December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010

Hey everyone!!

This past week was awesome! We were fed so much food that we didn't have to cook this entire week. That's pretty amazing. Everything went well and I'm actually not that home sick. Which is surprising because most of the time missionaries are pretty trunky when they call home for the first time. But I guess I realize that I'm not gonna be gone forever and I feel as if I'm already at home here.

We have another person set for baptism. We set her on Wednesday and so we now have a total of four people set with a date. We're really excited and the branch is helping us too.

So I'm sending some pictures of what we did on Christmas with the Webb family and me in my Cowboy hat. My cowboy hat is pretty spiffy. And it fits perfectly. It's AWESOME!!! Now all I need are some awesome cowboy boots and I'm good.

Anyway, everything is going well and I'm still alive. I hope everyone is doing well also.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I'm also including pictures of the only footlong Subway sandwich that I couldn't finish.
And mine and Elder Gaunt's reaction to it.

Below is a photo of the stocking that Elder Mallow made and sent to us for Christmas!

ELDER GAUNT TAUGHT RICK TO CROCHET. This is the stocking that Rick made and sent to us for Christmas

December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

How's it going?

Guess what? I got a root canal today and I bet you've probably never heard of someone who was happy to get a root canal. I WAS!!! I had an abscess tooth and had had it for about 4 days. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone. It felt like someone was driving a stake into my jaw, then shooting metal wires from my tooth to my temple, eye, top tooth, and in my ear. Then to finish it off, electrify it. Yeah....... and all from a stupid jawbreaker........ Don't chew on those. That's not a good idea. It cracked my top, back left molar so that hurts a little too. It knocked the roots of my bottom, back left molar all crooked so that the dentist broke two files in my tooth. He said that he got close enough to the bottom of the root that I should be okay, but if it causes problems I'll probably need the tooth removed. The joys of being a missionary! Opposition in any and every form! But that's a good thing. That means you know you're doing something good...(well most of the time)

So yesterday we had a return missionary talk in sacrament. He had a really great mission and it changed his life. Then in sunday school he came and sat next to me and said, "so who's that?" (looking at one of the members daughters who's about 21). I told him who she was and he kept asking questions about her. He then said "Sorry if I'm making you trunky" I just told him, "don't worry about it, it's not making me trunky. I know you're just filling out your potentials list". Then we were helping the Trents take stuff out to their car and we look..... and there he is flirting with the girl. We were laughing and joking about that for almost the rest of the day.

But we are going to the Roark's on Christmas Eve and from what we've heard... that's probably gonna be one of the most memorable days of my mission. Don't worry......... they video tape it. You'll get a copy, I promise. And I'll try to remember who I am (that's what the name tag is for....) It's gonna be fun. We're going to the Trent's Christmas morning, the Webb's in the afternoon, and the Roark's again for Christmas dinner. It's gonna be fun!

So, this Saturday..... yeah.... I get to call y'all. I'm excited. Once again I'll be calling buck's phone (because mom told me to) at 11am your time (1pm my time) and dad, I'll call you at 12pm your time (2pm my time). And NONE of you are going to cry. If you cry I will rebuke you over the phone (I'm just kidding, mom you can cry all you want).

Hopefully you all have received a package from me (mom, dad, and grandpa).
If not....... I have no idea what to do. I'll pray that they'll get there.

I love you all and I will talk to ya later!

-Elder Ricky-dude

December 13, 2010

December 13, 2010

Hello everyone!!!

I am alive and well and I'm pretty happy too. Which is good, because being sad is depressing. And any way, it's in my blood to be happy (B+)

This past week has been fun and last saturday was AWESOME because........... I got to kill, pluck, and clean chickens! Yeah, it was cool, gross, and smelled bad too. We went over to Bro. Johnson's house (the second counselor in the Branch Presidency) and helped him out. I'm including pictures and a recording too. Not a recording of us slaughtering chickens, but a recording saying hi. I'm also including a picture of Bro. Johnson's ferocious attack turkey that pecked my hand! (It was actually really laid back but apparently didn't like me petting it, but it would stand right next to you and just hang out)

We got snow last night!!!!!!! About three inches !!!!!! I'm so happy. I was missing snow so bad, but now it's here and I'm happy again!!!

So, before I continue I want to get the times for my Christmas call all worked out. Mom, I'm calling you at 11am your time (1pm for me). Make sure Jake, Buck, Mariah, Luke, and Dustin and the kids are all there. Dad, I'm calling you at 12pm (2pm for me). And also, if you would like to get anyone else involved in the phone calls, there is a website called where you can set up a free conference call. So like, dad, you could set up a conference call with you, me, and Grandpa, and whoever else you wanted to call. But let me know by next p-day if there's a certain number I need to call for it.

By now, you should have received packages from me (dad, mom, and Grandpa). Dad and mom, those packages are for the family, and Grandpa that package is for you. Don't you dare open them before Christmas though! (If you have already, I'll forgive you, but don't open it if you haven't!)

Anyway, You all rock and I love you all.

-Elder Ricky-dude


The Church is true
The book is blue
If your life's getting rusty
Your Book of Mormon's getting dusty

Cute little chickens!
Cute DEAD little chicken-ugh!

Brother Johnson showing us how it's done

Our almost plucked chicken


December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010

Hey y'all!

I don't have much time to talk this week. I'm pretty busy today taking some wood to some people who need it. We cut wood last Saturday and spent the whole day with the Trents. It was fun.

We've been doing great and we're having a blast. Elder Gaunt and I have done almost an entire week worth of service since we've been here in the Burkeville area. We have so many people who give us food. After every branch get together they always say "Missionaries, did you get a plate to take home?" and then we get enough food for about 4 people (which is good cause I eat as much as 2 or 3 anyway).

But, I wanted to let you all know... Christmas day... I'll be calling you, Mom and Dad. I will confirm the times and get back to you.

I love you all. Be safe. Don't die in the snow and ice (by the way, it snowed for the first time on Saturday!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!)

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The church is true.

November 29, 2010

November 29, 2010

Hello there family!!!

How was your turkey day for ya? Mine was great! We ate at the Alvis' home (they just had a baptism in their family, the mom and daughter were baptized by the dad) and we stuffed ourselves. Then we raked leaves into a pile and burned them at their house. It was a big pile and everytime I used the rake to move the ashes around I swear I lost part of my eyebrows from the heat. But it was fun. Then, 4 hours later, we had to stuff ourselves again at the Roark's. Now the Roark family and the children of the Roark family make up half of the branch. So needless to say, there was a lot of food! And it was great food. Sis. Phyllis Roark (the one of the eldest Roarks) is a well known cook in the branch and her cheesecake is legendary. Yeah, we ate really well! It was so much fun and I haven't laughed that hard since our Thanksgiving. The Roark's are just full of stories and jokes and humor to last for hours. So it was great.

By the way, I'm staying here for another six weeks. Transfer calls were last night and we got a call from our district leader asking us if we got a call. We told him no and he said "yeah, you're staying." So we called the Trents, and being the punks we are , we told Bro. Trent we had some bad news. They are gonna have to put up with us for another six weeks. He said "What's your mission presidents phone number! Give me his number!" and we just laughed. We then texted (yes we now have texting and it makes things so much easier), a bunch of people in the branch that we're staying and they all said "Good." This branch was really praying hard that Elder Gaunt and I could stay. Sis. Warner was glad because she's incharge of the branch Christmas party and she drafted us into the "choir". There are about 5-7 people in the choir and Elder Gaunt and I are the only men. And we have two duets that we are going to sing. Yeah, Sis. Warner didn't give us an option, she just told us "you're in the choir and you're singing some songs by yourselves."

So I'm sending some pictures of the baptism we had last Saturday. It was an amazing experience with a fun twist in the story. So the baptism was scheduled at 6pm and we get a call from our branch president at 4:37pm asking if everything was ready. We told him the font is filling and we're all set. He then proceeded to tell us that Makayla (the daughter) is actually not a child of record and is therefore under the juristiction of the mission president. She isn't on Bro. Alvis' record as his daughter (he wasn't active when she was born). We then said "Crud, we'll make some phone calls to see if we can get a missionary down here to interview her before her baptism." We call our zone leaders (our district leader was on exchanges with them) and told them the situation. Our district leader said "Oh dear..." and told us they were going to make some phone calls. About five minutes later he tells us they are on their way down to do the interview... from Richmond (it's an hour away and it was 4:45). We then called the Alvis family and asked them to come a little earlier. Everything worked out well because we needed someone to play the piano and Elder Abbott, the zone leader Elder Shelly our district leader was with can play the piano. It was a miracle that worked out well because we only started five minutes late! And because of that, we hit our goal of two convert baptisms for the month of November! Then yesterday they were both confirmed into the Church. Elder Gaunt confirmed Robin, the mom, and I got to confirm Makayla, the daughter. They are a solid family and are so devoted to the gospel.

Miracles can and DO happen in the strangest ways.

I love you all and I hope you all are doing well. And if any of you are thinking about sending me a cowboy hat for christmas, don't worry about it...the Trent's have that covered

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. the attached song is a song that our district leader, Elder Shelley, gave to us. It's pretty cool! At first you'll think, "what the heck" and then you'll be like, "this is cool". At least, that's what I thought. If it doesn't come through, let me know.

November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

'Allo there.
Hey everyone!!!

How's it going? Everyone alive and well?

That's good. I'm doing well also. I'm having a great time out here. We have a baptism this upcoming Saturday and we are so excited! It's a part member family, the Alvis family, and the Bro. Alvis is baptizing his wife and daughter. They are so awesome and are so ready to be baptized. It's gonna be great. This will be the first baptism this branch has had since September 2009 so the branch is really supportive. They're seriously excited about having a new member. Their last recent convert was ordained an Elder two Sundays ago. So things are moving forward. We're hoping and praying and doing all we can to have at least two baptisms in December (maybe baptize someone on Christmas). IIIIIII'm dreaming of a whiiiiiiite Christmas! Where everyone will be baptiiiiiiiiized!! Anyway, it's going well.

So, it's almost Turkey day and we have 2 dinner appointments on that day. One with the Alvis family, and one with the Roarks (the eldest Roarks because there are so many of them) So we're gonna have a lot of food. It's gonna be cool. And guess what? A month (exactly!) from Thanksgiving I'll be calling y'all. Yay!!! And I'll be sending a package for y'all for Christmas. I made some stuff for you all that I'm going to send. One for each family. So I'll send one to dad, one to mom, and one to grandpa. You'll love it.

Um, is it alright if I send my wish list to you so you guys can send it to Santa?

This goes to the tune of All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth:
(clears throat)
All I want for Christmas are my working boots
My working boots
They're in my closet down stairs
If I could just have my working boots
Then I'd be so very happy!
(We do a lot of service out here and my tennis shoes aren't cutting it.)
-Maybe some ties
-My Jordon Bluth Christmas CD.
-And some other music (a cappella stuff, other uplifting stuff too)
-And anything else you think Santa should send me
-And the recipe for No-bake cookies (look at the P.S. for the reason why)

I love you all and I keep praying for you.

Stay safe!!!

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. So these pictures are of Elder Gaunts no-bake cookies that he made (WITHOUT peanut butter and WITH Chow Mein noodles and Coconut and which did not set up hard enough, they were always mushy), us and Jacob Alvis (who is two and crazy) and other cool pictures. And a picture of the Final Fantasy V Florists (I don't know what the FFV in this case stands for but I thought is was funny). The bright red thing is dogwood and it's right near out apartment. Then this is Pickett Reservoir on a calm day.
Elder Gaunts no-bake cookies that he made (WITHOUT peanut butter and WITH Chow Mein noodles and Coconut and which did not set up hard enough, they were always mushy)
Elder Gaunt, Jacob Alvis (who is two and crazy)and Elder Mangum
Final Fantasy V Florists (I don't know what the FFV in this case stands for but I thought is was funny)
Dogwood bushes near our apartment
Pickett Reservoir on a calm day

November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

11:14 am
Hello everyone!!!

Everything is going good out here in Virginia. I'm having a great time helping people and doing service. We do more service out here than tracting. Which is a good thing, because tracting isn't effective out here. The houses are so far apart that it takes a minute to go from house to house. We've done service two days this week. We helped a less-active member put insulation and sheet rock up in his garage on Wednesday. Then we helped the Trents, an active family (well the parents are active), with raking up leaves and acorns and burning them. I'll send some pictures of the service that we did for the Trents. The Trents are amazing. They've been feeding missionaries every week since 1991!!! We were talking about how the Church gives out free videos and stuff, and Sister Trent said "It's not free. Twenty something years ago I ordered one of those 'free' things and I've been feeding missionaries at my house every week since then."

Anyway... It's going great and I'm having fun. This branch isn't really a branch, it's a huge family (it actually really is, most of them are related to each other). It's a family because everyone knows how everyone is doing and everyone helps each other out. I love it out here.

We had a lesson yesterday with the Johnsons, he's the second counselor in the branch presidency, and we got a lot of goats milk from them. They have a lot of land and a lot of animals. They raise ducks, chickens, the have one turkey left (they ate the others), dairy goats, two calves, and some horses. Not to mention four dogs and I don't know how many cats. They're awesome and they love to help us out.

We're so excited to be here. We have a baptism on the 27th. It's a part member family and the father, who's a member, is just barely coming back into activity and can feel a difference in his life when he comes to church. The mom, who's getting baptized, is so ready for it. We went over the baptismal interview questions with her and she said she could do the interview now. Problem is we haven't gone over some things she needs to know yet.

This work is amazing. I encourage all of you to do missionary work in some form or another. It truly makes your life so much better.

I love you all and hope and pray you're all doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

11:35 am

I forgot to mention...

We were the judges of the chili cook off this past Saturday. There were some really good ones there and some really spicy ones. That's what the picture of the table was. We had to wear the hats because that's a tradition here apparently...

The pictures of the dogs are the Trents dogs. The tan one is Lucky, and the white and black one is Whisky.

When we burned the leaves and acorns... we used a leaf blower to give it a little more air so it would burn faster. It burned REALLY fast with that thing. :D

Love y'all

-Elder Ricky-dude

11:36 am
Oops, once again I forgot

The first picture is of me and the Trents. They're awesome!!

Elder Mallow and Elder Gaunt

Burkesville Branch Chili Cook Off

November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010


How are ya'll doing today?

I'm doing splediferous. My companion and I have already set two people here for baptism and we're hoping to set more for baptism in the upcoming week. It's been fun out here in the middle of nowhere. We get eggs from the members at least once a week and they're awesome brown eggs. We get them from a few different families but we mostly get them from Bro. Berryman, our branch mission leader. So that's a great thing about being in the country. We can also get milk from some members, and we can even get goat milk. So it's pretty cool.

Oh, I'm sending a recording home to ya'll. I know it's been a while since I've sent one, but I'm sending one now. I'm also sending some pictures home so you can see what It's like out here. It's so beautiful. The open sky, the changing leaves, the rolling hills. It's awesome. I wish you could all see what I see everyday. There's a lot of stuff out here that's pretty amazing.

So, it's coming to that time of year where every missionary gets trunky. But never fear, all I have to do is remember that it's only about 2000 miles (HOLY CRAP!!!!!) that separate us. ;) I'm just being funny. I swear I've never laughed as much on my mission as I have here in the Burkeville branch. The members here are so real and love life so much that you just can't keep yourself from having fun with them. I love it out here!!

I love ya'll lots and I'll email you next week.


The big fluffy missionary,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I can't send that many pictures home because of the limitations on the email. I'll have to print them off and send them in the mail.

NOTE: Rick's new companion is Elder Gaunt (sp?)

New Address: Elder James Mangum
620 S Main St. apt B-8

Blackstone, VA 23824

October 25, 2010

October 25 2010

My New Area

Hey ya'll!

So last Thursday was transfers and it was a doozy. My companion and I got shotgunned (both missionaries leaving and two new ones coming in)and we had no idea how to get to our apartment. It was pretty crazy. We almost got lost. Out here you definiately need a GPS or you're gonna be lost for a while. But it's fun... and yes it's country. The towns are less than 4 miles across and are about 4 or 5 miles from each other. But the branch out here is solid. The active members have such faith that it's inspiring. Church was pretty amazing. Most of the members have at least a few acres of land and are doing some sort of farm work.

By the way my new address is:

620 S Main St. apt B-8
Blackstone, VA 23824

This link looks right at their apartment building!

So if you have anything to send me, send on!

These past few days have been pretty tough for me because my face wants to explode. My sinuses are hurting SO bad. I got some Nyquil to help (it's funny, it doesn't put me to sleep) and it's slowly going away. I was down for the count for Friday and Saturday. But it's slowly working it's way out of my system.

My new companion is a big guy who likes all the same things I do. When he came out on his mission he was pushing 300 pounds (like me) but now he's down to 230! He told me that he lost most of his weight in a car area, so there's hope for me yet! He taught me a trick where you have 3 glasses of water lined up in front of you at your meals and you take a drink after every bite. If the water is not gone before you're done, then something is wrong. I'm going to be doing that so I can lose weight. I'm excited. (By the way, he knows how to crochette, is that how you spell it?)

So yeah, everything is going great.

I'm excited to hear from ya'll. And I love you the mostest!

-Elder Ricky-dude

October 23, 2010

October 23 2010

Elder Mangum has “left the building” or at least the Bennett’s Creek Ward. Has it been 4 ½ months already? I remember him when he came to us as a “greenie” and now, he’s all grown up and moving to another area. I will miss him in our home. He has truly been a blessing to this area and to my ‘ohana. I love this Elder and I will truly miss him. I pray our paths will cross again.

I will follow him throughout his mission. I hope that he will be able to serve in the Tidewater area again. It’s good to see young men like Elder Mangum grow spiritually as well mentally. He’s gotten a lot of life experience since coming to us. It was a privilege serving with him. I pray for his safe return to your loving arms.

FYI, Elder Mangum’s “father” (Elder Alex Lowry-1st Sr. Companion) is back home in Draper, UT. His homecoming is next week Sunday from 11:00-12:00 at 13350 S 1750 E Draper UT 84020.

Here are some pictures I took prior to his departure:
Elder Logan, me, and Elder Mangum – last day at our house.
We were able to locate Mallow Court, Chesapeake, VA


Al Delos Santos

October 18, 2010

October 18 2010

Hey Everyone!!

First off I'm being transferred to Burkville, VA. I don't know my new address yet but I'll let you all know next week. It's a country area with about 5000 people in the boundaries. It's gonna be fun. I actually knew I was going to be transferred on Saturday. We had President interviews on Saturday and he asked if I were to be transferred would I be okay with that. I told him that I would miss Bennetts Creek but I'd go. It's normal for people to miss a really good area they were in but the Lord needs me somewhere else. I'm excited to go!! It's gonna be a new experience for me and it will be a good stretch.

In my president's interview he talked to me about spiritual plateaus that we all come to. Right when he told me that I was like, yeah I hit that. I have hit it because I wasn't making that much spiritual progress for the past little bit. He then told me that I'm being transferred and that I was going to get a call from one of the assistants. It's pretty cool.

Any way, this past week has been good. I can't remember most of it but I remember that it was really fun. I'm doing better after my interview with President Perry. I truly love that man. He has such a great knowledge of the scriptures and knows how best to help the missionaries. He told me he knows I'm a missionary with a great capacity to become better and that this upcoming transfer is going to help. I'm so excited!

You know, being out here has helped me to see things in a different light. I now see how much strength and understanding comes from reading the scriptures everyday. I now see how much power the Book of Mormon has changing someone as it has changed me. I now see the importance of not just reading, but pondering the scriptures also. In 1 Nephi 10:1, Nephi was pondering the things his father told him, and while he was pondering he saw a vision and learned about more than just the things his father taught him. We can follow the commandments of the Lord and follow the example of Nephi and ponder the things we learn. We may not see a grand and glorious vision, but our understanding will grow. I promise you that.

I love you all and wish you well. Keep praying, studying the scriptures, and ponder them. If we don't act and let the Spirit do what it does, we don't learn and we don't grow.

Let the Spirit of God teach you what your Father in Heaven wants for you.

You all are awesome and I love you lots. Hold off on any letters or packages until I can tell you my new address.

I love you the mostest!!

-Elder Ricky-dude

I forgot to tell you about an experience I had yesterday.

We were with one of our investigators, Brian, and we called up President Pedaway who is the Branch President of the Newport News 3rd Branch and put in on speaker so that we all could here. President Pedaway was one of the first black males to receive the Priesthood. Brian wanted to talk to him about the issue of blacks and the priesthood and man was that a trip! President Pedaway laid it down and told Brian, because someone who has freedom didn't have it before, you would go and give up your freedom because of that? He told Brian that because men were so racist they wouldn't help blacks receive the Priesthood. So when Spencer W. Kimball got up and announced that ALL worthy males could hold the Priesthood that made it final because it was from God. President Pedaway told Brian he's an elect man who God chose to be able to hold the Priesthood in this life and that he shouldn't pass up the blessings that God wants to give to him because of something that happened in the past. At the end of the phone call President Pedaway told Brian to call him up when he's going to get baptized because he wants to be there. After Brian hung up he basically told us, yeah I don't have any concerns now.

Because of that experience and what I learned from President Pedaway is truly going to help me help others who are concerned with that issue.

Anyway, I wanted to share that with you because it truly helped me and I hope it will help you somehow.

Love ya lots,

-Elder Ricky-dude

October 12, 2010

October 12 2010

Here I am again saying howdy!!

Everything is going well. I actually got to speak in church last Sunday about member missionary work. I used the story of Abish and then went on to ask: 1) How can we follow this example; 2) How can we take it even further; 3) What would keep us from doing this' and 4) How do we overcome those things that would hold us back?. So I want to ask you the same questions. Any ideas?

To answer number 1, just generally, we can look for opportunities to share the gospel. To answer number two, we can CREATE opportunities to share the gospel. To answer number 3, FEAR. It's fear for 95% of the time (the other 5% is work regulations or stuff like that). To answer number 4, Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest. There are many scriptures that can be used and all of them basically say, Trust God and let HIm guide you.

So that was a fun experience I had this past week. Another one is that one of our investigators fell of the face of the earth for about a week and a half. But don't worry, we found him. It was a pretty amazing experience which I would like to share with you. We were eating dinner at Bro. Delos Santos house Sunday night. He was leaving to take his boys somewhere, and as they were leaving I saw Edward's face (that's the investigator) and saw his name above his head. I saw that in my head and also saw the picture of a phone. So I said to Elder Hunsaker "I feel like we should call Edward" (note that we have tried to call him many times in the past week but his phone was off) and he handed me the phone. I called, it rang...... and he answered!!! We were able to find out where he went and we went and saw him. He's doing great and still wants to learn and come to church.

Spiritual experiences are awesome. I love you all and I hope and pray that you're with the group who is moving towards the Living Christ.

He truly does live. I have never seen Him myself, but I have seen His hand work in so many lives. I cannot doubt that He lives and loves us. I know He does. This is my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude

October 11, 2010

October 10, 2010

Aloha From VRM,
Add Image
No e-mail tomorrow – it’s a legal holiday and libraries are closed (and I have the day off). They are spending the night with my ‘ohana.

Your son gave an awesome talk today at Sacrament meeting. It was on missionary work (go figure). WOW! What a great speaker! Actually, he spoke too much (and this is a good thing) that his companion and the closing speaker had to “cut” it short. I am grateful I am able to serve with Elder Mangum as a “member missionary companion” and help in the Lord’s work.

The “pics” are of a street in the area named “Mallow Court,” us, and his cake. Yes, it reads “Happy Birthday Elder Man-Candy.”

Thank you for supporting Elder Mangum!

Ahui Hou,

Al Delos Santos 'Ohana

October 5, 2010

October 5, 2010

Hi All,

We were able to hook up with two other missionaries in their district yesterday. I took them to Ft. Monroe (too much US Army stuff for me) and visited the Casemate Museum.

We celebrated Elder Mangum’s birthday yesterday on “P-Day.” I got some pizza for all. I surprised him with an ice cream cake.

Left to right Elders Kirkpatrick, Logan, Mangum, Hunsaker

Al Delos Santos

October 4, 2010

October 4 2010

Hey everyone!!

How are you all doing? I'm doing good. It's been a pretty tough week. With General Conference this past weekend Satan was working hard to make sure none of the nine investigators who said they would be at conference got there. Sadly only 1 watched conference. But I'm glad that conference was this past weekend. It helped me a lot. I was Spiritually fed until I almost burst. But not to fear, I have not exploded yet!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this upcoming month. There are many, many, baptisms that are going to happen this month. Many children of God will come back into the fold. I'm so excited to see what happens this upcoming month (especially since transfer calls are in TWO WEEKS!)

I've been learning a lot and opening up more. I was almost a closed book again for the first little while of this transfer. Then I realized I was thinking too much and was blocking the Spirit with my own thoughts. But now that I've realized that I can move forward. I can start realizing that the Spirit really does know what's best for investigators and for me. I learned that when you receive a prompting, even though you may not think it is one, act on it. Show that you trust the Lord more than yourself.

I learned a great thing about conference. Conference is a missionaries Super Bowl. You won't believe how many missionaries get pumped up thinking about conference. It is so cool. I found out why that is too. It's because, number one, it's not often you hear the apostles and the prophet speak to us; and number two, because you desperately need some Spiritual uplifting while on the mission, because this mission thingy is tough. It tests you, stretches you, and pushes you harder and further than you've ever been up to that time. It tests you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually all day everyday. But I love it!!! You can't find the kind of joy you have on the mission anywhere else. I testify that we are all missionaries and we can all have the joy that comes from teaching the Gospel by looking for those hands that hang down, and those who are wandering in the mist of darkness, and bringing them back to the path.

I promise you that you can have eternal joy by reaching out and helping others to come back to Christ.

That is my testimony and that is a promise to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. So what's the news with ya'll?

September 27, 2010

September 27 2010

Hey ya'll

Yes I'm now using the word ya'll a lot more than I thought I would be. I can tell you that you literally learn a new language down here. There's a lot going on right now and I know for a fact that we are truly being blessed. We have 6 people set for baptism and 3 are really solid. I've come to learn that setting people for baptism is easy, getting them to come to church is hard; especially down here in Virginia because of how many other churches there are that people go to. Goodness, you can find at least 3 different churches in about 2-3 streets. It's truly crazy how much confusion is here. But we're helping people clear up the confusion and find the true church.
I'm excited that general conference is coming up. This is going to be neat, going to the church for all 5 sessions. I want to tell you all that if you have any questions about life, or any concerns, if you pray and about them, then go to conference, you will receive an answer. I have a lot of questions so I'm going to be paying really close attention to all the different talks that are going to be given.

Goodness, it's already October. Where did the year go? It's so crazy that I've been out for four months already. It's like it was yesterday that I came to Virginia. But it seems like forever ago that I was in the MTC. It's fun being out here. The MTC was great because of the pretty good amount of food (spiritually and physically) but out here the supply of food, spiritual food, is endless. The more you learn, the more you learn there's so much more to learn. I know this for a fact. The more more understanding I gain in the gospel, the more I realize that there's more to understand.

Some times it gets a little discouraging, but Christ is there to help us in our times of need. He seriously will be. I can promise you that. He is there for us and He will always help you understand something if we are willing to ask.

I'm so grateful for the letters and emails I receive from you. It helps me see how much the Lord is blessing our family. It helps me know that the Lord keeps promises. (I'll tell you what I mean later)

I love you all and I pray for you often (because sometimes I have other stuff on my mind, like the eternal salvation of the people I'm teaching :)

Anyway, if there's any piece of advice I'd like for you to remember it's to not eat too much hot sauce. (It hurts!)

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 20, 2010

Sept 20, 2010

Hey there everyone!!!

This week has been crazy busy. We've been doing so much work that I'm beat every night. We've found 16 new investigators this week (new investigators are people who set up a return appointment). We've set 2 people with a baptism date and have found some really solid investigators. We have been talking with everyone that we see. We just say "Hey can I give you a card really quick?", give them a pass-a-long card and the explain it. We teach a gospel principle as we talk to them and we have found so many people to teach. It's exciting!!

I love this work. Seeing all the people that need the gospel in their lives and trying to help them find it is tough. This mission thingy is tough. But it's so worth it. And there's nothing better than to see someone feel the Spirit and to have the Spirit testify to them that what you're sharing is the truth. There's nothing more beautiful that seeing someone finally find the path that leads to Christ. They seriously change in a way you can't describe. And they just become this bonfire of happiness that almost bursts at the seams! It truly is the work of the Lord. Nothing else can or will change someone's life so drastically and so beneficially than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That is my testimony. They say in the mission field "Don't let the greenie fire die". Well, let's not look at the negative. Let's say "build the fire in you until you're about to explode". I promise you that if you do, you will have blessings beyond all comprehension.

That is my testimony. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 13, 2010

Sept 13, 2010

Hello everyone!!

Things are going good out here and everything is moving forward. I have a new companion. His name is Elder Hunsaker and he likes deep doctrine. He's helping me learn that I didn't know half as much as I thought I did. It's awesome! I'm learning more now than I ever have. And it has been humbling to realize that I didn't know half as much as I thought I did. So It was basically like cleaning off the slate, and starting over. This time, I'm catching on really quick with how I need to learn the doctrine. (Just to put any concerns behind, I'm NOT comparing myself to Elder Hunsaker. I'm comparing my self to where I was and what's just a little bit down the road from where I'm at.)

So, we are doing so many new things in this ward than what we have done before. It's going to be great and the work here is going to take off. I'm so excited. Every thing is moving forward and upward. We were able to meet with our bishop (the first time since I've been here :O I know) and we were able to establish that our purposes are the same. Now that we are becoming unified, we can work even better together.

I would just like to say, this missionary thing is tough. It's not for everyone. And even though it's tough, there's no words to describe what it's like to see someone feel the Spirit for the first time. It is amazing.

So if you've are going to serve a mission, serve one!! If you already have or are not able to, continue to serve in other ways!!! If you think you can't do it, think again!!

I love ya all and I hope and pray you're not dead, or dying, or sick, or going to be sick, or have a fever, or a runny nose, or are annoyed by someone, or....... well, you get the idea.

-Elder Ricky-dude

September 8, 2010

September 8 2010-Pictures!

Pictures!! Brother Delos Santos sent lots of pictures (at 3:49 am! another night owl!) So here they are along with his notes:

Happy Labor Day! Here are some pictures I took earlier with your missionary.

Presidents’ Park in Williamsburg, VA.

In front of President Washington – all the presidents are here with a brief history during his presidency. “Talk about Big Heads!” No Obama here – yet.

Best president during my lifetime – Reagan baby!

In my kitchen after Sacrament meeting (me and Elder Lowry). Last Sunday with Elder Lowry; he’s been with us for 6 months.

Elder Mangum taking a nap while Elder Lowry builds his kingdom around him.

Good looking missionary – Elder Man-Candy.

As you know, Elder Mangum will be with us for another transfer. I really enjoy watching him grow from a “greenie” to a missionary that can preach the Gospel with conviction. He’s a bundle of joy in my home and I am glad he will be staying with us longer. His work here in Suffolk is not over. BTW, Elder Mangum will be able to take a naps without Elder Lowry’s rearranging the couch pillows.

Unfortunately, Elder Lowry will spend his last transfer in the Albemarle Branch in North Carolina. Yes, it’s in our Stake boundaries. He will be greatly miss by myself and ‘ohana. It has been my pleasure having him spend his last days with us. He is truly a missionary’s missionary and Elder Mangum has learned a lot from him.

We went to Williamsburg, VA yesterday. These are pictures of Presidents’ Park. More pictures to come….

Aloha from Virginia!
Al Delos Santos

Home away from home “the ghetto” – your missionary has many talents: take garbage out, clean toilet and bath, load and empty dishwasher, mop floors, lawn maintenance, etc.