May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012

Elder James Richard Mallow Mangum comes home TONIGHT!!! He arrives at the SLC Airport at 12:06 am (yes, that's midnight between the 29th and 30th). If anyone's interested in coming, he arrives in Salt Lake City at Terminal 2, Gate C12 at 12:06 am tonight, Delta flight 1835.

Whoo hoo! I can't believe it's been two years.

May 28, 2012

This is the last email you'll receive from me as a missionary. Two years done; a lifetime of learning done in those two years. You will be surprised how much I've changed. There's no possible way for me to share all that I've learned. I'll try to sum it up in one sentence:

We are who we make ourselves to be.

I want you ponder on that and I'll talk to you about it when I get home.

Just remember, I get home at 12:06am on May 30th!! So please don't forget.

I'll see you all soon.

Love you.

-Elder Ricky-dude

I'm coming home.......

May 28, 2012

Oh, and I forgot!

I forgot in my last email that I left out Tiny (Dustin, Mariah's husband... for those of you who don't know who I'm talking about).

Tiny - I've learn how to proper hold my breath when a foul odor comes near me. I've learn how to be a great dad and to be fun with kids. I've learned how to be funny and have fun with what you're doing.

Sorry to forget you Tiny.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

-- P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

So, this morning I was reading my Patriarchal Blessing and was looking for things that I need to focus on when I get back home and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was that it talked about being a leader. Then I looked back at my life and looked to see what leadership skills I've learned so far. I started with my family................ and got nothin'. I'm just kidding!! ;D I actually wrote down quite a bit and I wanted to share that with you. It's not just leadership skills though, it's the major things I've learned from my family. I'm going to have a list for my leaders too but right now I just have family written down. So here we go:

Dad - From my dad I learned the important skill of keeping the lawnmower straight when cutting the grass so that it doesn't look crappy, and many other handy-man skills such as there is no such thing as a left-handed screwdriver, and making sure which end of the staplegun the staples come out of so that you don't shoot your finger............ I've also learned to be firm but loving and to work hard and not sit down on the job...... unless you get your boys to take over the yard work and then go take a nap when you said you needed their help, which ends up making one of them pretty upset to the point where he goes in and scares you half to death by getting three inches from your face and yelling "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING!?!?!?", which in turn leads you to almost killing him....... But there are a lot of things I've learned from my dad that to write them down would take a while. :D

Mom - From my mom I've learned to how to bear through and stay true to the faith, to always pay my tithing because of the blessings we experienced because of that, and to never try and catch a baseball with your face even to protect your favorite roses....... hee hee......... I've also learned to teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves. I've also learned how to cook, sew, paint porcelain houses, and use a gold paint pen to decorate, even when sleep walking........ hee hee....... ;D

Jake - From my brother Jake I've learned that there's a time to be serious and a time to be goofy.......... maybe not how to differentiate the two but there are those two times somewhere in every activity. I also learn to teach things straight up and clear even if it might be uncomfortable for you because by doing that it leads to people clearly understanding the importance of things. And I've also learned how to have fun with every situation. :D

Buck - I've learned it's good to be goofy. I've learned that music is one of the best ways to make friends and help others feel loved. I've also learned that being yourself is a very important skill and talent to have because when you're yourself, you learn more about who God wants you to be. And that Craig's List is a great place to find a cheap piano....... :D

Mariah - I learned at a very young age not to make her mad. When you grow up as the only girl, right inbetween four brothers who are insane, you become pretty tough. From Mariah I've also learned to let others know you love them, even if you don't actually say the words, "I love you", you make sure to let them know through actions.

Luke - PATIENCE!!!! That's the biggest thing I've learned from him, and that your best friend can be your biggest antagonist, too. ;D Almost no companion of mine has been as difficult as he was and I wasn't with him 24/7. So I'm doing pretty well out here.... hee hee :D I've learned what a true friend, a best friend, is from him. It's someone who is there for you even if you don't get a long and who's got your back even if you are 2000 miles away.

Skyler, Zac-E, Brianne, and Alysa (I would include Makayla but I haven't met her yet) - I have learned from first hand experience the epitomy of insanity and chaos. I've learned great skills that a father needs, such as changing diapers, helping sick kids, cleaning up after them, and resisting the urge to strangle them. Also I've learned how to be "calm in the midst of a tempest" basically, which has really come in handy with some people out here.

So, there are many things you learn from your family, so always being looking for those things. These are things I've learned from my earthly family. Imagine what you can learn if you open yourself up to your heavenly family..... The possiblity for growth and learning are endless when you look at it that way.

I love you all and hope and pray you're doing well.

I'll see you next week.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. I got a southern cookbook from the Carpenters so be prepared for some good southern cooking!!! :D

P.P.S. The Church is true!

P.P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012

So.... Two weeks and counting...... but I'm going to finish strong.

I am working hard out here and trying my hardest to stay focused. As a companionship we're doing all we can to try and stay focused and avoid all distractions. We're doing pretty well at it.

So, I had this question this morning that I asked my companions and I wanted to ask you about it too.

Do prayers expire? I was just wondering if it's like a contractual agreement or something that has a termination date. I've always wondered that. What do you think?

I personally think they don't expire, AS LONG AS you're worthy to receive the blessings from it. I was reading in 3 Nephi chapter 19 where Jesus Christ himself kneels down and prays to the Father for the Nephites. I had prayed to find an answer to a certain situation and I then jumped into the Book of Mormon and started reading. Christ's prayer in verses 18-22 really stuck out to me and I had the thought about if prayers expire or not.

But there is one thing I know better than anything else: No matter what, God hears, answers, and remembers our prayers. I know that is true. And I can't deny that Heavenly Father lives and loves us and that Christ lives and loves us as well. They are both there waiting to help us. We just need to let them.

I love you all and I'll see ya in two weeks.

-Elder Ricky-dude

(P.S. family, I actually don't have as much stuff as I thought so I'll be okay with my suitcases. :D Just FYI)

Also, this is the Gregory family in the picture. He's the ward mission leader and we had dinner there yesterday. They're AWESOME!!!

-- P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

So, three weeks to go and I'm finishing strong!

Okay, so you know how crazy it is to wake up and realize that in three weeks I'll be home? It's pretty crazy!

But you know what? I really don't care because I'm finishing strong. I have a goal to find someone who will be ready to be baptized before I go home. I'm going to work hard and find someone who is ready to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and follow Him. I have never felt so much determination flowing through me in my entire life. I know that if I work hard that the Lord will bless me and I'll be able to do what He wants me to.

This is all I care about right now. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because I declare, like Paul did to the Romans (Rom 1:16): "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." And the Virginian! I really don't care that I met an Apostle on Saturday. Yes, I know what a great privilege that was and I know how rare an experience that is. Right now I'm focused on teaching and baptizing. No, I'm focused on HELPING and baptizing. If you want someone to know how much you love them, don't preach to them, help them. That's what Christ did and that's what I'm going to do.

I know that I am not finished as a missionary, nor will I ever be finished as a missionary because I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I have chosen to carry His name upon me and I will hold that name until the end of my life and beyond. I am His and I will follow His will. I know that and I will continue to strengthen the foundation of faith that I have built for myself out here. There is absolutely no substitute for what I've gained out here. No amount of theological training, philosophical training, and degrees in Greek and Hebrew will ever compare to what I've learned out here. And to try and share all I've learned in an email or all at once is like trying to fit Lake Powell into a swimming pool. It's not going to happen. Just like the gospel, you cannot learn it all at once.

Can you tell I'm a little excited right now? :D Well, you're right. There is nothing else in my life that brings me as much joy as this gospel does. And do you know what is the hardest thing for a missionary is? Realizing how much better someone's life could be if they would just accept the Gospel, and then having that person continuously turning away from everything you offer. That's the hardest thing I've had to deal with. Not the schedule, not the getting yelled at, not the trials beyond all belief. It's the realization that someone has rejected the greatest blessing God can give them.

I know that God is waiting for all who will turn to Him and ask for His help. His arms are extended towards everyone. EVERYONE has the chance to come back to Him. Don't turn it down. The only way to get out of the mud is to grab the nearest SOLID hold and pull yourself up. That is what Christ is. He is the Rock that we can grab and hold on to so that we can lift ourselves and be lifted out of the world.

The question is: will you grab it and hold on for dear life?

I testify that God is there and that he loves us more than we know. There are no words to describe His love for us. He wants us to come back to Him. Just turn, and grab the Rock. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

Oh my goodness, you won't believe this.

So, there is this elder I'm living with who's name is Elder Spencer Canova. When I heard his last name I was like, wait, I have Canova's in my ancestry, hmmm..... So I asked him who his dad is while I was looking at pictures of his family, and he told me it was Paul Canova. That was kind of familiar, but not by much. Then I asked who his grandfather is and he said George Canova. That triggered something in my brain because I knew that GG has a brother named George. So I thought about it for a bit and the next day I asked him who his great-grandfather was............... Thomas Raymond Canova!!!!! I'm living with my second cousin right now!!!!!

He remembers the family reunions down in Parowan and Aunt Vi, Grandma-Aunt Hazel, and all those people! He even speaks Goose Latin!!! It's just so amazing I don't know how to describe it! Elder Canova is from Holladay, UT area and I just can't believe I'm living with my second cousin right now. How awesome is that?

Anyway, another strange thing happened this past week......... My trunky papers came. I have my flight itenerary and I know exactly what time I'll be getting home. 12:05am on May 30th. I have about a three hour layover in Atlanta, GA. So I'm going to be tired when I get home. But until then, be expecting packages of my stuff in the mail. I think I'm going to send one big box of stuff I can't fit (which is probably not going to be that much, but it could end up being a lot.

Okay, spiritual thought for the week.

God lives. He loves us and wants the best for us. The question is: Are we letting Him into our lives to he can give us what's best for us? If you don't feel you are letting Him in, there's one place you should start:

Read the Book of Mormon.

If you do that I promise you that your life will become dramatically more meaningful and peaceful. I promise you that by the authority that's been given to me to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I know that God lives and Jesus Christ is that. I love you all and leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Ricky-dude --

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 27, 2012

April 23, 2012

So, it's strange to be in the situation I'm in. I have 5 weeks left tomorrow..... I never thought the day would come. But just like everything else, it comes way to fast. It always comes to fast. I'm not sad though. It's part of life. Things come and go and they change. It's what you do with the time that you have that matters.

So, with the time I have left I'm going to be focused on missionary work. I'm going to work my hardest. A mission is not for the faint of heart.

There are three parts to a mission, I just realized. There are three parts of everything really. They are: Survive, Ride, and Thrive.

Let's talk about Surviving. For the first part of you mission (the length of that varies for each individual), you're just surviving because you've had very little experience with the things you're about to do. I know that most missionaries (and I say most because some may have had these experiences) haven't had an experience where the eternal salvation of someone else's soul is in their hands. or had an experience where they had to go completely by the Spirit to know how to help someone through a trial they're going through. So, the first part of the mission you're Surviving with your trainers help. This is completely normal and expected. Now-a-days missionaries are very prepared before they come out so this part of the mission is now a smaller part for some.

Okay, Riding. Riding is the part where you're starting to understand things and get the hang of how to be a missionary. You start recognizing the Spirit a little more and you are starting to be able to tell what to do. You know the technical things about being a missionary and things like that. You know how to not crash on your bike trying to stop and talk to someone. You get the routine down to where you start to look more into the spiritual side of things.

Then we go to Thriving. To Thrive on you mission means you do everything you were taught at the beginning of you mission (all the filling out the forms and things like that), and you start seeing how the Gospel plays a part in it. For instance, you realize that the reason you write down potential investigators names and the names of those you teach is so that not a soul will be lost and that God will be able to continually help them through the missionaries. He could do it himself, He could just show people a sign, but at the same time He's not only helping them, He's helping the missionary. When you're Thriving on your mission you're seeing everything in a new way. The Gospel fits into everything. Miracles of God are seen in small things that people take for granted. Like you reading this email. Isn't that amazing? God's power is unlimited. He literally can do whatever He wants. He could give you everything you've ever wanted in life, but............ how will that help you? You won't learn anything if He just gives it to you and you don't work for it.

That's what Thriving does. It helps you understand the reason for everything. Once you reach that point in the Gospel, the next step is to Endure to the End and constantly Thrive in it. When you do that, you are doing exactly as Jesus Christ commanded: Be ye therefore perfect, even as I, or your Father in heaven is perfect.

I know that this is true. I know for a fact that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ came to Joseph Smith and brought the fullness of the Gospel back to the earth through restoring the Priesthood through John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John. I know that God lives, that Christ lives, and that the Holy Ghost is there because he has borne testimony of this to me multiple times. God is there, and He loves you more than you know. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all and hope and pray you're doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

-- P.S. The Church is true! P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

So... We got transfer calls last night. And here's how it went.

We were saying the closing prayer for our nightly planning, not really expecting what was about to come. During the prayer the phone rang. It was the assistant to the president, Elder Brown (name has been changed for his protection.... ;) ). When I saw the phone my heart skipped a beat. I didn't want to leave Midlothian for my last six weeks! You know how hard that would be? When the prayer ended I quickly picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello this is Elder Mangum!" I said like I do when I answer the phone.
"Elder Mangum, it's Elder Brown, how are you?"
"I'm doing alright. How are you doing?" I was nervous as to what was about to come.
"Good. Were you two expecting a phone call?"
"No." I replied with an astonished tone to my voice.
"Well, you, my friend, are in tune with the Spirit because you both are staying!"

When I heard those vibrations come out of the speaker into my ear canal, to my ear-drum and then the cochlea, which then processed them into words I understood, my soul was filled with great gladness beyond words!! I am going to finish my mission in the Midlothian area!

Elder Brown then proceeded to tell us that we would have another missionary who is waiting for his Visa to go to Bulgaria. We will be picking him up on Thursday at the transfer meeting.

So all in all, I'm going to have an exciting last six weeks. Can you believe it? Tomorrow I will have exactly six weeks left in the mission field!

Okay, so, here's the spiritual thought for the week.

Be careful what you pray for.

Here's why I say that. After President Eyring's talk about mountains to climb, I felt prompted to pray for one of my own to climb. Knowing how much pain and trial that might bring, why would any one in their right mind pray for that? Well, apparently I'm not in my right mind. So, Heavenly Father has gladly given me a mountain to climb.

Do you all remember how I've had previous low-back injuries? Well, if you didn't know, now you do. I hurt it during football in high school, and I threw something out in my back in November 2010 lifting a large box of photos (the day we were having a baptism down in Burkeville). Well, Heavenly Father has given me the challenge of having severe back pain which has lead to really painful sciatica in my legs. Also, you remember how I fell off the roof when I was 14? My neck and shoulder on my left side are acting up now too. And I injured my right wrist splitting wood last year in January, and that has been acting up too. So, all in all, I'm in pain everyday.

But don't worry!!! I have the Atonement of Jesus Christ to strengthen me!

The article in the April 2012 Ensign by Elder Bednar has changed my life. He quotes President David O. McKay, I think, and states that the Gospel is to make bad men good and good men better. He then goes on to focus more on how the Atonement can help us in our process of going from good to better. He explains that because Jesus Christ felt exactly what we've felt, when we pray to be STRENGTHENED in our trials (not to have them taken away) Christ knows exactly what we need to be able to endure them. That is what I've been doing, praying to have the strength to bear this burden............ and I'm doing physical therapy also, which is helping tremendously!

So don't worry about me, I'll be fine. The Lord is with me. I'm glad I prayed for this mountain to climb while I was still on my mission because I have the strength from the setting apart as a missionary to help me.

I love you all and I know that if you pray for the strength to bear your trials, the Lord will bless you with the strength you need to get through them.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

So, this past week was pretty neat.

So, how's it goin'?

I'm doing good. I've been busy this past week. I know I've been busy because I can't remember most of what went on. If I didn't have my planner I would be lost. It's kind of become my journal because I'm really behind on recording in my voice recorder. So, I'm going to try and remember what the biggest things were this week.

So on Monday we played Ultimate Nerfball. We have a little nerf basketball hoop in our place and we put it up on Mondays to play. In ultimate nerfball you have one step/jump then you have to pass it or shoot it, you can't kill anyone, but other than that there are no rules. It's fun. I'm the biggest person playing so it gets intense!

Also, one of our investigators took us to dinner on Monday at this really nice resteraunt called Croaker's Spot. Great food and huge portions. We had her fellowshippers come with us. They are an awesome couple and are basically our grandparents out here ('cause we can never leave their house without taking at least two days worth of food from dinner!!!) They are awesome. It was great to have them there with us.

Wednesday we did service (yard work for these two older ladies) for about five hours. Yeah, I was tired after that.

Thursday we had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators and his fiance who's a member. We brought another member with us and it was amazing. The member we brought is one of those guys who studies the gospel like crazy but he can teach it so that almost anyone can understand. He's really funny too because he's very spaztastic. It was a great lesson we had. (Also on Thursday I saw this new fountain drink machine they have where you can get different flavors of your drink, such as Peach Sprite, or Raspberry Sprite, or Lime Fanta. It was cool!!)

Friday we had a great zone meeting talking about the needs of our investigators and what resources we can use to help them. It was a really powerful meeting. We also had a few lessons that day too. Later that day the same member couple who came with us on Monday took us to Cheeburger Cheeburger where they have a one pound burger that you can eat. If you finish it they announce your name and that you just finished the pounder, take your picture and put it on the wall. I finished the pounder in... I want to say less that five minutes. One of the members who was with us finished it too. I have a picture I'm going to send home of both of us. I wanted to die after eating that AND a huge malt. (I don't know why I did that to myself).

Saturday was fun.... I think..... I don't remember most of it. I do remember the dinner appointment we had and the lesson we shared. Have y'all ever heard of ripping a paper one time and being able to make a cross and the word LOVE? It's a great object lesson especially for Easter. We did that with the family we ate dinner with and the next day in Primary, one of the kids in that family showed the whole Primary that trick. I was surprised when I found that out. It felt so good to know that people listen (and the kid was 6 years old!)

Then Sunday was a beautiful Easter Sabbath. The Easter program in church was beautiful. The youth speaker talked about remembering Christ always, not just on Christmas or Easter, but on days like July 3rd, or June 30th, or August 24th. Everyday we should remember Christ and what He's done for us and is doing for us.

I wish I could transplant what I've learned about the Atonement into your minds. To really get the most of what I've learned, read the article in the April 2012 Ensign entitled The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality" by Elder Bednar. That is the most amazing article I've read in a long time. It opened my eyes to the Atonement even more and I am so grateful for it. If I had to sum up what I've learned in the last two years, I would tell you two things:
  1. You can never understand how much God and Jesus Christ truly love you. There's no possible way to understand all that He and Christ have done all because of Love; and
  2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a one time thing. Everyday we face new situations which allow a new way to apply the Gospel in our lives.
The principles are eternal and the same everywhere, what we learn from them is for us personally. New days and new challenges allow for continued conversion to the Gospel and a stronger testimony. I know that God loves each and everyone of us so much. I know that Jesus Christ loves us more that we know. I know that because I know God created us and gave us an opportunity to learn and grow, He sent His Son to die for us, and Christ WILLINGLY CHOSE to die for us to be able to bring us all back to Heavenly Father, as long as we follow him. I know that is true because I've felt Their love in my life so many times that I can't count them all. I know They love us. I know it. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Photos from Cheeburger Cheeburger in Midlothian VA:

April 4, 2012

April 2, 2012

You probably won't believe this but I actually have only eight weeks and one day left. I'm trying not to be trunky I promise. My companion and I have actually talked about how to help me not be trunky. So everything is going great.

I loved General Conference! It was really powerful and really inspiring. I received a lot of revelation for the questions I had.

One of the questions I had was about college because I'm applying for BYU-Idaho. The answer to that was: put the Lord first and everything will work out. That answer came multiple times in multiple ways.

Quick question, is Robbert Haggard on a mission? Because I swear I saw him in the missionary choir. (Also, did any of you catch Elder Archuletta? ;) He was the last missionary they showed in that session. The last close up view of missionaries was with him in it)

Anyway, General Conference is one of the greatest times for missionaries. It's really the Super Bowl for missionaries. We get so excited about it because we get to hear the living prophet of God speak to us. I really loved what he said about eternal truths. That was the talk that I gained an even stronger testimony that he is the only man on earth who holds and is authorized to use all the priesthood keys God has given to us. It was definitely the spiritual reboot that I needed. I feel so much better having been spiritually fed for two days. I think part of it was being at the church for most of the day too. Being in a dedicated building is a very peaceful experience.

So here is the spiritual thought for the week: God speaks simply to us because any other way we would be confused. 2 Nephi 31:3 is my favorite verse about that. You should look it up. What better way to hear the word of God that by hearing his prophet and apostles speak to us today! They teach so simply and so clearly that you can't misunderstand them. Now the next part is always remembering what they taught. There was an Ensign article about that. This man was talking to his neighbor about how we have a prophet today. The neighbor said "Really? What is he saying?" The man went blank. He couldn't remember what the prophet had said in the last General Conference.

DON'T EVER BE LIKE THAT. This is THE prophet of GOD. It is one of the commandments to follow the prophet. How can we do that when we don't remember what he says?

So now here's what we can do to help ourselves follow the prophet better: read Jacob 4:4 and 6, and 2 Nephi 32:3 and apply them by reading the General Conference talks when they come out in the Ensign. Study them like Jacob teaches us and we will never be lead astray. I promise you that in the name of Jesus Christ. If you read the scriptures and the words of the living prophet, everything will be made clear. Then when you live them, you will be blessed. I promise you that, as a representative of Jesus Christ and by the authority given to me.

I love you all and hope and pray you will follow the counsel of the living prophet, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


-Elder Ricky-dude

March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

So, I'm very tired. I'm not as bad as I was yesterday or any day last week, but I'm still tired. (I'm a missionary, and we're always tired)

Last week was leadership training so we had four extra missionaries at our house. That comes to a total of eight missionaries in one house. Not only that, because Elder Orr was going to leadership and Elder Coburn's companion, Elder Newman (they're the other missionaries who live with us) went to leadership also, Elder Coburn and I had to switch off where we were going to work each day, since we had to cover two areas during the day. So Elder Coburn had to plan for his area and I had to plan for my area, and then make a double set of plans for every night. Not only that, we got up at 5:30am (yes I did get up then, I know it's amazing) and went and played basket ball with some other missionaries. I was so tired that on Sunday, when we were finishing up some planning for the up coming week, I fell asleep while I was writing. I would be writing and then my brain would shut off. But I made it through the day. (And good thing Elder Orr was driving).

So, all in all it was a great week because we had many miracles happen and I learned a lot of great things from the missionaries I got to work with over this past week. The biggest thing I learned this past week was about being converted to something, in particular, the Gospel. Before my mission I knew the gospel was true. I knew it in my mind and I never really had any doubts about it. Yesterday I was talking about this with my companion and I realized something: your brain may know it's true, but does your heart know it? You can know everything about the Gospel and know everything that proves it true, but can you feel that in your heart? Sometimes you are converted in your heart, but you have to let your heart know that your heart is converted. That's what I've learned on my mission: you can know every single little detail about the Gospel, but doesn't amount to anything unless you know it's true. Even just a little spark of belief that it's true is a great starting point. In fact, that's how it always starts. It's never an instant burning, raging, fire of belief. It's always a small little candle flame, or even a spark, that, when built upon with the right teachings and principles, becomes a flame that fills your soul and soon spreads to others.

I know that is true because I've seen it happen in so many peoples' lives out here and in my own life. I know better than I know I'm alive, (and I know that pretty well because of all the physical injuries I have) that this gospel is true. I do not have a perfect knowledge of the gospel, but I am working on it to where, someday, it will be a perfect knowledge of the gospel. I know Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father and that He is my savior and redeemer, and the savior and redeemer of mankind. I know he loves each and everyone of you and will do anything for you to know He is there. The only things that stops Him is yourself. Don't let Him stay outside. You only hurt yourself.

Something I learned a little while ago was: When you get to heaven, and you haven't repented because you felt like you couldn't and you weren't worthy or worth it, will you be able to tell Jesus Christ that His atonement was good enough for everyone else, but not for you? That all the pain and suffering He went through doesn't make a difference because of how awful you think you are?

Accept the Saviors atonement and show that you have by reading the Book of Mormon and praying to your Heavenly Father. And go, with your family, to the only and true church of Jesus Christ on earth, where you can fully partake of the gift of the Atonement. That's how important everything is that I've talked about, that the prophets and apostles have talked about; that Jesus Christ Himself has talked about. That's how important this Gospel is. Because you cannot, and will not be able, to do it on your own. So pray for humility and do something about it.

I love you all so much. You have no idea how much I love you all. There are no words to describe it. I know this is true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

So this past week was sweet!!! We had a lot of fun this week. We did tons of service and had lots of fun.

Saturday, we had a Boy Scout dinner and cake auction and it was so much fun! There were cakes that went for about $40-$50, one or two that went for $90, one that went for $100, and another that went for $105! It was crazy to see these people bidding on this stuff!! Someone got brownies for us. They bid on it, won it, and gave half of them to us. It's crazy that members do that. We left with TWO things of brownies, some of the left over dinner stuff, and a huge Costco apple pie. And someone even tried to give us half of a giant chocolate cake (the thing was about 10" across and 6" or 7" tall!) We said we had way to much already because we had just gotten a cake like two days before that. This ward is amazing!!! They seriously love the missionaries and love taking care of them.

So. We are just having a great time out here. Elder Orr and I are super unified and we're doing all we can to make sure it stays that way. He's an awesome missionary and we both have the strange sense of humor that our family does so we never get bored talking to eachother! (:-D We are having fun and working hard and everyday the Spirit is helping us be more unified and better missionaries.

I love this work! There is really nothing I would choose over this. My life has been changed for good in almost everyway possible. I know that this Gospel is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and that there is no other way to be happy than to live by it's teachings and to follow Jesus Christ. Some may say that it's impossible to be like Christ in every way. That's true. Because..... He's Christ and you're you. He's perfect and right now we're not. But, because of how much God loves us, He's made a way for us to become like him. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we've done or are doing, we can become clean from sin, have all of our weaknesses become strengths, and have help through our problems and difficulties. It does not matter who you are or what you've done. I'm going to say that again in capital letters: IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU'VE DONE, GOD LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO COME BACK TO HIM. He is ready and waiting to open the windows of heaven and send His angels to help you. You must first reach out to Him. Read the Book of Mormon. Pray for help.

These are the ways we reach out to Him. I promise you, as a representative of Jesus Christ and by the authority given to me, I promise that if you will read the Book of Mormon and pray to Heavenly Father every morning and night, He will show you His hand in your life by strengthening your weaknesses and opening the windows of Heaven to send his angels to help you. The promise is made. It's up to you to live it and reach out and grasp the blessing.

I love you all so much. You all are amazing and have helped me through every rough time on my mission. I know God loves you. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012

Okay, I've got good news and bad news

The good news:

Elder Orr, my new companion, is insane.......... insanely AWESOME!!! He's a great missionary and he's full of energy and determination to do the work. And he plays the piano. It's awesome. We're going to completely change missionary work in the Midlothian area because we are super unified already, and we've been together for three days! Really, though, I've only been this unified with a companion or had this much fun with a companion like three times. I'm not saying all my other companions were bad or not fun; I'm not saying that at all. These times I'm talking about are the times that stick out the most; those times are, the first few days in the MTC, down in Burkeville, and after about three months of being in Midlothian. I'm including a picture of my insanely awesome companion and some other ones too.

Okay, so, that's the good news.

The bad news:
  1. My back has been acting up from old injuries (don't worry, I'll be okay)
  2. I haven't heard from a lot of you for a some time now. Just because I have about 2 1/2 months left doesn't mean you can wait to tell me about stuff when I get back. I get emails from some of y'all but not everyone. I'm just kiddin'.
No, everything's going great and I'm so excited to be here. And I've decided to go to BYU-Idaho. Even though the registration date has passed, I can still apply even when I get home. I'm going to get a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering, then take it to a Masters, then possibly get a Bachelor's in Business Management or something like that. So, that's my plan for when I get home.

I love you all and I know that this is the only and true gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the only way to return to our Heavenly Father and receive everything that he wants for us. I know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live and love us more than we can possibly understand. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

1 - Me and Elder Orr

2 - Elder Orr

3 - Mad-eye Mangum

4 - The old Midlothian district: Sister Friden, Sister Jones, Elder
Monibidor, and yours truly.

March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012

Hey Everyone!!!

So first off, I'm staying in Midlothian. We had transfer calls last night and I'm staying but Elder Quiambao is leaving. I'm getting Elder Orr as my companion and he's gonna be the district leader here and President Perry wants me to help him with that. It's gonna be fun!

So this past week, the two biggest things I learned are:

1 - The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak; and
2 - Make sure to get the right allergy medicine or else you're gonna have problems

So I'll start with number 2 first. Yes, I got an allergy medicine that was the generic for Benedryl (or however you spell it) and it knocked me out for a bit. Which is really weird because when I was younger taking Benedryl would have made me really hyper. But not anymore I guess. I finally got the right kind of allergy medicine that I normally take (Loratadine), so I'm doing great now.

Now, number 1. "The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". We've all heard that saying before at one time or another. Well I've gained a testimony that it is so true. This past week I have had a great desire to go do the work and I've pushed myself when my body didn't want to go that much. I felt like I was at wits end and that I was at my limit. Then fast sunday came. As I was fasting, actually right when I started fasting, my body gained energy and strength and I felt so much better. My mind was clear and I was able to concentrate more and now I'm readying to go again.

Fasting is awesome. I love fasting because, like Elder Oaks talked about last April in General Conference, we show our desire to grow and overcome the natural man and to not let our natural tendencies dictate what we do. There is a poem that my zone leader here in the Midlothian zone gave to all the missionaries in this zone.

It's called Invictus

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced, nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid

It matters not how straight the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

I can't remember off the top of my head who wrote it but I'll let you know next week. (William Ernest Henley 1849–1903 British Author) But this poem is helping me a lot because of the last two lines, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul". That means, I'm the one who decides what to do with my life. Yes, life does throw curveballs at you, but YOU still decide wat to do when they come at you. That is one of the biggest things I've learned out here on my mission. That, and that the gospel is not a one time thing. It needs to be applied everyday because everyday is different than the one before and that means there is a new way to use the gospel in your life.

I know that by fasting and by studying the gospel, we can learn how to take the helm in our lives and direct our sails to where we truly want to go. By not doing this, we're just letting the wind and the current takes us wherever they want.

I'm going to make you all a promise.

I promise you, by the authority given to me as a representative of Jesus Christ, that if you make time to read the Book of Mormon everyday, and go to church on Sunday to learn the Gospel, I promise you will know exactly what to do at this time of your life to achieve the goals you are working on, and you will become the master of your fate, and the captain of your soul.

Now, the promise has been made and God will bless you with that. You have to do your part because of what the Lord said: "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise".

I'm going to check up on you to see if you have taken this promise and used it.

I love you all and hope and pray you are doing well and that you will take the promise.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

February 27, 2012

So, the Lord really does help us

So last week we had the opportunity to have Elder and Sister Gardner come over. They are a senior couple who started off teaching institute but are now doing a pilot program where they go to different companionships and teach them what they've learned from other missionaries and help them in whatever they need help with.

So, they came and took us to breakfast and then studied with us for a good long time. It was amazing. I learned so much from them and was able to talk with them about so many different things. It was amazing. When they had called to plan when to come over they asked if there was anything in particular that we (my companion and I) wanted to go over with them. I couldn't think of anything right then so I didn't know what to say. After I got off the phone I felt very strong to call back and ask them if we could talk about being motivated.

So, Wednesday they came, and when they talked to us one of the first things they shared with us was D&C 1:1-6. They specifically pointed out verse four where the Lord talks about his disciples. They helped me realize that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and that He, Himself, has chosen me to be His representative out here. It was an amazing experience.

The next day when we called them up to tell them how we're doing, I told them that I realized something after they had left. I realized that I had motivation, I just needed someone else to tell me that. Sister Gardner said "Isn't it strange how that happens?"

All-in-all, I'm doing a lot better. The only thing now is that we had two days in a row that we 70 and 80 degrees (don't ask me how that works in February, but, apparently it does) and I think the flowers started to bloom and my face wants to explode now because of allergies. Don't worry, I'm getting some antihistamines today. I should be better in a few days.

So, Saturday, (I want to share this really quickly), we had the adult session of stake conference. Our stake president got up and spoke to us and the first thing he said, after saying that the things he was about to share he felt were really important, was "Don't try to explain the unexplainable." That was one of the most amazing experiences I've had listening to a stake president. He then went on to explain that members of the church sometimes try to answer questions we don't have answers to. He talked about how someone asked him about polygamy, and his response was "the church stopped that over a hundred years ago..... but I still joined anyway." That helped me a lot because I'm the kind of person who loves questions and loves answering questions. So right now, I apologize to everyone, for trying to explain the unexplainable, and trying to answer things we
don't have answers for (such as why polygamy stopped). I ask y'all to forgive me for that. I am determined now to answer the questions I know we have answers to and to keep myself from explaining the unexplainable.

Then yesterday (sorry this is a longer email, I know, but so much has happened), we had a regional broadcast for stake conference. Elder Richard G. Scott spoke to us, as well as Paul B. Peiper of the Seventy, Silvia H. Allred from the general Relief Society Presidency, and Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop. It was great! The two things that stuck out to me were Elder Scott's talk about womanhood and how we need to defend it, and Bishop Burton's talk on listening to the living prophet. They were awesome!!!

I am so excited about this gospel, you wouldn't believe it! I know that Jesus Christ lives, that He is our saviour and redeemer, and that He is the Son of God. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom once again established on the earth to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Of this I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

So the coolest thing that's happened this past week....
K there are two things.

First off, it snowed on Sunday. It started in the afternoon and snowed until morning. We got about five-six inches of snow!!!! I was so excited!!!! The scary part was we were still about seven miles from home when it started sticking to the ground... It took us about 50 minutes to get home. Don't worry, I used my snow driving skills that I acquired in Utah and we made it home with out sliding around the road and with out any problems. We even made it up a pretty steep hill. I threw it into the lowest gear and went really slow, probably no faster than 5 mph. I was praying so hard right then because we just saw a car back down the hill because they couldn't make it up. But we were already going and had no where to turn around so, up the hill we went. And when we made it to the top that's when I started breathing again.

So that was number 1.

Second thing, this past Thursday we had a lesson with one of our investigators who's set to get baptized in March. He is an awesome guy and he was so excited to see us so that he could tell us his fiance, who's a member, got him church clothes for Valentine's day so that he didn't have to wear his work pants anymore. And he told us that he had Sunday off again (third time in a row!!!!!) so he would make it to church. (He ended up being really sick on Sunday, and he was so bummed, but he's praying to have next Sunday off, too) During the lesson I felt like asking him why he felt the way he did about the Gospel, why he felt so strongly about it. For the next five minutes it was him telling us about how he came to know this is true, went from being interested in learning to being interesting in living the Gospel, and how he knows God wants him to do this otherwise the missionaries wouldn't have found him when they did. He then closed with "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."!!! I was about to cry because of how strong the Spirit was in the room. It was amazing!!!

It is so amazing how this gospel changes ordinary lives and ordinary people into amazing Christlike lives, and amazing disciples of Christ. This Gospel is the only way to receive the blessings God wants for you, you all know that. I know that by staying strong to it and holding to the rod, you can make it through anything.

Satan works the hardest right before something great is about to happen. Don't let him win those battles. He's already lost the war and he knows it so he's going to try and drag down with him as many as he can. That "rod" is the thing that will keep you from being dragged down. If you feel as if you've fallen, get up and grab on to it again. Keep going towards it and never stop, never give up, and always look to Christ for help. I know He will be there to help you through those times, because He is helping me through all the difficult times I'm going through. Because I only have a little bit of time left on my mission Satan is working hard to keep me down. But I'm not going to let him because I choose Christ. I choose my Heavenly Father, and I choose to be a missionary for my Lord Jesus Christ.

I know this is the only and true Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ. I know He lives. I know God the Father lives and loves us. I know that in my heart and soul, and I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all,

-Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

February 13, 2012

13 February 2012

So, there is something I want to talk about. It's called: Motivation.
It's something that I have had a hard time with. For those of you who knew me before my mission you probably already know that. So, why am I talking about something I'm definitely NOT an expert in? I'll tell you....

I finally have gained some self-motivation. I finally gave up my fears and nervousness and just started doing. It's sad that it's taken me this long to start getting it, but at least I AM getting it. It's strange really, because it's actually not as difficult as I thought it would be. The trick is: choosing to be motivated, then to GO AND DO. And it pays off. Once you start, it keeps going as long as you don't stop.

I have about three months left on my mission. You're probably wondering "Is he trunky? Is that why he's talking about this?" No, that's not the case. I've come to accept that I'm going home in three months and there's nothing I can do to change that. What I can do is change how my mission is going to be for those three months. I'm going to make the last three months of my mission the best three months of my life so far. It's gonna be fun. I used to tell myself stuff like that all the time at different points of my mission, that I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that. And everytime, I failed to achieve that goal. This time it's different. This time I have something I didn't have back then: motivation, urgency, and an understanding of how vitally important this gospel is.

Something I learned in my last zone meeting was:

Vision, without action, is just a dream
Action, without vision, is passing time
Vision and Action, working together, can change the world

That's what I'm going to do. I have a vision, now I'm going to act on it.

I know that this gospel is the only way back to our Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus Christ lives, that God the Father lives, and that they both appeared to Joseph in the Sacred Grove. I know that with a shadow of a doubt. This is God's church. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

-Elder Ricky-dude
P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God

A random salamander we found outside our investigators apartment. He was just chillin' on the sidewalk when we came out.

It snowed Saturday!!!! But then the snow melted in about an hour....

I left a cup of water outside last night to see how cold it got and I found it like this in the morning.

Yesterday we made rolls and cinnamon rolls with a less-active family. It was great! (except I don't know how to make them fluffy, they were really thick and heavy.... any suggestions?)

6 February 2012

Cristan Mangum Weber
15 Aug 1963 - 2 Feb 2012

There is a mormon message that I want you to watch:
Watch this mormon message. I have and I know it will help you.

I love you all so much. And I know that Heavenly Father will help you through this thing, if you will but talk to Him and ask Him for help and do what He asks you to do. I know that to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all so much and I'm praying for you all.

I forgot to tell you, read True To The Faith, the section on Death. It talks about losing a loved one and how mourning is one of the greatest expressions of love. Please read D&C 42:45 also because that has helped me.

D&C 42:45 Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die, and more especially for those that have not hope of a glorious resurrection.

I love you all so much.

-Elder Ricky-dude

True To The Faith
Death, Physical

Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the mortal body. The Fall of Adam brought physical death into the world (see Moses 6:48).

Death is an essential part of Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation (see 2 Nephi 9:6). In order to become like our Eternal Father, we must experience death and later receive perfect, resurrected bodies.

When the physical body dies, the spirit continues to live. In the spirit world, the spirits of the righteous “are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow” (Alma 40:12). A place called spirit prison is reserved for “those who [have] died in their sins, without a knowledge of the truth, or in transgression, having rejected the prophets” (D&C 138:32). The spirits in prison are “taught faith in God, repentance from sin, vicarious baptism for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and all other principles of the gospel that [are] necessary for them to know” (D&C 138:33–34). If they accept the principles of the gospel, repent of their sins, and accept ordinances performed in their behalf in temples, they will be welcomed into paradise.

Because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, physical death is only temporary: “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). Everyone will be resurrected, meaning that every person’s spirit will be reunited with his or her body—“restored
to their proper and perfect frame” and no longer subject to death (Alma 40:23; see also Alma 11:44–45).

You have probably experienced the pain that comes at the death of a family member or friend. It is natural to feel sorrow at such times. In fact, mourning is one of the deepest expressions of love. The Lord said, “Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die” (D&C 42:45). The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life.

Even as you mourn at the death of loved ones, you can receive comfort in the promise of resurrection and in the assurance that families can be together forever. You can “see the great reason of sorrow, and also of rejoicing—sorrow because of death and destruction among men, and joy because of the light of Christ unto life” (Alma 28:14; see also verses 9–13).

In addition to receiving comfort when loved ones die, you can be at peace with the knowledge that you will eventually die. As you live the gospel, you can remember the Lord’s promise: “Those that die in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them” (D&C 42:46).

Additional references: Isaiah 25:8; 1 Corinthians 15:51–58; 2 Nephi
9:6–15; Mosiah 16:6–8

February 3, 2012

January 30, 2012

So... I'm tired. But, hey, that's missionary life.

Anyway, Elder Quiambao and Elder Ward are my new companions. They're awesome. Elder Ward is waiting for a Visa to go to Ukraine and he's pretty funny. He's from LA. Elder Quiambao originally from the Philippines (or however you spell it) and he's pretty funny too. He plays the piano and is actually quite good at it.

I get to be a district leader and it's weird to be in a leadership position again. I forgot how stressful it is. Yeah, I'm a little stressed, but it means that I have opportunity to grow! :D

The coolest thing that happened this past week, well, one of the best things, was being able to talk with a member family, we'll call them the Barnes family, about the gospel. Really, what it actually was was Bro. Barnes teaching US about the scriptures. He was raised Methodist and when he was growing up, in his sunday school, for every 5 scriptures you memorized you got a red star. For every 5 red stars you got a blue start; for every 5 blue stars you get a gold star; a
gold star and a years perfect attendance and you got a bible. Bro. Barnes got 7 bibles. Yeah, he knows the scriptures. So, for about an hour and a half, Bro. Barnes taught us about how to be better missionaries and about how we need to find out what kind of people we're teaching.

Two of the biggest things that stuck out to me are:
1 - The Church doesn't need defending. It is what it is and it's the truth. You can take it or leave it but it doesn't need defending;
2 - When someone brings up a concern (i.e. polygamy, blacks and the priesthood, etc.)
ask them "is that important to you?" If they say no, then ask them to ask the question they really want to ask; and 3 - (I know I said two but this one is important also) be bold and when someone starts trying to argue just tell them "I've been sent by a prophet of God to share a
message with you. Would you like to hear it or not?"

So, I'm gonna try and do that now, but I'm going to follow the Spirit in knowing how to best use them, because being bold without the Spirit is just plain old rude and annoying.

I'm so glad that I could be here on a mission. There are so many blessings I've received while being out here that have helped me so much and that will help me long after my mission is over. I wouldn't trade this for anything.

I love you all and hope and pray y'all are doing well.

Love ya,

-Elder Ricky-dude

January 23, 2012

I'm staying in Midlothian!!!

So I'm not being transferred. I'm staying in Midlothian (I might even finish my mission here, I don't know). Elder Monibidor is going to downtown Richmond. My new companion is from the Philippines and I think you spell his name Elder Quiembao (pronounced key-EM-bow, I think). He's pretty awesome from what I hear. Also, we're going to have a "VISA-waiter" with us. This missionary is going to Ukraine and will be here with us until he gets his visa to go over to Ukraine. So it's gonna be fun.

So last week we had interviews with President Perry and the first thing he said was "rumor has it you're coming up on your 20 month mark." I just told him "Yep". Then I went on to explain how I came to accept that fact. We were talking with a member and she had her husband on Skype (her husband is deployed). They asked me what I wanted to do after my mission and I said I have no idea. Then the husband said "you gotta have a plan". Then for the next hour he taught us about how we need to have a plan about where do we want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years; where, when, and how do you want to retire, and things like that. I took notes on it so that I can remember what he said. It was in that moment that I finally accepted the fact that I'm going home in about four months and there's nothing I can do to change that. I better make the best of what time I have left.

President the proceeded to ask me about what I want to do after my mission and if I needed help to get into school, or if I'm looking into employment and need letters of recommendation, to let him know. I told him I'm looking at two options: 1 - going to BYU-Idaho and their Return Missionary program; or 2 - Joining the Air Force ROTC.

When I told president that he kinda raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Well, THAT'S new". Then he told me that when I get closer to going home I can start looking into it.

Anyway, life's going great. I'm having fun. We have two people set for baptism. We're teaching quite a few people right now. I'm having fun....... wait, I already said that...... oh, well.....

And the biggest things I have learned this past week:

1 - Getting frustrated, nervous, or anxious, about things you can't control is useless. It's a waste of time and energy. Focus on what you can do and the things you can effect. "You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails" as President Monson said in this months Ensign.

2 - Do not ever take anything for granted. That is one of the biggest problems some people in the Church have is taking the Gospel for granted. That only leads to you being led down a wrong path that you will have a hard time getting back from. And finally: 3 - Never, and I mean Never, think that because you slipped up and made a mistake, that's it, it's over, you can't be forgiven.

That is Satan telling you that you're nothing and God doesn't want you now because you're stained with sin. You know what, you are nothing compared to the glory of God. But to God, you're EVERYTHING. You are His work and His glory and He loves you more that anyone can ever say in the most beautiful of song or the most elegant poetry. No words can describe His love for you.

I know that is true and I know he loves you and wants you back, no matter what you've done. There is always a way back.

I bear testimony that God lives, Jesus Christ is the Savior, YOUR Savior and Redeemer, and that Joseph Smith DID see God the Father and His Son and hear them speak, and The Book of Mormon is evidence of this, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all and hope and pray you are doing well.

-Elder Ricky-dude

January 17, 2012

So, I first off want to tell you all that I was a bit frustrated last week when I was typing that email so some of what I said may have been a little off. Just wanted to warn y'all.


This week was interesting we were really busy and we taught quite a few people last week. A few of them new investigators and some we've been seeing for a while. We saw that Catholic guy again on Friday and after doing some research ( and we shared with him what we learned from there. We were actually only able to share about abortion and then he took over the conversation.

It was during that conversation when I finally realized something momentous....... I was mad about what he was saying. I wasn't mad or frustrated or annoyed at all because I finally realized that to cause a fight right there would be to cause a rift and let Satan win. Both me and my companion realized that. Then what made that meeting even better was that we started to talk about our potential to become like God. The guy we were talking to (I'll call him Billy-Bob from now on) was completely thrown off by it. Not by what we were teaching, but HOW we were teaching it. You could see it in his face.

Now, the doctrine of our potential to become like God is not some mysterious thing that is talked about in only very private settings. No, it's talked about all over the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. To teach this doctrine with your companion in the spirit of unity and
in the spirit of teaching and love, you can teach it so that a three-year-old could understand it. And that's what happened. It was awesome! I've never been that unified with a companion than in that moment right there. And it was because we loved the person we were talking with, we loved Billy-Bob so much that we listened to the Spirit. It was amazing.

I know without a doubt that this gospel is true and that by living it we won't ever be left without an answer to our questions and that we won't ever have to worry about whether or not we are doing the right thing because the Spirit will tell us as long as we are living worthy
of his presence.

Then on Sunday we went by one of our newer investigators we taught and talked with him about stuff. He brought up some concerns about things he read on the internet about us and he presented them to us. We just calmly said "thank you for bringing these up to us because it gives us the chance to help you understand everything". He brought up a lot of things about what the Book of Mormon talks about and every time he did, we calmly just read a scripture about those things. For example, someone wrote that Nephi built a temple equal to that of Solomon's
temple, but with only 19 people. We read 2 Nephi 5:16 (I think that's the scripture, if it's not 16 it's around there) where it says he built it after the manner of Solomon's temple but without the precious materials that Solomon's temple had.

Basically any concern he brought up we just calmly answered it with scripture. It was AWESOME!!!!

Anyway, so I've written an epistle to y'all and now I'll give you time to read it. But by the time you get to this part you'll have read it and depending on how fast you read you'll probably finish reading this in about 10-15 minutes. (Jake I know you'll have it read in like 5 minutes because you're a really fast reader).

I love you all and hope a pray y'all are doing well.

Peace, love, and happiness (maybe some chocolate) to all of you.

-Elder Ricky-dude

Pre-P.S. I haven't taken any pictures for the past little while, but
I will have some for you next week. I promise!

January 9, 2012

So this past week was interesting, very interesting. This past week has been a blur, to put it simply. It's all mushed together into one big thought. If I think about it for a minute, I can separate it........ so bear with me here.........

The biggest and strangest thing that happened was when I went on an exchange with a fairly new missionary. We went to see this staunch catholic guy. Basically what ends up happening when we see him is that he ends up trying to convert us to Catholicism. Yeah, it's interesting. He's very smart and know the history of the Catholic church very well. So well, in fact, that it's kind of creepy. Everything that we say somehow gets twisted around by him to throw it back against us. It's fun going over there because I get to see how twisted things have become in today's world.

Whenever I do go over there and it starts becoming a little contentious, I just shut down and listen. Whenever I think to add something that I can see could possibly help him understand but would most likely end up being twisted around on me, the Spirit just stops me. I end up bearing testimony about the truthfulness of the Gospel. It's crazy because most of the things that he brings up are about church history or something else that we as missionaries don't really study about or about an issue that's done and over with, such as Blacks and the Priesthood, polygamy, and abortion. (This guy believes our church condones abortion) His biggest argument about why things changed with this is because the Church succumbed to social pressure. IN NO WAY IS THAT TRUE. I put that in bold letters because I really want you all to know that that is not true. The reason why polygamy stopped was to keep the temples open.

The Church does not succumb to social pressure. God does not succumb to social pressure. No matter what.

No matter what anyone tells you, this is the true Church of Jesus Christ because it fulfills prophecy, is lead by a living and true prophet, and holds the Priesthood of God. This true church is what's going to save all mankind from itself. Everything depends upon us who know the truth. I will be honest with you, it is not an easy task, nor will it be an easy thing. God didn't make this life and our responsibilities easy. He made it hard. But He also made it possible to work through the challenges and reach higher levels. I know that our loving Father in Heaven made it possible for every, I repeat that, EVERY soul to come back to him no matter what that person has done, if they will but follow His son, Jesus Christ and be willing to humble themselves and submit to Heavenly Father's will. He knows what's best for us and He will make it possible for us to achieve true happiness and lasting joy, not just a temporary euphoria that ends when something throws it off course. I know that that is true with all my heart and nothing is going to separate me from that knowledge because I have received that witness from the Holy Ghost that tells me this is Jesus Christ's true church and that I am following him. I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all so much.

-Elder Ricky-dude

January 3, 2012

So, let me teach you something...

Being compelled to be humble is NOT FUN. Let me explain why I'm telling you this.

Last week I had a really rough experience and that was a moment when everything in my life flipped upside down. It was then that I finally realized how prideful I had actually been. I never realized what I was doing until that moment. The next few days were some of the hardest days for me on my mission. The Lord was really humbling me and I thought that He would say, you messed up and you need to feel some of the punishment to help you, and then I'd be sad and feel guilty for a little bit and then by the end of the day be fine. Nope. That's definitely not what happened. For the next two and half days I felt like throwing up and I was seriously feeling the weight of what I've done by being prideful. It was so difficult. I wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry for the entire time, but I couldn't because I needed to go and work.

After studying so many different Ensign articles from General Conference and studying the scriptures and praying for help and forgiveness like I've never prayed before, I finally was able to feel relief. I'm coming out of this understanding, at least a little better, what it means to be humble. I've been trying for the past few days to focus on helping others and about what the LORD needs me to do, and what the LORD wants the people to know, not what I want to tell people. When I talked to people I would always try to think of situations that I was in to help them. That's good and all, but the best and most effective thing would have been to think of things the Savior said, in scriptures and through the prophets, that would have helped the most. That's what I've been trying to do now and it is helping me to understand better what my purpose is as a missionary. It's brought me such joy that, just like Alma said in Alma 36, nothing could have been so exquisite and bitter as my pain, and nothing could have been so exquisite, sweet and wonderful as my joy.

Being compelled to be humble is not a pleasant experience and it never will be. But it is so worth it that I will gladly take it over never knowing I was being prideful. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be humbled by the Lord because that means He loves me and wants me to do better and NEEDS me to do better because I'm supposed to help people out here. He can't have me goofin off and not focusing on what I'm supposed to do.

So, why am I sharing this with you? Because we learn in the Bible that he who has been warned should warn his neighbor. If you've ever read the talk "Beware of Pride" by President Ezra Taft Benson, read it again. If you've never read it, read it. Because it was that talk that helped me to start choosing to be humble. There are two things in that talk that stick out to me right now:

"The Lord will have a humble people" and "Let us choose to be humble"

Let us all (that includes me, too) choose to be humble, because being compelled to be humble by the Lord is not pleasant, and that we will all feel the joy that comes from knowing the Lord is pleased with us, is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder Ricky-dude

P.S. The Church is true!
P.P.S. FROG - Fully Rely On God