August 14, 2011

August 8, 2011

Transfer calls came and guess what? I'm training again for the third time! Yep President Perry called at 11pm and asked me to train. This time it's gonna be a little different because there is a new training program that we are doing now. I don't know what we do in it or anything so I'll let you know next week. So it's gonna be exciting!

So far we have 4 new missionaries coming to the Waynesboro zone (that's the zone I'm in). Elder Hunsaker, my zone leader, is going to be training so the zone leaders will have a third person with them. Which is crazy because they already have four missionaries in their apartment because they share it with the Spanish elders.

I'm still gonna be a district leader. I'm getting better at it everyday. The biggest thing about being a district leader is being accountable for yourself and your district. That means letting you leaders know what's going on in the district. So far I've done alright and I'm getting better at it everyday. It's fun to be a district leader because you get to teach people over the phone as well as in district meeting. It's AWESOME!!!

We had an awesome experience on Saturday. We tried to go see this former investigator but he wasn't home. We were just about to leave when his grandson came out to see who was there because he just got out of the bathroom. So, we talked to him for a bit and asked him to tell his grandfather we came by to see him. I had a feeling at that time to talk to him about if he's ever talked to missionaries, but sadly I ignored it. Then we were in the car and about to leave when the Spirit said, very strongly "Go back and teach him the Gospel." So I looked at Elder Van Wagoner and told him we needed to do that. So, as we were walking back up to the house I felt this was going to be really awkward. Then the Spirit reminded me of something my trainer taught me, as well as other missionaries, "it's only awkward if you make it awkward". So, I was resolved to not make it awkward. The first question I asked him when the young man (he was probably a little older than me) opened the door was "Have you ever talked to missionaries before?" We had a really good discussion about the Book of Mormon and the entire time you saw him doing what everyone else who really wants to read it does. They kind of start wringing their hands together and they hold them right in front of their abdomen. You could just FEEL the desire coming from this guy to just hold the Book of Mormon. So we set up a return appointment with him and thanked the Lord for blessing us with that miracle.

The moral of the story is: Follow the Spirit when he tells you do to something. You have no idea how many lives you could effect.

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing good.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God