helping someone mow their lawn. They had an electric lawnmower (I know, it was weird) and right as the guy who was there with us plugged the thing in, everything started shaking. The people in the house came flying out and were wondering what the guy did, as if he plugged it into something that was exploding. The guy thought it was the washing machine..... I was standing there like "Woah, this is cool." The guy who was there has family in the Bronx and apparently they felt it up there. That was neat!

Yeah, then later in the week we were told we needed to get our 72-hour kits ready because the hurricane was coming towards Virginia. It mostly stayed on the east coast. All the missionaries were evacuated before it got there though. They all came over to the Richmond area. Where I'm at though, the thunder storm we got on Thursday did more damage than the hurricane, although there was a tree that fell over at the zone leaders apartment. Yeah, the hurricane wasn't effecting us all that much really. There were still hummingbirds flying around outside our apartment. But we were still grounded and couldn't go anywhere.

Other than that we had three investigators to church yesterday. Woohoohoo!!! (As Brig would say) We were so excited. We met with all of them after church and they said they really liked it. On of the families (a part-member family, meaning one of them is a member the other is not) invited us over for dinner. Then the other family, who aren't members yet, were already talking about what would happen if they went through with this and actually get baptized. We went over at 8pm and we were planning on being there for about 20 - 30 minutes. We were there until 9:20 answering questions about what would they need to do if they got baptized and stuff like that. We were so excited. They're planning on going out of town this next weekend and they really don't want to miss church. They're going to a family reunion and are thinking of ways the could make it back in time for church. This family is GOLDEN!!! We are going to work closely with them so that Satan will not influence them to fall away.

We were telling the family a little about ourselves and the dad really admires and is grateful for leaving our families to come out here. He said "I know it was hard for you to make that sacrifice and leave your family, but you saved this one right here".

This gospel saves not only individuals, but families as well. That is what this gospel is for; to unite families with a belief that can get them through anything. I was going to write "almost anything" but then I felt, "no, this gospel can get families through literally ANYTHING". If you feel that your family is having a hard time, start praying, read the Book of Mormon, and go to church. These are the only things that will protect us and guide us when the world goes completely insane. Nothing else can or will. Families and the Gospel. They must go together. That is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God